The Moose Legacy 1.1

May 30, 2011 16:59

This time: A wedding, more children, freaky babies and the Moose family gets a visit from the Repo Man (actually, it's more than one XD)

Previous updates: 1.0

With one child already and a second one on the way, it is time to make Stel a real Moose. Guests are Donut, Imation (both by katu_sims ), Alistair (huning ), Ivory (verocchio ), Chase (tualiz ), Adaira (brilliantcat ) and Will (kkkayleighh ). Stel knows quite a few aliens :D

Adaira chose to stand all the way back there. She was probably pissed because Imation was wearing the same dress.

Imation almost falls asleep. Well, weddings are boring...

Now, isn't that a lovely backdrop?

No party would be complete without a water balloon fight...

Of course, Bekah serves Grilled Cheese sandwiches.

In which Alistair conveniently places his foot :D

Obligatory wedding cake cuteness.

Poppy has some serious problems, not only with her teeth. Why is here left arm coming out of her right shoulder and where is her hand? I guess Chase doesn't know either.

Yes, Poppy it's true.

Poppy has the time of her life, though while her parents are on their honeymoon.

Oh wait, she isn't all alone. Ivory stayed behind to raid the fridge.

Also to do this.

Stel paints his own version of his wedding :D

The challenge for week three was: Repo! The Genetic Opera: Pay no bills for the entirety of the week. Say hello to the Repo man!
Now they already didn't really pay regularly the week before...

Biology fail, Stel. Also, shadow fail but they needed to have a moose head somewhere :D

Making sure Poppy won't fail her Biology classes, eh?

Actually, no because the baby interrupts and I forgot to take a picture of little Apple Moose who almost has a puntastic name. (because it almost sounds like Apfelmus, the German word for apple sauce.)

Oh noes!

Bekah: Sigh, but we just got a new baby :C

He took the TV but I bought them the excat same TV again, just to spite the Repo man >:D

Stel brought William (alfredaskew ) from work who then proceeded to stand for hours in the rain.

Poppy grows up and nobody cares.

And then there was also this.

Uh, whatever floats your boat, Stel...

And now, some Poppy spam!

Still having teeth problems, eh? Too bad there's no dentist on this island.


William emerged at seven in the morning from the ~wine cellar~ to tell everyone that it was too late and he had to go home.

Noooooo, not the door!

It's not like their house is filled with paintings and deco and card tables, no, you just had to take the bath tub.

Shortly after, a tree caught fire (and the rain had stopped, too)

And the knight clogged the toilet, awesome <.<

Later Sim!Backerbse dropped by to talk about ships. Living on an island has turned her slightly crazy...

Playing catch at night during a thunder storm. Great parenting there, Stel...

Her nine neat points are showing. She cleans everything.

Bekah: Why do I have so many children? D:
And I do have a picture of baby Apple.

And then she grew up :D

I invited Will over for a round of poker because he kept calling Stel. His ears are so adorable.

Uh... this is baby number three, Paul. He looks fine as toddler, I checked.

Are you sick of seeing this yet?

This time I wanted to buy them a nice flatscreen TV but they could only afford this one.

More babies?

Well, you'll see next time ;D

moose legacy

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