Thigns can only get better, right?

Apr 20, 2010 10:22

So yesterday was officially a shit-tastic start to the week. It was one of those days that took everything I had just to get out of bed. My brain was fuzzy, my allergies were playing up, my head was all over the place. I was the epitome of a fragilewobblyteary llama ( Read more... )

the morning wibble, work, ultragrrrl, bondage, health, family, hilary duff, vanessa anne hudgens, friends, fandom

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Comments 7

jaazza April 20 2010, 09:40:50 UTC
Aww...I just want to give you a big hug now. What a sh*tty day!

I hope tomorrow is heaps better for you. Hang in there.


shanachie_quill April 20 2010, 10:31:20 UTC
*big hugs* *sends Eliot and Dean to beat up that evil customer* That was just...NOT acceptable! I cannot NOT believe someone would talk to ANYONE that way...much less someone as sweet and kind as you! Not to mention someone trying to HELP them.

Oooo so mad and annoyed right now *growls* That is just UNCALLED for!

*hugs you again* Oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear you had a horrible day. Something like that is tough to deal with on a day you aren't feeling vulnerable. Lemme know if you need anything. (I can't talk back on eljay during the email me if you need a response.)


rasah April 20 2010, 11:58:18 UTC
er, wait, Aldis Hodge is going??? I did not know that... not that I can get the time off to go anyway! If you go, give Aldis a big hug for me!

Anyhoo, I saw this yesterday and thought of you, although I'm POSITIVE you must have already seen it but I just watched it and it's very cute...

Christian Kane spits a lot doesn't he? *g*


badfalcon April 21 2010, 15:38:24 UTC
oh i have so much love for that. And *giggles* there's a really funny story about Kane's spitting.
At his gigs in January, Riley was saying how he and Chris were reading all the comments to the vid, and then puts on this totally girly valleygirl voice and takes the piss out of the fact everyone was all "eww" over the spitting. Joked he shoulda if that was what it took to get people to talk to him.

i cannot wait for this movie! \o/


honeyjojames April 20 2010, 15:22:37 UTC
*hugs tightly* God, that abusive customer deserves to be sporked really really hard. What an asshole.
Glad you got a docs appointment though. I hope you start feeling better soon. *hugs even tighter*


sgfansean April 21 2010, 01:13:12 UTC
I'm really sorry to hear that you had to put up with such a verbally abusive customer, Sweetie. I had to put up with an equally abusive coworker today. I know how it feels to be talked down to and it's never a good thing.

I hope that your week will get better.

I think that Asylum sounds like just what the doctor ordered and I hope that you'll have a blast there with your friends. Say Hello to Mr. Sexy Man for me. Will ya?



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