
Feb 12, 2009 23:30

Ooh~ la la! Never in my wildest (and wettest) dreams did I ever think this kink meme would yield such passionate results! With nearly five thousand comments in the initial post, I figured it was high time we bring the naked party over into a new post to leave the first open for request followup and... other forms of fulfillment ( Read more... )

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anonymous February 17 2009, 01:26:45 UTC
"Dammit! I'll get you guys for this someday!"

Kanji says this to the group (Souji, Yosuke, Yukiko, Chie, and Teddie) after the whole silly-nose-glasses incident.


Make it sexy or cracky. Anon's choice!


[1/?] anonymous April 30 2009, 14:52:49 UTC
[I thought it would interesting to write out this fill from the group's individual points of view. I started with Teddie, but I don't know if I'll continue through all of the characters. Someonelse can always add on with their own- whichever character it is from the group. I wrote it up quick for fun, so I apologize if it's not to your liking! :< ]

It was a bearutiful day, let me tell you, even if it was a little on the muggy side. All the pretty girls that come to Junes were out doing what they usually do there: Shop of course! Well, anyway, it was sometime around lunch, I think, when I started getting this feeling. This weird feeling where my fur starts to tingle like that time Yosuke said it was a good idea to lick that....battery....thing- which is wasn't! When I did it made my tongue sting and all the muscles in my shoulders got so tight there was a knot there for weeks! I even asked Chie-chan to massage it out, but it didn't feel nice like I thought it would. It felt a little like she was trying to strangle me and he fingers ( ... )


[2/2] anonymous April 30 2009, 14:53:29 UTC
I kept an eye peeled all day, but the witch always stayed just outside of my balloon vision! When my job as the official Junes mascot was over and I went to look for Yosuke the worst thing happened to me! I was attacked by the witch! She got me from behind you know, grabbed my arms and everything! It was when I went to call for help that I felt something like cold fire hit me in the back of the head! Well, I know fire is hot, but if it was cold and still managed to burn like that had I think cold fire is a pretty good description. It felt like I got smacked with something huge and flat! Before I could really think too much on it though I....I passed out ( ... )


Re: [2/2] anonymous April 30 2009, 16:08:28 UTC
EPIC! XDD I hope you do the others, this was deliciously silly.


anonymous May 2 2009, 17:59:15 UTC
writer here: Thank you! I just finished up Yosuke's and posted!


Re: [2/2] anonymous May 1 2009, 11:00:28 UTC
This is so cute! I love how you do Teddie's POV, especially what with the constant side-tracking. &hearts I'd love to see the others done as well!


anonymous May 2 2009, 18:00:56 UTC
Writer~ Thank you! I figured when people tell a story they never really stay right on track XD I just put up Yosuke's POV. I hope it's alright!


Yosuke, POV. [1/?] anonymous May 2 2009, 17:50:47 UTC
Geez, He gave me the creeps to begin with. I kind of just wanted to forget everything that happened, but at the same time I guess it's a good idea to get it all off my chest. I don't have a problem with Kanji, per se, just a problem with Kanji.

I think it's kinda strange how he always find some way to...you know, get closer to me and Souji in one way or another. Man, and his shadow? Come on! That place gave me the willies weeks after we beat that damn thing! My partner always wanted to go back there and just had to take me with him because Kanji didn't want to go. Don't get me wrong it was nice how he never made anyone go into their own areas once they were saved but......but why me!? Why not- I dunno, Teddie or something! Ugh. I hate that place. Gross, dude, just plain gross ( ... )


Yosuke, POV. [2/2] anonymous May 2 2009, 17:58:23 UTC
We had a little conversation, nothing too long because she had to get home and I actually had to do my job or else my Dad would chew my head off the next day. It sucks working for your Dad because he knows EVERYTHING. If I'm ever tired at work I don't get slack like a normal boss would give. Nope. No way. He just says something like 'You knew you had work today, I heard in your room on that phone of yours with your friend until midnight last night. You need to be more responsible. Harump. Complain. Lecture, blah, blahdy, blah ( ... )


Re: Yosuke, POV. [2/2] anonymous May 4 2009, 02:50:33 UTC
That.. was epic. You got Yosuke's voice down very well. I laughed way hard at the thought of the killer interrupting The Price is Right, lol.

You're doing great, writer!anon. <3


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