Title: Mírë Chapter 3

Feb 11, 2019 16:23

"So this is it," Sam gestured to Dean as they entered his new store.

Dean let out a low whistle. The place was at first glance a herb store but as Dean looked around he saw homemade baking as well as knitted blankets, knitted dolls, and clothing and a wall full of books. "This is amazing. I'm sure that you will get a lot of business. I do love the fact that you named it after the elvish word for treasure, Mírë. It fits."

Sam didn't know why Dean's approval meant so much to him but it did. "Thank you. I love Lord of the Rings; Tolkien was such an inspiration to me. This was a group venture. My friends and I wanted to start somewhere small just to see if we could make it. The herb and books are my doing, the baking is done by Eileen and the knitting is done by Alicia and Max."

The last name had Dean turning the classic book of cars in his hand. "Max? I think my friend Benny and your friend Max hooked up last night at Meg's our local bar."

Shaking his head Sam should have seen that coming. "That does sound like Max. He wasn't home this morning when I left with Jack who wanted to see the town." Sam cast a glance at his son, to find he was in the spot he had claimed as his own when his dad and his aunts and uncle had been setting things up. Max had bought him a red chair that had an Iron Man's symbol on it and he was happily spreading out his gummy bears on the little red table Sam had found for him.

Something eased in Dean's chest as he realized the Max that Jack had called Uncle Max was just a friend to Sam. "Well, I think it looks amazing and when you open I will be one of your first customers." Dean knew that he was convinced that he could get Meg, Castiel. Benny and others in town to check this place out. "The only one who might have an issue with your store is Toni but that is only because you didn't bow down and kiss her feet. She is a bit of a snob and doesn't like being kept out of the loop."

"Aah." That explained so much to Sam. "Rowena informed me on the things I needed to know and I know about her and Mayor Davis’ open marriage. Also that if I see Ketch and Toni in the same room together it would be wise for my health to get the hell out of there."

Dean wasn't at all surprised to hear that Rowena had already started filling Sam in on the local gossip. "Very wise advice and you should remember that. No two people hate each other more than Arthur Ketch and Toni Bevell-Davis. Many of us are wondering when Mick and Toni are going to divorce but a lot of us figure that won't happen until Mick is no longer mayor or Toni has found someone richer or more powerful to marry."

Sam could see that just from his first meeting with Toni she seemed like a woman that needed the power to be in control and have others obey her. He had also had the pleasure of meeting both Mick and Arthur and while they both did their best to keep their relationship professional Sam hadn't missed the bond between the two of them. "I got that feeling from her, she reminds me of my ex. He was possessive and power hungry." Sam found himself pressing down on the palm of his hand where a faint scar was at the mention of his ex.

Dean had worked as a sheriff for years and he knew the signs of abuse but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to force Sam to reveal something he wasn't ready to share with him. "Well don't worry about Toni, she likes to think she is the queen around her and that her word is law but if she ever removed her blinders she would see that she doesn't have the power in this town that she thinks she does so don't let her scare you away. I know the town would be a lot less bright without you in it."

"Thank you, Dean, that means a lot to me." Sam knew no mattered what happened in the coming days he would be staying if only for Dean.

The moment between the two of them was broken when Dean's walkie-talkie went off. "This better be an emergency," Dean growled under his breath as he pressed the button. "What is up Benny?"

"Sorry to disturb you but I just got a call from Clea. Toni and Rowena look ready to throw down and unless we want to be cleaning up bloodshed we better head over there and do something about it," Benny informed Dean.

Closing his eyes Dean counted to ten. If there was anyone in the town who hated Toni more than Ketch it was Rowena MacLeod. The two women made no attempt at hiding their dislike of one another. No one knew why they hated one another expect that their hatred ran deep.

So getting a call from Clea, Rowena’s wife and co-owner of one of their local sweet shops, that Rowena and Toni looked ready to rip each other eyes out wasn't a call that Dean or Benny ignored.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." Signing off Dean sent Sam an apologetic look. "Sorry but duty calls. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later," Sam promised.

"Jack, I've got to go but I'll see you later buddy," Dean called out.

Abandoning his gummy bears Jack raced around to say goodbye to Dean. "Do you have to go?" Jack asked giving Dean his puppy dog eyes.

Dean's heart melted at the sight. "I do buddy. I have to go do my job. But I promise I will see you again."

Jack let out a loud sigh but nodded his head and allowed his dad to pull him away from Dean. "I like Dean," Jack murmured as Sam picked him up after Dean had exited the store.

"I like him too," Sam admitted softly as father and son watched Dean wave one last time to them before getting into his cruiser and pulling away.


Toni Bevell-Davis was enraged as she stormed into her house. "How dare they treat me like I am a criminal?" She seethed under her breath. Oh how she wished she could walk into the sheriff's department and inform both Dean and Benny that they were fired and then kick Clea and Rowena out of her town but her husband would never let her do that. He was too soft and weak and allowed things like friendship to get in the way of maintaining power.

Grabbing a glass she poured herself a glass of scotch, taking a swing of it she did her best to calm down. She just had to wait and bide her time until she could take care of all of those who stood against her and a key piece was learning all about Sam Wesson and his friends.


Sam was a mess. It was opening day of Mírë and he couldn't hide his nervousness. So much was riding on this being a good opening day.

"Dude you are stressing me out. Can you please calm down?" Alicia demanded from her spot where she was laying out her newest batch of knitting she had just made.

"I agree, it doesn't help anyone by stressing out too much," Eileen signed after she gave her baking table one more look.

"Besides didn't Dean promise he would be here? And I know that Benny wouldn’t miss the opening, not if he wants another piece of this sweet ass," Max added.

Sam knew his friends were right and he took a deep breath. "I know you are all right. I guess I am just nervous what with this being opening day as well as Jack's official day at preschool." Sam didn't really have to worry about Jack he utterly adored Jody Mills and she had already adopted him and Jack. He was like the mother that Sam didn't have.

"I bet you ten bucks that Dean is the first one through the door," Alicia called out trying to lighten the tension in the air.

A faint blush appeared on Sam's cheeks. "He said he would try but he is a busy man."

Alicia was ten dollars richer. Dean was the first man through the door followed by the man she could only presume was Benny from the way her twin's face lit up into a smile.


It had been a month since Sam and Jack Wesson had moved into town and Dean Winchester couldn't remember the last time that he had ever been so happy. Not even with Cassie. Sure he had loved her but it wasn't like anything he was beginning to feel for Sam.

"Will, you just ask the guy out already?" Benny was getting a little tired of watching his best friend moon over Sam for the past month.

"I'll ask Sam out when you and Max stop pretending that your hookups are one night stands and you two actually admit that you like one another," Dean tossed back.

Benny shot his friend a look. 'If that is what it takes to stop watching you mooning over Sam then so be it. Besides I would be damn lucky to have a man like Max as a partner.' Benny's decision was made, he would finally ask Max out and if that also gave Dean a kick in the pants well that was just a bonus.


"Where's Max?" Sam asked when he noticed that Alicia had come back alone. It was rare to see one twin without the other, well less rare since they had moved here.

Alicia rolled her eyes. "Max is at the bar looking to jump Benny. It is getting rather sad at this point, they should just admit that they like each other and start dating. Much like you pining over the hot as sin sheriff who looks for the smallest excuses to see you. Can you two just date already?"

Eileen the traitor shrugged her shoulders as she sighed to him, "She's right. Just jump Dean already."

Sam could feel his face heating up. "I have no idea what you are talking about. Dean is just a good friend."

"A good friend that you want pounding you into your mattress," Alicia helpfully added.

Sam shook his head. He wanted to believe that Dean was not only good-looking, okay he was the sexiest man Sam ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on, but that he also had a kind and caring heart.

"Sam, Jack loves Dean and Dean adores Jack as well as you," Eileen added.

It was no secret that Jack was utterly charmed by Dean just like his dad was.

"Dean is nothing like Lucifer," Alicia voiced.

Sam flinched. "I know he isn't. I just need to tell Dean about my magic and if he doesn't run screaming then maybe I will ask him out," Sam promised.


Now it wasn't hard to keep a secret from getting out in Sioux Falls and within an hour everyone knew that Benny and Max were officially a couple given the way Max jumped Benny in the middle of Meg's.

Dean could only shake his head and was pleased to hear that he didn't have to arrest Benny for public nudity.

"Well, it is about damn time," Sam commented when Dean told him the news. Once again Dean was spending the evening with Sam and Jack something that seemed to be happening more often than not. Every evening Dean had off he found himself drawn to Wesson Manor.

"I am not surprised. I haven't seen Max as serious with anyone as he is with Benny." Biting his lower lip Sam came to a decision. Jack was sound asleep, worn out from playing with Dean and this was the right time to fully put his trust in Dean.

"Come with me." Sam offered his hand. "And I need you to trust me."

"Always Sammy." Dean slipped his hand into Sam's and allowed him to lead him out into the back yard.

"Close your eyes, Dean," Sam whispered.

Raising an eyebrow Dean did as he asked and let his eyes flutter close and kept them close until Sam said, "Okay now open them."

At first, Dean could only blink as he took in the sight around them. The flowers that seemed to have been dead were blooming, the light around them seemed to be glowing more and there were butterflies dancing around them, flying in and out of Sam's hair, and between the two of them. But the most striking thing was Sam's eyes; they were now glowing gold.

"Do you believe in magic?" Sam asked.

"I have ever since I first laid eyes on you," Dean whispered.

"The reason I came back here is because Wesson's have always had magic but it is strongest here. Magic flows all around us. Here Jack and I are safe from my past," Sam explained.

Dean's brows furred together as he thought back to what Jack asked him as he put him to bed. Jack's pleading words rang in his ears.

"Will you keep the bad man away from us, the one who hurt my daddy?" Jack had asked in a small voice as Dean tucked the blankets around him.

Dean had wondered if Sam had been abused in the past and now Jack's innocent question had given him the answer. "I will. I will do my very best to keep anyone from hurting your daddy again."

"You're a hero and a hero always keeps his promise."

"I promise to protect you and Jack. I would never allow anyone to hurt you in any way," Dean promised.

"I believe you, Dean."

"Good." Dean cupped Sam's face in-between his hands. "Now would it be okay if I kissed you?"

"Please," Sam whispered.

Dean pressed his lips against Sam's and he felt a spark of magic and belonging as he finally kissed Sam.

Sam could hear his magic singing as Dean kissed him and he knew that he had found the other half of his soul.

"Care to take this up to my bedroom?" Sam asked when they broke the kiss.

"I don't want to rush you into anything you aren't ready for." Even though Dean wanted nothing more than to make love to Sam right now.

"We have waited long enough and I want to feel you in me right now," Sam whispered.

"Well then lead on baby boy."


"Lady Toni Bevell-Davis?"

Toni turned her ice stare on the man sitting on her couch. "And who might you be? Considering you entered my home without an invitation. Give me one good reason that I shouldn't call the sheriff's department and have them remove you from my sight?"

"Forgive me, I am Lucifer Morningstar and I believe we have the same thing in common Sam Wesson. I have come to reclaim what is mine."

"And why should I help you?"

"Miss Bevell-Davis, you are a woman of class, of distinction, you deserve better than this small town. You deserve to have the world bow before you and I can offer you that and more."

Toni felt her heart speed up as Lucifer stroked her cheek and she found herself unable to look away from his gaze. She knew one thing, he spoke the truth about this town, her husband, his lover and those in the town; they didn't deserve her. "You speak pretty words but how do I know that you won't toss me aside the moment you have Wesson?"

"Jealousy does not suit you. It is not Sam I want, but what he possesses; magic. Surely you know the legends of the Wesson's, how they made miracles and wondrous things happen. Sam was the last heir until he had Jack; the first child born of magic. I want their magic. While Jack is only a child now, he has great potential. And Sam, he has so much untapped magic flowing through his veins." Lucifer licked his lips in anticipation of what he could do with all that power at his disposal. "And, If you help me, I shall give you the world."

There was only one thing Toni could say to such an offer like that, "Yes."

"Evil has come to Sioux Falls," Rowena whispered as a chill settled over the town. 

pairing: dean/sam, dean winchester big bang, pairing: wincest, title: mire

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