
May 26, 2009 07:16

Oh gracious, I turn a blind eye for just a sexond and the second post fills up! Darlings, sweetpeas, do please forgive my tardiness. I bring you now our third installment of the fantasticousity, and would indeed love to, ah, beg your pardon in being so late about it.


In this scintillating post ( Read more... )

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A Different Way to Be anonymous July 12 2009, 19:10:15 UTC
Fresh off my recent enormous fill, I have a request that I can't imagine will get filled... but it could be neat! So what the heck...

Souji Seta arrives in Inaba, meets some friends, and starts investigating the series of murders. That much is the same...

But the investigation team consists of no other members of the canon team. No Yosuke, no Yukiko, no Naoto. None of the main cast except Souji enter the television or become a part of the team.

Who would come along with him? Would it be the social link characters such as Yumi, Daisuke, and Ai? Who would they meet on the other side? Would they interact with the would-have-been members, or not? What happens from there?

A glimpse or a long story, crack or serious, whatever tickles the interests of the anon. We've seen the investigation team in many settings, but what if they're not the team?


A Room to the Left [1/?] anonymous July 12 2009, 20:59:00 UTC
A new town, leaving another group of friends behind in the name of his parent’s work. That much was the same.

Meeting his new caretakers, an uncle he barely remembered and a young girl that seemed rather afraid of him. That much was the same.

Starting a new school - Class 2-1 at Yasogami High - and going through the motions. That much was the same.

Having strange dreams of a velvet limousine, putting your hand inside a TV and awakening to a new power to save your first friend in the town of Inaba?

…not the same.

- - -

[ Lunchtime]Souji turned in his seat as he felt a tap on his shoulder; an attractive brunette girl was sitting behind him, leaning back in her seat and folding her arms. Souji noticed she seemed almost bored as she looked him over appraisingly ( ... )


Writer anonymous July 12 2009, 21:00:58 UTC
...oh fucks, that second date should read 15/04. My bad!


A Room to the Left [2/?] anonymous July 12 2009, 21:48:29 UTC
[Early Morning]

“Hey, uh…thanks.”

“For what?”

“Don’t be an ass, Souji. For…helping me. In there.”

“…it was nothing.”

“Hmph. Whatever. Don’t take the thanks. Like I care.”

Souji smiled, a voice resounding in his head, the possibilities of the Moon Arcana opening before him.


Souji blinked as the image on the TV swam into focus. A woman, definitely, somewhere in her early-thirties, chatting happily to the camera as kids ran around her. Periodically, she would pick one up - usually the boy in the blue and red shirt - and hurl him as far away as she could manage, never losing that charming smile.

The shock only wore off as his phone buzzed in his pocket, the TV screen back to its regular, reassuring darkness. Maybe Ai would have a better idea of what…whatever that was, was.

…wasn’t that woman on the news a few nights ago?

- - -

[After School]The news that morning was like a punch to the gut; neighbours had been alerted by a panicking child, left alone in the house. His stepmother, Eri Minami, had been ( ... )


OP anonymous July 12 2009, 22:25:40 UTC
Very interesting, anon! I'm looking forward to seeing where you're taking this! *F5*


Re: A Room to the Left [2/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 01:15:47 UTC
D: I...I love you. Not just for having Ai in here, but having Souji go to SOCCER with DAISUKE. I'm probably one of the few people in this fanbase who hands-down likes Daisuke more than Kou...(Don't get me wrong, I love Kou...but Daisuke's just love~)

Can't wait to see where you take this, anon!


Re: A Room to the Left [2/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 07:41:33 UTC
You are not alone, anon! This anon also prefers soccer over basketball, even though Kou's S.Link plot has a little more substance to it than Daisuke's. The fact Daisuke is hot kinda helps.

At times, she is tempted to rewrite it a bit.


Re: A Room to the Left [2/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 13:03:02 UTC
I <3 U.
Little tiny detail, Ai must have a veeeery big TV with all the money her family has *hint hint*
I can't wait for more, you are doing great so far.


A Room to the Left [3/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 21:04:04 UTC
Ooh, good point, anon! I hadn't even thought of Ai's house. :3
And I'm actually in the Kou camp myself, buuuut. Well. You'll see.

Early Morning]

The beat of steady running caught Souji’s attention as Daisuke hurried up behind him, easily falling into step beside him. The boy gave a big grin, shouldering his backpack.

“Morning, dude! Great day for soccer, huh?” he laughed. Souji nodded in response, smiling, and eventually Daisuke’s expression died down into something almost thoughtful. “Hey, can I, uh…ask you something?”

Souji blinked. “Sure.”

Daisuke struggled with his words for awhile. “Are you and Ai, uh…like…”


“…nah, it’s nothing, man.” Daisuke grinned, clapping him on the back. “Ain’t any of my business, anyway.”

[After School]

“Ugh! Would you go away, Daisuke? We’ve got something to do here, ya know ( ... )


A Room to the Left [4/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 21:33:33 UTC
Daisuke slowly got to his feet as Siegfried hovered above him, transmuting into a card and tucking itself neatly away in his soul. He gave a shaky grin before falling to one knee with a pained noise ( ... )


Re: A Room to the Left [4/?] anonymous July 13 2009, 23:14:13 UTC
They would save Minami-san today, or die trying.
Don't we all try to do that? It's the "Argh, I've come so far already, I'm not going to loose another day!! Gather your money for the fox!" XD

Drama club? Really? I prefer Ayane all the way.

You are doing and aaaaawesome job anon!!!


Re: A Room to the Left [4/?] anonymous July 14 2009, 01:25:53 UTC
:D Oh, Ai, reading this reminds me why I adore you so much.

Hmm...now that I've gone through both Sun links, I, too, prefer Ayanae (which is funny, because she was the reason I flatout chose Drama Club the first playthrough). But Yumi would provide a starker dynamic, especially for Ai. ^_^; Can't wait to see what you do in that regard.


OP anonymous July 14 2009, 23:03:00 UTC
Ooh, Eri Minami? Things just got real.

Loving this so far, anon. I can't wait to see where this goes from here!


Re: A Room to the Left [4/?] anonymous July 17 2009, 04:04:31 UTC
Not OP, but I'm really enjoying this -- I like the characters you chose, and the weapons/Personae you gave them. Hope you'll continue this!


A Room to the Left [5/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 22:47:05 UTC
The battle was harsher, filled with cackling laughter as the thing-that-was-Minami loomed above them, swinging again and again with clawed hands, the entire room - already cold with the height of their battleground - growing even colder with the icicles spearing around them. Souji noticed Ai shiver as she fired off bolt after bolt - and why did all these monsters have to have such billowing hair and clothes, anyway? - into the thing. The only thing that stopped its speed form becoming utterly impossible to dodge was her tiny assistant, knocking into her legs every so often and making her fall over. Souji felt bad about it - the knowledge he’d gleaned from the daycare centre only making things worse - but he urged the team forward anyway, striking where it hurt.

The grateful smile Eri gave him once she had accepted herself - “You’re not alone”, he’d said - and had Sarasvati open up her mind to her new power only made it hurt a little more.

[After School]“Oh, didn’t I tell you, Sensei? Those butterflies let you go right back to ( ... )


A Room to the Left [6/?] anonymous July 21 2009, 23:02:23 UTC
[After School]

He must have double booked himself at some point, Souji realised, Ai sitting on one side of him and Chie on the other as they all studied together. They got a lot of work done between the three of them, yes, but Ai seemed very easily exasperated as Chie struggled to work out certain problems.

The fact that she was glaring daggers at the other girl’s head every time she looked away certainly wasn’t helping.


You could hear the thud as Daisuke finished the last question of the last exam, his head dropping soundly onto the desk with an elongated groan. Souji bit back a chuckle as their homeroom teacher glared out at them. That wouldn’t be polite at all.


Souji squinted as the Midnight Channel swam into what could technically be called focus; this time, the victim seemed to be an older man, his arms folded, facing away from the TV…he looked oddly familiar. Who was that, anyway?



Pi pi pi pi pi pi…“…hello ( ... )


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