What sort of jobs are you looking for? I think you should definitely get involved in music, whatever it could be.
I'm still reading the last Harry Potter book and am really struggling with it. I can't seem to get caught up in the story and die to read more. "The Order of the Phoenix" did that, but not this one. As for the end, I'm not a big fan of it but then again I wanted Harry to die so... ;)
Harry to die?! That would be too upsetting to the kids! I'm looking for project assistant / officer roles and/information analyst types ones. I am interested in lots of different things so it works in my favour I guess!
It's good to see an update from you!Good luck with the jobs stuff,I've found securing a permanent job really tough so I know how you feel.We should try to meet up sometime as it's been far too long!
Yeah I'm up for that! Let me know when is best for you :) It is hard - I just want someone to say 'hey, i'll give you a chance' then it would be most of my problems sorted!
Comments 6
I'm still reading the last Harry Potter book and am really struggling with it. I can't seem to get caught up in the story and die to read more. "The Order of the Phoenix" did that, but not this one. As for the end, I'm not a big fan of it but then again I wanted Harry to die so... ;)
I hope you manage to find something you like then. :D Are you looking to stay in Coventry?
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