new friend

Jun 07, 2006 14:08

haven't mentioned this yet... but i'd like to welcome snpcraklepop to my LJ. and to LJ in general. we need to sucker her in... draw her and make her one of us... ;)

i've temporarily closed the mansion to tours due to packing it up... hope everyone gets into the right box... so everyone will just have to pounce and be friendly. aimercat make sure that the boys clean ( Read more... )

friends, lj

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Comments 3

Hey, Elizabeth's world . . . . snpcraklepop June 7 2006, 23:28:42 UTC
1. Hey to all Elizabeth's friends! I will try harder to raise my sarcasm to the approved level for overall general benefit. 2. Are you talking about V? From the 80's? I dared not believe it, but I LOVED that show. Duncan Reghr and black leather had my panties in a bunch in the 80's and probably still would if I watched the series today!


Re: Hey, Elizabeth's world . . . . babysquid June 8 2006, 00:40:38 UTC
my first love was Marc Singer as Mike Donovan... i was like... 5? i own both miniseries and the tv show on DVD. *drool*


aimercat June 8 2006, 10:35:04 UTC
we're going to need some industrial strength cleaner & some paint for some of the stains left in there! What can i say...Irish and i get quite naughty with the boys at times.


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