Quick Rating: Fair
Title: Rebirth
The birth of the killer called Jigsaw.
Story: R. Eric Lieb
Script: Kris Oprisko
Art: Renato Guedes
Colors: Weberson Santiago
Letters: Tom B. Long
Editor: Chris Ryall
Publisher: IDW
I still haven’t seen Saw II, and I’m undecided as to whether I’ll see Saw III, but the first Saw was one of the best, most original horror movies I’ve seen in a long time. So when I started putting together my Halloween Party, I thought it would be cool to include this special from IDW, featuring the origin of the serial killer called Jigsaw.
The brilliant thing about Saw is that the “killer” isn’t, technically, a killer. He doesn’t kill anyone. He places his victims in elaborate traps where they either wind up killing themselves or each other, or otherwise commit horrible acts, in order to save their own lives. Once, Jigsaw was a simple desk jockey, a cubicle dweller whose live plummeted when he was diagnosed with a fatal form of cancer. As he watched those around him squandering their lives, as he realized exactly how he had squandered his own, he pledged to use his life teaching others to appreciate theirs. Not really a bad goal, at that, but the way he decided to go about it is absolutely terrifying.
The only real problem with this special is that is doesn’t really give us much new information to go on. The first movie more or less gave us the story of Jigsaw (if you were smart enough to piece it together). This comic basically illustrates the story we already knew - a few more details here or there, but nothing earth-shattering.
Renato Guedes handles the artwork, and he does a great job. He employs a dark, dismal style that fits the tone of the story to perfection. In a few scenes, he even drops in the Jigsaw “puppet” pretty randomly, making it all the creepier.
Die-hard fans of the Saw franchise may appreciate this slightly more in-depth look at their favorite killer, but if you’re just a casual fan, it’s pretty much old news.
Rating: 6/10
An archive of all my reviews is online at
Evertime Realms.