[character profile] maite, "build me up, buttercup"

Oct 28, 2008 08:32


Full Name: Maite Sandoval

Age: 16

Eyes: Chocolate brown

Hair: Dark

Height: (approximated through digital aging) 5'4''

Build: (approximated through digital aging) Slight and only mildly athletic.

Distinguishing Attributes: When outside of Center grounds, Maite appears mostly as a solid-hologram projected from an apparatus called simply as a S.P.H.E.R.E - Simulated Projectional Hardware Engineered for Replicating Entities (name still up for modification). Solid, meaning that the technology that enables her to project allows her to physically pick/move things around her. She still retains some "holographic" aspects though, such as an apparent translucency to her overall image if the light is slanted a certain way, thus giving her a slightly "ghost-like" look.


The last thing eleven-year-old Maite ever expected, was to find herself sitting across from a group of specialists listing out the facts on why she was going to die. Only earlier that week, she had returned from a summer-long excursion abroad, where she had enjoyed watching cultural shows and participating in an educational tour that other children would have considered boring.

"There are options available," one of the doctors told her, and she'd only barely registered the way her mother stiffened before launching into a barrage of questions of "hows" and "whats", or the way her father's hand came to rest on her head, fingers cupped around the back of it protectively.

Her parents had asked for a day to discuss and then decide, though Maite noted that they willingly signed the waiver for the specialists to access her medical history and cryogenically stored DNA. Better that they get a headstart, her mother had explained on the drive home, and Maite had seen how she had hidden her eyes behind a pair of dark-tinted shades, as if doing so would hide the fact that she was crying. The earlier they can diagnose for treatment, she said, the better.

Maite celebrated her 12th birthday in the Center, had seen but not tasted her cake, since a brain has no mouth, no esophagus nor a stomach or digestive system. However, since she had been provided with solid-holographic technology, Maite had been able to blow out her candles, with a smile, the sun shining through her in the late afternoon.

After the rest of her large family left, Maite sat down with her parents and younger sister to look through the Candidate Program portfolio that Dr. Tina Marquez had given her earlier that week.

"Do you think she'll be nice, Daddy?" Maite asked as she leafed through the file of the girl named Caty, one of the three who had been ranked most compatible for Maite's case.

"Why don't you judge for yourself," her father replied as he drew out his datadex to show Maite a video he had taken when the young, honey-haired girl had showed them around only days before. Despite being Maite's age, there was something about her that seemed a little younger than 12 -- perhaps the way her smile was big and bright yet still obviously sincere, or the way her eyes seemed to dance with genuine interest and enthusiasm.

"She's very sweet." Her mother murmured softly, as Maite continued to watch the girl whose laughter rolled out of the small speakers.

They met the next day, Maite blinking into awareness as the door to her room opened as quietly as the one opening it could manage, a stuffed cat with an overlarge birthday card tucked under one arm.


Living by proxy. [coming soon]


[coming soon]

*all information on this entry will be added to and/or changed as i go along

character profile, nanowrimo, 2008: build me up

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