Title: Mírë Chapter 4

Feb 11, 2019 16:30

All those who shared a connection to magic could feel it settle over them as Sam's magic bound Sam and Dean's souls together in a way that only soulmates could be bonded.

Alicia and Eileen curled up together and smiled as they felt the magic wash over them.

Max kissed Benny deeply as he felt the magic and wondered if he would be able to do that with Benny.

Rowena grinned as she and Clea danced under the moonlight, sharing a kiss as they recalled the night their magic bonded them together.

Castiel pressed a hand on Meg's bump; the two of them sharing a kiss.

And Lucifer's lips curled up into a snarl. "That won't be enough to protect you, Sam. I will have what I want. Nothing will stop me."


Sam woke up to a sight that he knew he would never get tired of, Dean curled up beside him and Jack in-between them, lying above the covers, showing Dean his newest art creations.

"Good morning," Sam greeted his two favorite guys.

"Morning daddy." Jack grinned at his dad before turning his attention back to his art which featured the dog he was hoping to convince his father to get.

"Morning." Dean leaned over and stole a quick kiss from Sam. "No regrets," Dean whispered against Sam's lips.

"Good because neither Jack nor I are going to let you go without a fight."


Rowena studied Dean. She knew that he had such a kind and caring heart but past hurts had caused him to bury it. But he never hid how much he cared for this town and the people who called it home.

And he couldn't hide how much he had come to care for Sam and his son Jack.

"Do you believe in magic Dean?" Rowena asked him right out.

Now if Rowena had asked him that before he had met Sam, Dean would have said no but that night with Sam when Sam had made the butterflies dance around them and the flowers bloom. "I believe that there are things out there that some refuse to believe are real. So yeah I believe in magic."

"Good. Now there are two kinds of magic, good and dark magic. Those who use dark can be very dangerous and Lucifer is a master of the dark arts and extremely dangerous. It is rumored that he tried to bond himself to a white magic user; a very powerful one and sought to take his magic from his and make it his own. Now the one he wants has escaped from him and Lucifer has been hunting for him since. Now this is just rumors and I would be taking something like this to the high coven but it would be my word against his and he has made all those who spoke out against him disappear.

"The person Lucifer seeks is here. It's Sam, isn't it? Lucifer is the bad man Jack asked me to protect his dad from."

"It is and Sam is in a lot of danger as are you. Oh, do you boys really think you are fooling anyone? The whole town is talking about the two of you." Rowena rolled her eyes at the shocked look in Dean's eyes.


Now a secret doesn't stay a secret for long in Sioux Falls and soon everyone was talking about and giving Dean and Sam their congratulations over their relationship. Dean could only grin and bear it but he hadn't been happier and his happiness only grew as Jack shyly approached him.

"Hey what is up little guy?" Dean asked helping Jack up onto the couch beside him.

"Can I call you papa Dean? Daddy said it was okay but I needed to ask you." Jack smiled up at Dean with hope in his eyes.

Dean's eyes shot to Sam. "It's okay with me," Sam told Dean.

"Then yeah I would be honored if you called me papa."

The smile that broke out on Jack's face could have outshone the sun. "Yeah, I love you papa Dean," he declared before throwing his arms around Dean in a tight hug.

"I love you too little man. Just like I love your daddy."

Sam moved to join his family and wrapped his arms around Jack. "I love you too Dean," Sam whispered before pressing his lips against Dean's in a kiss.


'It couldn't be.' Castiel hoped that he was seeing things, that it was his imagination playing tricks on him. But he feared deep in his heart that it was not; that he had just seen his brother leaving with Toni Bevell beside him.

But it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him as rumors got around that Toni Bevell-Davis had served Mick with divorce papers and had taken on a new lover.

Dean hated Lucifer Morningstar on sight. There was something evil and vile about that man and he wanted him out of his town as soon as possible.

"Lucifer is my older brother. He did not approve of my relationship with Meg and I feared what he would have done to her if we hadn't moved here," Castiel found himself telling Dean. He knew that his friend did not like or trust Lucifer. "You are right in not wanting to trust Lucifer and it would be best for everyone if he left but I fear has come here for a reason and will not leave until he has what or who he has come here for."

"If he wants Sam he will have to go through me."


The sound of the bell chiming above the door to his store had Sam turning a smile on his face, only for it to fall away as a look of terror replaced it.

"Sam, did you really think you would be able to run and hide from me?" Lucifer purred as he entered Sam's shop and moved toward his ex.

Sam felt pure fear take over him as he took a step back, thankful that Jack was out with Benny and Max. Jack had taken a liking to Benny just like Benny had him and he loved telling his dad how much he loved riding in Benny's jeep and how Benny let him play with the siren.

"Step away from my partner," A deep possessive growl filled the air and Sam felt himself relax as Dean entered the shop and came to stand next to him.

"I know why you are here and you ain't getting Sam. Sam is mine just like I am his and I ain't giving him up without a fight," Dean drawled out.

"Oh, I was hoping you would say that," Lucifer drawled out.

"NO!" It hit Sam in an instant as Lucifer let his magic fly and he knew that he would be too late. That he couldn't protect Dean in time.

The most amazing thing happened. The spell designed to kill Dean bounced off of him as a golden glow enveloped Dean.

"It can't be," Lucifer whispered in shock.

"My knight," Sam whispered. "My shield." Long ago Sam had heard tales of the one he was destined to bond with. The one who would be his knight and shield.

"No longer will I be afraid of you Lucifer. No longer will you hunt me or my son. No longer will you have any power over me," Sam growled as he took a step towards Lucifer his own power pulsing the air around him.

"We both know that you can't kill me," Lucifer taunted Sam. "And your shield is no match for me."

"I won't kill you. Instead I will cut you off from the magic that you love and abuse so much. You will be the thing you hate the most human," Sam sneered at Lucifer.

"A fitting punishment considering that you will now have Toni Bevell hounding you for robbing her of the power she craves so much," Dean added.

Reaching out Dean linked his fingers with Sam and felt Sam's magic flow through him as Sam spoke the words that would forever bind Lucifer's magic.

Lucifer fell back against the counter as he felt his connection to the darkness and shadows being cut from him. It was lost to him forever. "You can't do this to me."

"You will find brother that they can."

Three sets of eyes turned to the man no one had heard arrive and from the way Lucifer paled Dean thought he might like him.

"Michael," Lucifer whispered in dread.

"Michael." Sam bowed his head.

The man known as Michael entered the shop. "Sam, I am pleased to see that you have finally found your shield, your knight. Long have we waited for the day the heir of  Wesson found his bond mate." Michael smiled at the two of them before turning his attention to Lucifer and it was like a wave of cold filled the room. "Lucifer, brother it is time that we had a talk. No longer will you be a threat to Sam, Dean or their son."

Michael touched Lucifer's shoulder and then with only the sound of fluttering wings filling the shop, the two were gone.

With a raised eyebrow Dean turned to face Sam. "Well, now that is settled how about we head home where I can give you a full body check over?" Dean asked.

"You were the one that had a spell aimed at him; shouldn't I be checking you over?" Sam asked playfully, but there was no missing the worry in his voice. He was afraid that this might scare Dean away from him.

Sensing Sam's fear Dean cupped Sam's chin and lifted his head up, "Hey, I am not going anywhere. You are mine for the rest of our lives."

"I knew that something awaited me when I came to Sioux Falls. I didn't expect to find my Mírë, my most beloved treasure."

"Sap," Dean murmured as he brushed his lips against Sam's.

"Your sap," Sam whispered as his lips brushed against Dean's

"Damn right," Dean agreed before claiming Sam's lips in a soul-searing kiss. He knew that this was just the beginning. That there were still more adventures and moments to come and he couldn't wait to experience them with the man in his arms.

Dean didn't think his life could get any better he had Sam and Jack, the family he didn't know he had been missing from his life when he got word that Mick had issued divorce papers to Toni and she had left the town with her head high as the town celebrated her leaving. Now as he watches Sam chase Jack around the yard, the little boy covered in grease from helping Dean earlier working on the Impala Dean wondered how much it would take to convince Sam that Jack needed a sibling. 

pairing: dean/sam, dean winchester big bang, pairing: wincest, title: mire

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