So, I just want to share this example for anyone who is interested, or that writes, or that doesn't write but is sort of interested in the mystery of writing
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I just realized this and now I feel like an asshole.
I read your last few fics on my phone while I was at work. And I didn't comment. I meant to (and in the back of my mind, I was sure I did, I think) but I just forgot, and kind of went on with life. (I'll be commenting tomorrow when I can leisurely re-read them and take them in, and THAT is my solemn vow. BTW, they were wonderful.)
And it's just hit me- a lot of people are bemoaning the slow death of lj and that no one is around any more, and whatnot, and I just think about how much more people are on their phones now and typing out an in depth, appreciative comment is so much more difficult on a phone. And today, I had kind of one of those Whoa, We're Practically the Jetsons moments because I accidentally left my phone at home, and so all day today, I was kind of technology-less. And it was mildly unsettling, when I realized I'd have to go through my commute without my iPod, and I was mostly fidgety today between clients, without something to click my fingers on
( ... )
LOL, yes, I think you're right, though. I do read a lot on my phone nowadays, too. I hadn't taken that inconvenience into consideration, but it totally is a reason why I haven't commented from time to time.
The saving grace for me with the decline of LJ is AO3. All the stories I've posted for TWD and Arrow have gotten tons of response, which has been very encouraging. I still post at LJ because I'm old school, but AO3 is where it's at ;-)
It's just interesting to me how small the TVD fandom is in comparison, and how it must be that hardly anybody from that fandom reads fic anymore. The difference in the number of hits is dramatic, forget about comments in general. It's really nuts.
From a discussion standpoint, I'm more interested in your thoughts about my Beth and Daryl fics, but I never want anyone to feel obligated to comment! So if you're too busy, I understand! But I'm also sad that you've given up on whatever you've been writing!
Not giving up yet! Might have to switch courses though, I think I'm getting a little out of character (I'll send you it anyway though, just what I've got).
And also, I'm just wondering if this is a started writing B/D in the very beginning of their possibilities, and there's kind of any which way it can go.
In the early days of TVD, I feel like I saw an overwhelming number of D/E fics (and really none at all for minor characters like Matt). But Damon and Elena have been the canon, central romance of the show for a while now, so do you think that might have cooled some general interest in stories for them
( ... )
This is so true...I've been writing little odds and ends of fic for VM, which is pretty much done (except for the movie, which revamped the interest a bit). And of course there isn't much of a response, because the show has been off the air for how many years now? (I think seven?) While I've loved playing with the characters, I am struck by how much more fun it is to write something when people are all excited and begging for an update.
I say this not to bemoan my fate, since I knew I was writing for an off-the-air show, but to share the guilt of not commenting when I should have. Even when I'm reading a story that is a good seven or eight years old, if that author still has an online presence, I sort of owe it to them to let them know how amazing their fic was. And some of what I've been reading lately is incredible. I'm trying to remember to not consume fic like a greedy materialist, but to think of it more as a huge communal enterprise. Fandom is so much better that way. :)
I'm telling you, get on AO3. I think you'd find a lot more people read VM fic there! I've never been much of a reader (or writer) of VM fic, but I have other friends who got lots of response over there.
Thank you! I'm actually on A03 already and have posted a couple of stories there. It's just a pretty quiet deal, since that fandom hit its heyday a while back. Besides, I think it's one of those things where you just have to write the story whether you get a ton of feedback or not, because you just want to get it off your chest. And that's fine--some stories you have to write regardless.
I have a big problem right now with my TVD/THG fusion, because let's face it, I have everything I need to finish this story. I have the outline, I'm interested in writing it, I love it. I freaking WROTE 11k words already. And yet I haven't touched this story for three months, because posting every chapter has been like a punch in the gut. No one reads it. No one is excited about it, no one is interested. (Okay, there have been a few people, but you know what I mean. A few people read because it's there, but no one is really into it.) So I'm like: why bother? No one needs it.
Seriously though, this is the first story for me in which posting feels worse than writing. Usually posting the story is uplifting, it makes me feel better about my writing, and makes me want to write more. With this one, after posting every chapter I had a few days of feeling sure I should never write again :(.
It's one of those things that's so hard to gauge--you were interested in this, so there must be more people who would be into it. For me, there are certain fandoms that I love but fic doesn't appeal to me at all--and novels are one of them. I've never read fic for HP or THG. I love them, and can talk endlessly about them, but I have no desire for fic about it, and I have no idea why.
People are weird, and our likes and dislikes often make no sense. There must be an audience somewhere, but the problem is finding those people! Of course, often there are many people reading something, but not commenting on it. But yeah, very discouraging. :*(
I feel completely stupid that I don't recall any fic you ever wrote about TVD. So I just went looking through your journal a bit and I found one Damon+Meredith fic that was great, though short, (and reminds me of how much I loved Meredith), but did you really write Stefan/Meredith fic? I have no recollection of that!
Thanks. It was early in the morning when I wrote that sentence and I knew it was confusing, but I was too sleepy to fix it! I didn't write a Stefan/Meredith fic, but one with Meredith (the one you found) and one with Stefan (this one: That's all I achieved - that I managed to finish anyway. I really wish I could have finished my Damon and Stefan in 1994 fic though as I really liked what I had, but what I didn't have was a plot.
Feedback doesn't define me, because I've always just written whatever I wanted and been lucky enough, like you say to have people like it. which in some ways does still surprise me. What I am saying is that interaction feeds my muse...I initially write because I can't NOT write, but whether or not I keep in that same vein? I've realized that's fed by the response to it.
But I'm just now figuring this out, you know, 15 years into it. So maybe initially it was more what you're describing, but now in my old lady status, it's something else?
It's because I write to say something and I want to talk about what I'm saying. Or rather, I want people to want to talk to me about what I'm saying ;-)
Comments 29
I read your last few fics on my phone while I was at work. And I didn't comment. I meant to (and in the back of my mind, I was sure I did, I think) but I just forgot, and kind of went on with life. (I'll be commenting tomorrow when I can leisurely re-read them and take them in, and THAT is my solemn vow. BTW, they were wonderful.)
And it's just hit me- a lot of people are bemoaning the slow death of lj and that no one is around any more, and whatnot, and I just think about how much more people are on their phones now and typing out an in depth, appreciative comment is so much more difficult on a phone. And today, I had kind of one of those Whoa, We're Practically the Jetsons moments because I accidentally left my phone at home, and so all day today, I was kind of technology-less. And it was mildly unsettling, when I realized I'd have to go through my commute without my iPod, and I was mostly fidgety today between clients, without something to click my fingers on ( ... )
The saving grace for me with the decline of LJ is AO3. All the stories I've posted for TWD and Arrow have gotten tons of response, which has been very encouraging. I still post at LJ because I'm old school, but AO3 is where it's at ;-)
It's just interesting to me how small the TVD fandom is in comparison, and how it must be that hardly anybody from that fandom reads fic anymore. The difference in the number of hits is dramatic, forget about comments in general. It's really nuts.
From a discussion standpoint, I'm more interested in your thoughts about my Beth and Daryl fics, but I never want anyone to feel obligated to comment! So if you're too busy, I understand! But I'm also sad that you've given up on whatever you've been writing!
And also, I'm just wondering if this is a started writing B/D in the very beginning of their possibilities, and there's kind of any which way it can go.
In the early days of TVD, I feel like I saw an overwhelming number of D/E fics (and really none at all for minor characters like Matt). But Damon and Elena have been the canon, central romance of the show for a while now, so do you think that might have cooled some general interest in stories for them ( ... )
I say this not to bemoan my fate, since I knew I was writing for an off-the-air show, but to share the guilt of not commenting when I should have. Even when I'm reading a story that is a good seven or eight years old, if that author still has an online presence, I sort of owe it to them to let them know how amazing their fic was. And some of what I've been reading lately is incredible. I'm trying to remember to not consume fic like a greedy materialist, but to think of it more as a huge communal enterprise. Fandom is so much better that way. :)
If you give me your email, I can send you a code!
I have a big problem right now with my TVD/THG fusion, because let's face it, I have everything I need to finish this story. I have the outline, I'm interested in writing it, I love it. I freaking WROTE 11k words already. And yet I haven't touched this story for three months, because posting every chapter has been like a punch in the gut. No one reads it. No one is excited about it, no one is interested. (Okay, there have been a few people, but you know what I mean. A few people read because it's there, but no one is really into it.) So I'm like: why bother? No one needs it.
Seriously though, this is the first story for me in which posting feels worse than writing. Usually posting the story is uplifting, it makes me feel better about my writing, and makes me want to write more. With this one, after posting every chapter I had a few days of feeling sure I should never write again :(.
People are weird, and our likes and dislikes often make no sense. There must be an audience somewhere, but the problem is finding those people! Of course, often there are many people reading something, but not commenting on it. But yeah, very discouraging. :*(
Perhaps I shouldn't have written fics about about Stefan and Meredith...
(The comment has been removed)
But I'm just now figuring this out, you know, 15 years into it. So maybe initially it was more what you're describing, but now in my old lady status, it's something else?
It's because I write to say something and I want to talk about what I'm saying. Or rather, I want people to want to talk to me about what I'm saying ;-)
It's all very consuming!
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