If you've got a problem, tell me.

Mar 30, 2010 17:21

First time poster. I read the rules. I accept that not all of you will agree with me. That's okay. I enjoy that sort of thing.

First things first, this is old. This is several years worth of pent up frustration, condensed down to one post... per person. You see, there was a time when I didn't have the courage to get out when things went sour. I had too much invested in my friends. And, honestly, they didn't seem too bad.

Problem is, I keep lists. I keep lists of every time someone wrongs me, and I keep another list of every time they do alright by me. It may be a bit obsessive but I find it keeps me balanced. I'm incredibly slow to anger because of it. None the less, three people have managed to end up on my bad side because of RP. I'm going to start with the first person to end up on my bad side.

Let's call her Hwaiiee!. This doesn't even remotely resemble any of her handles or names, but foxes howling cracks me up. Go on, take a look. Now, the reason I've chosen the sound of howling foxes is simple enough. Hwaiiee! is obsessed with kitsune. Every character of hers is a kitsune, whether it makes sense or not.

But that's not why I have a problem with her. I dislike her because she's passive aggressive, uncreative, and lazy.

I met her in a chatroom based RP without an Ignore function. I thought that her kitsune was just a little dopey at first, and that she needed to learn to spell. But nobody's perfect. The first time Hwaiiee! truly annoyed me was when she convinced another, half decent, player to gang up on a third and harass him until he left for good. The reason? That third player wasn't a furry.

Alright. That's annoying. And her later denials were annoying, even though I'd seen it with my own eyes. Next, she complimented everyone involved in a certain RP, only to later attack us individually for "derstoying the roelplaying eviroment". You might think I'm trying to make her sound like an idiot. And maybe I am. But the truth of the matter is, she couldn't spell to save her life. And she knew it.

It was her favorite excuse, in fact. If you ever spoke ill of her, she'd play every card in her hand at once. She was a Pale Overweight Dyslexic Wiccan who had had multiple miscarriages. And that's why you disagree with her. She can't help it if she offends you by not bothering to spell check, use proper grammar, or capitalize, she's dyslexic. Alright. I'll believe that spellcheck might not have helped. She couldn't spell "and" consistently. She couldn't spell "I" consistently. Sometimes it was "o", sometimes it was "k". Somehow, it was never "u".

I think this probably explained why she insisted on impregnating men against their will. It didn't happen often, but if any one with a male character annoyed her, Hwaiiee! would use her character's kitsune nature magick (OK) to inflict a righteous pregnancy on them so they may redeem themselves by bringing it to term.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. That thing where she attacked us? She also told everyone that we were a closed RP even though we went out of our way to include people. We were in the common area, we weren't breaking any rules or changing anything. We were just there. And not Furries or "Humies". We were playing Robots. And? Her boyfriend had a few himself. This, I chalked up to a misunderstanding. I mean, she might have actually believed everything she said.

She didn't really get on my shit list until she started her own chat room, convinced several of the mods from my current one to jump ship, and started a chat war. Because we banned someone for stealing art from a member as well as loudly, oocly, talking about how rape was a biological imperative and blamed the victims. His racist tendencies didn't help either.

Obviously, we were in the wrong, and stifling free speech. Alright. If that's what she believes, that's fine. But Hwaiiee! did everything she could to kill the main chat short of flooding. Eventually, everyone filtered over to her place.

She ruled it.... unfairly, but that's fine. It was hers. She let in the racist rapist. That's her choice. But when she started banning people for disliking the rapist or ignoring his attempts to rape their characters, male or female, that's when she started pissing me off.

I don't know, maybe I could have forgiven her if she seemed to care about anyone outside her clique. But all she ever did was pick on people with her kitsune magick (see Mpreg above) and angst. And if you didn't like it, you could suck on the ban stick. Try to ignore the Mpreg storyline? Banstick. Get impaled by someone else IC and thus lose the baby through no fault of your own? Banstick.

I know I've said a lot about Hwaiiee! as a person but not her roleplaying ability. That's because she didn't have any. No, really. She just kept playing herself, except one was a nature kitsune (a word that she could somehow manage to spell perfectly every time), one was a vampire kitsune, one was a vampire hunter kitsune, and one was an angel kitsune.

This angel kitsune irritated me for a stupid reason. Even though she was, by all accounts an angel, had angel wings and all that... she was a "White Lighter". And she didn't teleport, she "orbed". Now, if this was a Charmed Fandom game, it'd be fine. But she claimed she was doing it longer than Charmed had been on the air, and she wasn't going to change just because of a "stupud telle programe".

Teal Deer: Manipulative player with fox obsession scrounges for attention, empties chatroom, and forcibly impregnates dissidents, regardless of gender.

Edit: According to one of the people who actually got Impregnated, apparently it wasn't done by Hwaiiee! herself, but one of her Under-Mods. It was still her idea, and she still wanted it to happen to other people.
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