How to talk yourself in a circle.

Dec 16, 2009 00:08

There is only one 4-letter word in my book ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

nice_girls_play December 16 2009, 00:45:03 UTC
I think I actually bought my first pair of boots and had my first kiss the same year.

I remember both perfectly, but the cuban-heeled leather ankle boots do have an aura of warm nostalgia in my memory that the bass player in a Beatles cover band doesn't.


itsmariam December 23 2009, 12:44:25 UTC
So the survey was conducted by, a shoe rack website. Ah once again, such un-biased, eloquent journalism from The Telegraph. Generalizing the entire female population by a small survey, took by women overly interested in the storing of shoes.


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