Title: A Phonebox
Pairing: Ryoda
Rating: NC-17, Some Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these pretty Japanese boys xD
Summary: A phone box and Ryoda.
Dedicated to
allboutp for her birthday! Sorry i'm so so so late ):
[#1] [#2] #3
They crash into the phone box, Ryo’s lips on his and their hands clasped together, and Ueda thinks that Ryo’s breath
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Comments 44
awesome.. ueda really do hv doubts ne abt Ryo and his other ehem.. :D
ganbatte on the next ones.. :D
oops, i dunno what prompt, i basically read everything abt ryoda.. :D
awww hehe okkk i'll think of something (:
i think it'll be something about temporarllly deaf haha
anyways ^__^ really thanks for reading!
thank you for readinng!
im glad you enjoyed ^_^
"ryo push ueda into the phone box~
lol~ ueda was misunderstood, ne
prompts: chocolate, ice cream, cookies, apartment, pillow
hmm..i hope those prompts can help u ^^
and ganbatte for ur school ^^
i'll probably think of somethign weird
hahaha XDD but yes i'll probably use it (: and dedicate it to you
well thank you!! (:
I loved how you never actually named their... private areas in your fic. You referred to it as his special place and it. That was kind of cute in a way.
I've never really taken the Tegoshi/Ryo thing serious before and I got shocked when Ueda thought they were a couple and all that. in a phonebox? Wow!
Thanks for writing this~
Random prompts that will probably will be of no help: shivering, key, slow motion, summer, scarves and coffee, collapse, apple pie, interlude, funerals, chocolate raspberry cake.
BTW, I tried scraping paint off with a knife. It doesn't work. I just ended up scratching up my painting. Ryo must have had a special knife or something. XD
and nice and (: that's so cute you tried to scratch it off haha ^_^ awww
that's just so adorbale and im sorry your painting got scratched!!!!!! hahahaha
and your random plot is cute!!! hahaha
do i have to use all of those words in the fic? hehehehehe
btw thank you!!! hahaha
Ah, just one of my weird abstract paintings got scratched up. I actually painted Ueda before but he ended up with, like, 3 lips or something. D:
You don't have to use all the words. That... would be a challenge ne~ Well you can, but it would be weird? XD
Thank you and you're welcome~
o_O whoa haha i really want to see one of your paintings now hehehe
hahaha kk LOL itll be different
hehe we're friends on lj now! (:
idk i fell in love with tegoshi for some reason! he's so adorable hehehe
and your icon WHOA hahaha i love shige's smile >_<
aww xD i feel like there's so many Ryoda love now <3
it's beautifuuuuuuuul
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