Krow - Week 2 - The Patchwork Family

Mar 06, 2011 15:22

The world keeps spinning in Krow. In the Patchwork household, it's life as usual.

The very first order of business was to obtain a burglar alarm!

Jemima's goal for the week was to get a community boutique up and running. With only 1200 in the bank, I realised that I should have put a piano in at Saxo's sports bar. The busking tips would have really, really helped.

But, since I failed to do that, Jemima was consigned to painting.

An excessive amount of painting, matter of fact. This was as dull as can be expected, and day 1 passed without much happening at all. It snowed a little, but not much.

Day 2 was much the same as Day 1 - painting, and snow.

Plenty of snow. :D

In sore need of socialisation, Jemima ended up inviting Dongsool over.

I let them run around on autonomy whilst trying to conjure alternative money making methods. There are no other jobs available at the moment, so plain employment was out of the question. Novel writing would arguably bring in larger amounts of money, but more work's involved, not to mention the initial cost of a computer, desk and chair, meaning the first novel would only have a minor profit margin. Painting had the potential bring in ~1500 a day, though progress would be slow and the return inadequate. Digging was of course an option, bringing in closer to 4,000 a day, but Saxo does more than enough of that already. :| More pondering was required.

Meanwhile, Jemima began to suspect that she might love Dongsool, and rolled a wish to get engaged to him.

In my games, knowledge sims seem to be family sims in disguise. The pair then spent a number of hours following each other around and flirting/woohooing their little brains out.

He stayed quite late. Jemima and Dongsool cuddled under the stars until he went home and she stumbled into bed, exhausted.

Breakfast on Day 3 came with a revelation.

Jemima asked Dongsool to move in - and he did. A hard road becomes easier when you have company.

Dongsool, it turns out, is also a Knowledge sim, with quite a lot of skills. He was also a President in the Business Career track. Unfortunately, maintaining that position would require a rank 5 business, which Krow does not have at this point... so Dongsool was forced to quit. It's not so bad - his LTW is to be Education Minister, which won't be required until there's a population of 250. Krow's population is currently 5 - 4 at this point, really, since this is technically the day before Rose married Saxo. :| Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.

He did, however, bring an additional $5,700 into the household, bringing the total funds up to 8,500. After what I learnt from the Omegas, I want at least 25,000 in funds before buying/building a clothing boutique. :| They're one third of the way there, argh.

:| Dongsool, USE. THE. TABLE.

Dongsool moved in quite well. He has zero chemistry with Jemima, even though she has two bolts for him. He's also a pisces, so their personalities are very similar.

On day 4, I bought a computer. The easel was shunted into the bedroom, and Dongsool was sentenced to the canvas. With 6 creativity compared to Jemima's 10, that
didn't stop me from extracting paintings from him.

Oh Jemima, you're braver than I am. :| You would never catch me near a stove in my underwear.

This is why. Also, NO FIRE ALARM. :| FRAMMIT. I forgot to buy one. I don't think I remembered to put one in, either, so the Patchwork family still doesn't have one.

Day 5 was the last day of winter, so they made the most of it.

I love this photo. I suspect it's their way of asking for a day off from the drudgery of trying to earn money, but such woes fell on deaf ears. Inevitably, they were sent to the canvas and keyboard.

I should add that I know there are heaps of ways to earn money - such as having a pottery wheel or florist bench, and selling the items straight from inventory. But I kind of like doing it the hard way. I don't mind if the boutique takes longer to get off the ground because of this. It's only a clothing store, lol. Not a lot of capital is required.

Jemima's first novel earned her 3,000, giving the household 11,000 in funds. :D Times like this, I wish that TS2's writing skill system was closer to the system in TS3. Weekly royalties and different novel types, along with staggered pay associated with the quality of the novel? All great things. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way, so no use griping about it.

For someone with 5 neat points, Dongsool leaves his bowls/plates behind ALL OF THE TIME.

Day 6 accidentally started at 2am, because I tend to queue a sim's actions up as I think of them. Unfortunately, when that sim has gone to sleep autonomously, they'll wake up instantly... not at 6am, when I want those queued actions to be done. :| Bah.

Jemima rolled a wish to learn charisma, so she did.

Dongsool kept painting. This household also began to run low on food supply.

Maybe if Dongsool wasn't so messy when he ate, they'd have more food available. :|

The rest of the day passed with writing and painting, but very little financial progress.

Day 7, last day of the Patchwork rotation, did not have any house extensions. I was too busy saving money, lol. Dongsool made himself useful by repairing the shower, then nicked off to autonomously play with Alabama.

This was when I caved, and made them dig for the rest of the day. They whined almost the entire time.

Because I'm starting with three founders rather than the traditional single sim, I added in a trade-off. All three families/households must have community businesses before I can introduce a new family to Krow. In this way, it's the same as the conventional structure of beginning a BACC, just paced differently.

Anyway, point is: with no community lot for the Patchwork household, it'll be week 4 before there's a new family around the place. :| I could wait that long, but I didn't want to.

Jemima maintained her wish to marry Dongsool, but that's not happening unless he rolls the want as well. I know I didn't do this for Saxo and Rose, but that pair had much higher chemistry than Jemima and Dongsool.

Jemima dug up a lot of bones and rocks, then found a treasure chest. Dongsool found a bunch of maps. When I went to sell their proceeds from digging, Dongsool had quite a bit of junk in his inventory as well, including an expensive telescope.

By sunday night they had 23,800. I purchased this lot for them:

Welcome to Patchwork Patterns! After a quick shower and meal, the pair toddled off to try and get the business up to rank 1. It didn't take long for customers to show up.

Jemima needs to build her logic skills. :|

They made it to Rank 1 in the first two hours, hurrah! Dongsool kept trying to go and play catch with his patrons. :| This is just as annoying as having to pitch sales all the time. Finally I just made him sit down, so he'd STAY STILL for more than a minute.

For some reason, his face reminds me a lot of Mork. :/

Ugh. :| A bad witch turned up. I promptly closed the store before she could conjure up some cockroaches and force a loss of customer rep.

That didn't stop the witch, of course, but fortunately no customers were there to discover it and complain. After earning 2,000 after a few hours, I decided it was enough for now. The pair headed back home to enjoy some well-earned rest.

At least they're well on their way to a successful business. :)

With week 2 at an end for the Patchwork family, the Stretch household is next.

family: patchwork, rules and changes, week 2

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