Krow - Week 4 - The Torrisi Family

Mar 28, 2011 18:16

Okay, sorry for the update spam of putting this so soon after the Stretch family -- but I really want to play the game and I can't do that without posting about Torrisi first. Also, the other option was to clean my study. 8|

The pictures were ready to go, so it's ISBI time!

Spaghetti for breakfast - Matthew wanted to serve a meal and eat spaghetti, so two for one! Sadly, he had to eat it all alone. This will change once he finds a spouse though. :3 I wanna get this ISBI started, man.

A brief lesson in charisma was followed by a shower and then POKER!

He hung around for quite a while because I'm still trying to find him someone. He's not attracted to this townie, unfortunately. :C Nor many other townies, actually. The only two/three bolters are Rose (who is happily married) and Maxis townies, who I don't want. Everyone else is a one bolter. I'd like if he married a two or three bolter because otherwise, what is the point if they aren't attractive to each other?

Anyway. The bar turned up nothing, and he lost ~150 in poker, so I kicked him off to Patchwork Patterns for another dig at the townie pool.

Nothing there, either. :C Predictably, Jackalope's was the last stop to make.

That turned up nothing, so he went home to sleep.

But not all was lost!


Here is when I generated some more townies using boolprop. :C Matt is very picky, so a bigger pool is required. After that, he went to Saxo's bar again.

I don't actually remember seeing the bar in heavy snow before. It looks pretty cool. I moved it, by the way, to a different part of the neighbourhood (the same move that affected the grocery) - so that bit you see to the left is actually a hill. It wasn't there before.

Speaking of not there before...

Look who has Elf ears! I never noticed this before, so I checked my Omega updates and yeah - he didn't have them before now. The townie spawn must have changed his face template. Oops?

Matt went home for an eating interlude and I decided that if I had any hope of getting him a community lot by the end of the week (I want a restaurant okay :C) then he needed a job after all. So I consulted my handy spreadsheet of unlocked jobs and found he could be a cop, a slacker or a business drone.

None of those were available in monday's paper. :C

Oh, Matt.

I'll find you some friends, okay. You can even have a poker party tomorrow. You only have $63 left (damn you Saxo and your ticket machine) so I think you need an excuse to raid the wallets of everyone you know.

Tuesday's paper had the slacker job available, so hurrah! It was his day off (given the shift ended at 10am and he became employed about 9am), so Matt chilled out.

He had a party, too.

It never got above snoozer. They all sat at the poker table and idled instead of playing the damn game, and did not interact at all. :| Not okay.

I really wanted him to earn some money, so he grabbed the first walkby townie. Who was this guy. :D

Only one bolt chemistry, though that didn't stop Matt from winning $60 from him. @_@ A community lot is so far away, argh.

Day 3 came with a chilly 4am start.

He got promoted though. :D

Kendal stopped by not long after that, and Matt lured her in to a game of poker.

She took $30 from him. Rather than lose more money from Saxo's machine I sent Matt to the boutique for townie-hunting.

And look what we found!

Two bolt attraction! Her name is Chris Hanby, which I think is nice. She looks like a Chris. Cute offspring on the horizon, y/y?

Unfortunately, any attempt to socialise further was a failure: she was deliberating over a purchase and he was exhausted. By the time she would turn around to pay attention to him, Matt would queue-stomp his own command so that he could complain about being exhausted. So Matt toddled off home and crawled into bed, whilst I remembered that this would be an ISBI. Much of Chris is going to remain a mystery, lol. I'm going to forget this a lot, I think. 8|

He slept until his carpool turned up and he went off to do the night shift as a gas station attendant.

Came home, slept, then got up and chatted extensively on the phone to Chris.

In the mean time, it snowed so much that I'm sure it would have qualified as a snow day if there were any kids in the household.

He got up to 30 in their relationship score sooo Matt invited her over for a date. It worked, hurrah! I'm not yet sure if her two bolt score is because she's clean or because she's hardworking... Guess I'll never really know, lol.

LOL, ACR. They had only said hello at this point, and ACR took over.

After that, the date progressed normally.

It's times like this that playing TS2 for years has come in handy. One of the rules of an ISBI challenge is that during a date, you cannot expand the date's want panel. But if you've played enough date scenarios, you can guess what they're after pretty easily. ;D

Chris, by the way, is a popularity sim just like Matt. She was also wearing nail polish, which I hadn't noticed before.

Anyway. They got to dream date level and were getting along just fine. By the end of the date they were in a committed relationship, but she didn't want to move in and they hadn't fallen in love. :C THIS WON'T STOP ME.

She agreed to stay the night though, and Matt concentrated on more friendly motions like tickling and chatting and telling jokes, until they reached a level where they felt like best friends.

He blew her a kiss at the table and just like that... she fell in love with him, and conceded to a very swift marriage.

In retrospect, maybe they should have had a proper wedding - they do love parties, after all - but it's not like they have the space for it. 8|

Chris brought $2,621 into the house funds, bringing them to a total of $3400. I had a look to see what her job was - and ONLY that. (I have no idea what her skills are.) Turns out that Chris is in the Slacker track too. I looked because of the BACC rules - only certain jobs have certain slots open, and if she's in a job that is not available, she has to quit her job immediately. The Slacker career only had one slot open, so Matt gleefully quit his job in favour of Chris's higher paying employment.

After the wedding the pair ducked off to Patchwork Patterns to get her some new clothes.

Also, she cut her hair. The ISBI rules allow me to change her appearance without it counting as a command, plus that hair in her face was a bit annoying. 8(

They don't have any lights, so please excuse the gloom. XD Do you like it? I do! The dress suits her very well in my opinion and I love that hair on her. I love that hair, mind you, but I think it goes nicely.

Chris went to work after this, and Matt went to bed until she got home from work. Chris brought home a friend, Gretchen Pratt, who was then pounced upon by a certain pyjama-wearing, poker-playing husband.

He got $90 from her.

This, I should add, is the shop I want the Torrisi family to have.

It's going to sell electronic toys and games, and it's called Rotor. :D Robotics + Torrisi = Rotor. I thought it was rather clever. :C

Anyway. It's going to cost them $11,000. Saturday morning they had just under $4,000. I conferred with the ISBI rules and found nothing that prevented me from raiding Chris's inventory to sell everything she brought with her. It's not illustrating personal information, nor would I have to see any in order to do it. Anyway, point is: it was worth a go.

That's the junk she had. It totalled to $870 which gave the family $4721, which is considerable distance from the goal.

So, you can guess what happened next.


It took hours to get this one filled: he was starving so he'd dig once, complain about hunger, whinge about the environment, and then be forced to dig again. Rinse and repeat. 8C

Early sunday, Chris wasn't feeling too good.

:D :D :D :D First ISBI offspring, so excited~

A better, lit up shot of her new look. I have to remember to put out food for her, like she's a pet or something. ISBIs are weird. 8C

Sunday comes with no extensions: too busy trying to raise money for the store. XD


And that's how you play the game! :D

These funds gave Matt a combined total of $12,000, allowing him to purchase Rotor. :D

When Chris came home:

Hurrah, pregnant! If she miscarries I'm gonna get pissed. If it happens too often, I'll either cheat a baby (via immediate delivery using insim) or I'll exchange Matt for Chris as the TH, for my own sanity. Like I've said before: the game is very miscarriage happy and I don't want to have to fight that. I'd rather avoid it entirely.

Chris brought a townie home, who ended up playing poker against Matt, like most townies do.

Eventually, Miss Tiffany got bored and left. Matt snuggled up to his wife, and Sunday ticked over to Monday. :)

At the end of Torrisi's update, Week 4 comes to a complete close in Krow. At this point the population is now 33, with 2 babies on the way in Week 5. The first to be born will be a part of the Omega family. :D!!

week 4, family: torrisi, challenge: isbi

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