I get all this and I understand it enough... but did you ever once try taking this to her?
Y'know bringing up the character issues on an HMD if she has one or being honest and saying you're doing this and ... also this and that makes me uncomfortable?
You can't really expect someone to read your mind, so, stalling and feigning niceness through everything instead of addressing it there with that person and subtly flaming them here doesn't really do anything to fix it. Although I do understand the need to rant.
Just seems like it would have saved you a whole lot of grief if you were forward with Sir Whinesalot.
What may seem like guilt tripping and imposing to you might be an attempt at light hearted cheering up from her. RPing is a coping thing for a lot of people so bringing up funny threads that at times have nothing to do with past threads can be like... sharing a laugh.
Obviously she likes you as a person or she would get tired of bugging you. Truth because ... even for all of the bribe threading in the world. If that really was what it was about, she'd get bored and move on because no one that guilts another person is willing to get shot down repeatedly for the sake of it.
Some people... are just open like that. With themselves and everyone. It's what they do. Doesn't mean its a good thing for you and it certainly doesn't mean that the two of you will be cohesive but people are different for a reason.
If everyone was the same- we'd all be pretty boring.
addition: possemagnetNovember 15 2010, 01:08:02 UTC
And you'd be surprised. If phrased in a way that isn't HDU YOU DEFY MY DELICATE SENSIBILITIES the concrit might be greatly appreciated. Most people around here are looking to improve.
Agreeing with needzmoarpie here. You'd be surprised how often folks just don't realize they're bothering you, especially on the internet. Sometimes, a simple "I'm sorry, but this topic makes me uncomfortable" or "I'm really busy right now, can we talk later?" works great. Remember, discomfort doesn't really communicate over the internet unless you say it's happening.
True, every now and again you'll get a nutter who's just cyberstalking, but I'd guess most folks out there aren't that way.
Wow. There's nothing like a dose of perspective for making you feel like a dick, huh? Thanks for taking the time to reply. I think I'll give talking to her a shot.
Hey, you aren't doing anything wrong. Figured I'd just throw my two cents in before you start taking her behavior really personal. She could just be an annoying jerk, but I'm willing to bet she doesn't have many friends in real life and fails interpersonal relations on a regular basis.
In a surprisingly perfect about face from the rest of the comments here, I wonder aloud to you, dear OP/internet, when we decided that interactions on the internet are completely void of social norms. Now granted, before BRPS eats me alive for SUGGESTING SUCH NONSENSE, I understand that there are differences between ZOMGREALLIFE and the interwebz, but that doesn't excuse every single crazy person behavior.
I understand that the internet allows you the ability to be a little bit more socially awkward. We all accept this. However, it does not excuse you from being a decent human being when you are using that internet to connect with other people.
We get on people when they are being assholes and doing douchey things all the time over here on BRPS, why can't we allow someone to get on someone else when the person is being a dick in a different way without going "WELL JUST MAN UP AND TELL THEM THEY SUCK"?
Work on being a decent human to interact with, and people will not put up BRPS about you.
Comments 13
Y'know bringing up the character issues on an HMD if she has one or being honest and saying you're doing this and ... also this and that makes me uncomfortable?
You can't really expect someone to read your mind, so, stalling and feigning niceness through everything instead of addressing it there with that person and subtly flaming them here doesn't really do anything to fix it. Although I do understand the need to rant.
Just seems like it would have saved you a whole lot of grief if you were forward with Sir Whinesalot.
It's what separates us, I guess.
What may seem like guilt tripping and imposing to you might be an attempt at light hearted cheering up from her. RPing is a coping thing for a lot of people so bringing up funny threads that at times have nothing to do with past threads can be like... sharing a laugh.
Obviously she likes you as a person or she would get tired of bugging you. Truth because ... even for all of the bribe threading in the world. If that really was what it was about, she'd get bored and move on because no one that guilts another person is willing to get shot down repeatedly for the sake of it.
Some people... are just open like that. With themselves and everyone. It's what they do. Doesn't mean its a good thing for you and it certainly doesn't mean that the two of you will be cohesive but people are different for a reason.
If everyone was the same- we'd all be pretty boring.
True, every now and again you'll get a nutter who's just cyberstalking, but I'd guess most folks out there aren't that way.
I understand that the internet allows you the ability to be a little bit more socially awkward. We all accept this. However, it does not excuse you from being a decent human being when you are using that internet to connect with other people.
We get on people when they are being assholes and doing douchey things all the time over here on BRPS, why can't we allow someone to get on someone else when the person is being a dick in a different way without going "WELL JUST MAN UP AND TELL THEM THEY SUCK"?
Work on being a decent human to interact with, and people will not put up BRPS about you.
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