Title: Broken Glass
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, mention of Rhys/Gwen, brief mention of one-sided Jack/Gwen, Tosh and Owen
Summary: It’s so easy for something to shatter; it’s putting the pieces back together that is the hard part.
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood
Author Notes: Post Meat fic, written for the h_c
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Comments 23
I just wanna slap Gwen for trying to pull that stunt. I wish Jack would have retconed her instead..
I did too. You may get you wish about Jack rectonning her there's a few more stories to follow this one and who knows what my muses may decide to do.
Yah. Can't wait. The stories that can come from these bingo cards. So love it:)
I hope you enjoy. I'm coming up with ideas for this series from both my h_c and Long Live Ianto cards.
That ep was just another example of Gwen's narrow-minded oblivion where her teammates were concerned, and Jack should have retconned both her and Rhys instead of caving in to her.
No, I amend that. Retconned Gwen and hired Rhys. I've no doubt he would have been far more compassionate and competent that Super Trooper Bazooka Cooper.
Brilliant one-shot!
I truly hated Gwen's actions in that ep, it made me so mad at how Jack just gave into her demands, the only reason I can see him doing so was because seeing the Space Whale being tortured brought back his own torture at the hands of the Master and he couldn't stand losing any of his team again.
Rhys does have way more compassion than Gwen and I think he would have fit well into Torchwood.
Thank you!
I really wanted to smack Gwen upside her self centered gap toothed head for the things she said to her teammates and her snogging the daylights of Rhys while watching Jack's reaction the entire time.
I'm with you on wanting to smack Gwen for her words and that snog. To snog Rhys just to see if Jack would get jealous was really low.
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