Title: Pollen: I. Pistil Summary: Danielle and Robert share one of the early days on the island. Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: No money made here. Lost is not mine. Author’s note: For
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This was so cool! I've never really given any thought to Danielle and Robert, I must admit, so this comes as something of a revelation. To see her so happy and in love, knowing what is to come - and so soon - makes it very poignant. Lovely work! I'm so pleased to have inspired.
Please excuse the late response - I was writing and when I'm writing I don't read.
No trouble! I saw that you've gotten something posted; I can't wait to read it this evening, when I've got a bit of time. It's great to hear that you liked this; I figured Danielle and Robert deserved a little bit of happiness before everything fell apart. Again, thanks!
Oh, a Danielle story! I love this. It's so sweet, and I love what Robert tells her, about how Alex will have this wonderful life on the island. You've made it so easy to picture them there, content in this new place, not knowing what comes next.
I'm glad you liked this! I thought Danielle and Robert probably deserved to have a sweet moment or two before, y'know, everything went to the ninth circle of hell in a handbasket. I do hope we learn more about them this coming season...
I really like this look at Danielle when she first arrived on the island, back before hell broke loose and she lost everything. The fact that she thinks Alex is going to be a boy and her conversations with Robert, so hopeful, it makes you sad for how things turned out, but also glad knowing that at least now in canon she has Alex back. :)
Really glad you liked it! (That's quite the icon, BTW.;) I do think it's emotionally more manageable to write Danielle (and Alex) knowing that they're back together in canon - please, O writers, do not screw that up post-strike! Many thanks for stopping by, and for your encouragement.
Comments 20
Please excuse the late response - I was writing and when I'm writing I don't read.
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