I laughed so loud I scared the dogs...

Mar 02, 2009 20:53

OK, so I was browsing through horse stuff on the net, when a series of links led me to another LJ community called

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Comments 74

androidheart March 3 2009, 08:15:05 UTC
A lot of what we do with horses every day can leave us vulnerable to getting hurt. Anything that can land a rider a Darwin Award if things go wrong should be worthy of a post in this community, IMO. This rider just upped her chances by doing several stupid things and then posted the video online. She deserves [our] comments.

The whole sitting on the kidneys thing may be a myth, but one semi-decent buck and chickiedoodle is getting launched. I refer to my Darwin Award comment above.


harnessphoto March 3 2009, 13:12:43 UTC
As opposed to people who ride bareback? One good buck could kill THEM too. Does that mean they deserve a Darwin award? What about farriers... they handle strange horses' feet all day. Does that put them on the "stupid" list because one good kick could take their heads off?


androidheart March 3 2009, 14:40:31 UTC
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. :|

Since you want to take what I said out of context, lemme break it down for ya:

People who ride bareback typically place themselves in the same place the saddle would place them on the horse's back, whereby providing them a more secure and natural position on the horse's back. This girl has put herself too far back on her horse's back and if he were to buck she would likely come off. Bucking, even the most well trained horses do that sometimes you know. She has not taken basic safety precautions, unlike farriers, vets and other equine professionals, which is why she would be a Darwin Award candidate if she were to be killed while doing this trick with her horse.

For example, the person leading in the Shire stallion while barefoot and talking on a cell phone is being stupid, the person caring for a barn full of Shire horses/stallion as a profession who does so while wearing shoes, is not.


ooalegriaoo March 3 2009, 17:01:07 UTC


xihateyourx March 3 2009, 12:38:44 UTC
I know this girl and the horse is possibly one of the best cared for horses I know.
I don't think the rider is doing anything more stupid than jumping your horse period. The horse is very well trained and has done this trick a MILLION times and just as a well trained horse can refuse his millionth fence and break your neck, yes, there is risk with this, but I think saying she qualifies for the Darwin award is a little exxagerative.

Also, seconded the above with the kidneys thing being a myth.


blauereiterin March 3 2009, 20:25:18 UTC
I can't watch the vid bc I am on my bberry but I'm 98% sure I know what the vid is. While some of the byh posters are completely ignorant hicks who do stupid shit with their horses and refuse to work with pros, if this vid is the one I think it is, I also have to chime in for not bad riding. I've seen the horse do this trick live n in person n would looove to be able to get either of my behemoths to do it! He's very well cared for.


blauereiterin March 3 2009, 23:37:12 UTC
yep, it is. ya. not bad_riding. add yourself as a member of byh if you want see real bad_horsemanship. O_o


vtgypsy March 4 2009, 00:27:11 UTC
So where's the bad riding in this video? She's not teaching the horse to rear, she taught him to OMG, LIE DOWN!!! IT'S SO CRUEL AND UNNATURAL!!!1!111!!!

This is a very loved and well cared for horse. This is also a horse that came back from STB track labeled as "untrainable." He and his owner have an incredible bond, and teaching him tricks does not make his owner a candidate for the Darwin Award.


jarrn March 4 2009, 00:33:21 UTC
Ummm...yeah. Whatever. DEFINITELY not bad_riding.

It seems to me that having a horse that calmly lays down on its side could be EXTREMELY helpful in certain emergencies.


harnessphoto March 4 2009, 01:23:40 UTC
But if you end up in an emergency situation you deserve to die... and get a Darwin Award! Or haven't you heard?


jarrn March 4 2009, 03:09:13 UTC
oh shit no I hadn't heard that! I guess I better go jump off a cliff or something. Silly me for not dying when I was supposed to :(


rckmeamadeus March 4 2009, 01:32:28 UTC
or you say, injure your ankle and cannot mount normally.


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