Title: Anaesthesia
Universe: Doctor Who
Length: 5000 words
Cliche: Amnesia, for
astrogirl2Rating: PG
Summary: To know, or not to know, that is the question.
9th Doctor, pre-"Rose", spoilers through to "Dalek"
Because this story is so long, I'm just linking to it from here:
AnaesthesiaOh, irony, irony! We got each others' requests and did the same cliche,
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Comments 5
Anyway, definitely enjoyed it. Good dialog, a very Who-ish feeling story, and I loved the songs.
I think it affirms my belief that it's a pointless waste of time to worry about whether someone else has done a story based on the same idea, because everyone is going bring their own special perspective and style to it.
I'm really glad you ended up going with the 9th Doctor for this one, too. 4th-Doc amnesia would have been fun, but it'd lack the poignancy you get with #9.
Yeah, well, it was irresistable -- as you know.
I wasn't certain how soon after the Time War this could be set -- and while I suspected that it was the events of the Time War which caused his regeneration from 8th to 9th, I didn't know whether anything had come up in later episodes to contradict that, so I made it vague.
Anyway, definitely enjoyed it. Good dialog, a very Who-ish feeling story, and I loved the songs.
(big grin) Thanks.
Absolutely. I tend not to worry much about that sort of thing, myself. :)
Yeah, well, it was irresistable -- as you know.
I do, indeed. Ah, the 9th Doctor gives such lovely angst. :)
I didn't know whether anything had come up in later episodes to contradict that, so I made it vague.
You're pretty much safe on that front, really, but, yes, I think you did a fine job using what info you've already got from canon to give it enough specificity to have the right emotional feel to it, while leaving it open enough that it won't be contradicted.
This is a really fascinating world. Good work!
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