So this is my first post. I did a search and had a look but couldn't see this, but if it's been posted before it wouldn't surprise me. Sorry if it has! :P
I laughed really hard when I saw this. The silly cow only cares about the money and not her horse. I don't know what happened, perhaps something spooked it?
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Comments 19
It's basically like... hunters on the flat crossed with dressage. It's also like dog showing in a sense, but you're riding the animal (I couldn't think of a better comparison haha.) I personally hate it, the stuff people do to their horses is ridiculous...dye their coat, put makeup and glitter on their faces, get $100+ new bling browbands virtually every reasonably sized show, i've competed in a few classes and the judge would even look at my tb because he wasn't in a double bit with his head stuffed to his chest like most of the others.. Basically they don't give a flying f--- what the rider looks like, as long as he/she sits up straight and can kinda sit the gaits. A horse was bucking and going crazy in a class I was in and the judge just asked her to go 'around the other way' the horse got 2nd, my tb who was acting close to perfect got 4th...
Heres a video:
Even though 'daddy' probably bought her the ready made pony, you do have to be a certain level to even qualify
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