Sparkly Post-Apocalyptic Sue Princess

Jun 14, 2007 10:22

This is something that happened to me a while ago. It is probably the worst case of an out-of-control mod that I have ever seen. You see, not only was she playing a chracter in this game (a message board RPG), but she'd made sure that the entire world revolved around her character.

Its also, to my mind, the worst case of Mary Sueisim I've ever encoutered in RPing.

Things got off to a good start when you looked at the chracter creatoin rules. Amongst other things, orphans, swords, abuse victims, martial artists and royalty were "discouraged", if not actively banned. This got me thinking Hey, this may not be too bad; she's clamping down on some of the chilches that make me scream and froth the most.

That is, until you read her chracter's biography. There you find that she's a princess who's parents were murdered and she was torturted for years and years by her wicked stepfather until she escaped. Oh, and she's also the world's greatest swordsman. So apprenrtly the idea was do as I say, not as I do.

Oh and her name took the form of (Japanese Mythological Creature) (European Mythical Creature)-(European Mythological Location). That's dripping Sue to me. Although it was worth a bit of snark becuse one of those was a creatures was gnerally considered a symbol of male sexuality and prowess. Snerk, snerk.

It gets worse, however. This was meant to be a post-apocalyptic setting with minimal technolgy. Save for old War Robots being dug up every now and then (Think Turn A Gundam or, for them ore obscure-minded, Orguss 02), its a world of donkey carts, mud huts, stone castles, spears and rocksd. Except for this one city of super-gee-whiz high technolgy which is all super spiffy and andvanced and stuff, and is also a bastion of freedom and democracy and hope and all things good. And that's becuse it was founded by, wait for it, our princess.

Did I mention that the chracter is about 21?

So yeah, she arranged it so the whole world revolved around her character. And then she arranged it that the game's functionality revolved aorund her chracter as well. You see, whenever somone purchased an old War Robot, her chracter took the payment. No, she didn't have to pay to purchase War Robots or anyhting. She just got moneys out of nowhere, basically. Yes, the econoimics here were made of fail, but it didn't matter as Princess got to pilot the biggest and most badarse anchient tech around by sabing up all her moneys to buy it. And what happened to the moneys that she paid for it? Why they went straight back into her own damn bank account.

How was she at actually role-playing? Pretrty damn bad. Every scene she was in had to be about her character and what she was doing. If it wasn't about her, she'd walk on in and take it over until it was. It made interaction pretty dman pointless; if you didn't basically heap praise on her, you were out of luck.

That being said, most of her interation wasn't with us mere peons. Instead, she spent most of her time RPing with theo ther mods on the board. Of course, since they consisted of her Internet Boyfriend, her Intenet ex-Boyfriend and her Internet ex-Boyfriend's best friend, the interactions were somewhat skewed. At the best of times, the three of them spend their precious RP space toadying to her.

Things came to a head when she organised a Giant Robot Battle Tournament for the board's players. Of course, she entered it herself with her overpowered doom machine of doom. The other mods also entere,d but hty pretty much rolled over and played dead to let her advance to the final. Unfortunteley, she was then shecduled to face off with my chracter, who had pretty much effortlessly steamrolled all opposition so far. (True, at least one of those vicotries was due to the other player not showing and forfeting, but...)

So, Princess versus an opponent who wouldn't just shamelessly job to feed her ego. I wonder what's going to happen. Next thing I know, she has a hissy fit and shuts down the board. Touche. Why, I have no idea. But I suspect that it was due to OOC strife - like someone not kisisng her arse enough or something.

So yeah, that's my worst expeirence with gratuitious Mary Sueisim in an RP environment. Sadly, it's not my only.
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