Just for fun...

Jan 22, 2011 21:08

So, it's 9pm on Saturday night. I'm fixing to take a shower and hit the hay because I've got early church meetings tomorrow, but I'm also in the mood to write ficlets--if anyone so desires them of me. I'll most likely work on them tomorrow afternoon once I'm home from church ( Read more... )

drabble, fanfic

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waltzmatildah January 23 2011, 10:45:45 UTC
Damon POV | Damon +/ Caroline | Empire


badboy_fangirl June 8 2011, 18:54:10 UTC
Those early episodes when he's so mean to her---GAH. It's awful to watch, and really hard to GO BACK and watch after he's had some growth.

I really love D&C as friends, never shipped them, but they are my favorite characters individually, so writing them together is always a special treat.

This is one of my favorite pieces that came on whim. So glad you liked it! :D


brokenbell October 25 2011, 14:12:31 UTC
Awww, I love this. You are basically prophetic; there was so much fandom drama about Damon and Caroline throwing each other around in "Disturbing Behavior" -- but that is how vampires act around each other, duh.

I really like seeing Damon addressing Caroline's insecurity. The parallels he noticed between himself and Caroline make me even more excited to see her vampire-life play out. Of course, we'll probably only see a few years of it on the show, but there's always fanfic.


badboy_fangirl October 25 2011, 16:16:30 UTC
This is one of my favorite drabblesque fics. It was pure inspiration, and it still holds up character-wise, months later, which is very cool!

Thanks for commenting on it!


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