182th. The Bieber-Fever pt.2

Oct 12, 2011 12:05

Part 2!

Title: The Bieber-Fever
Paring: GrimIchi
Rating: M
Sum: AU. The two most popular, cool, bad guys of the school bond over a mutal interest - Justin Bieber.
Other: No beta..

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bleach, fanfiction, ichigo, grimmjow

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Comments 10

writerx75 October 15 2011, 16:32:16 UTC
Mmmm...OK, I like the switch to Grimm's perspective in this chapter, and I love the way we go from yummy sexiness between these two to the ridiculous fun they like to have. Of course, I also love how Michael Fassbender shows up in the story, too. XD I love the way you write them as a team, and the way they've continued to get closer and closer until it's hard to see the lines between them. And, I have to say I really liked the non-angstiness of this...I like to imagine an AU where the two of them get together like this. And the Pendulum! Thank you for recommending them to me, because after the first album, I had to collect a bunch more because it's just that good. :D Anyway, I really liked this a lot; thanks for posting it!


babyluw October 17 2011, 22:43:47 UTC
I don't think I've ever written anything as go-lucky as this, and it was surprisingly easy to do too...it pretty much wrote itself, they pretty much wrote them selfs x) Thank you again for all the nice words and fuuu- Micheal Fassbender, how could I ever stay away?! Oh, my Fassy <3

And I'm glad that you found Pendulum! I know their latest album had become a lot more mainstream than Hold Your Colour but, it's still pretty good :)

(and I have to ask since I'm in a phase right now, do you watch anime movies? Have any tips if you do? (just watched Redline and got my mind blown by great animation <3))


writerx75 October 18 2011, 01:36:03 UTC
Mmmmm...that's the best, though, when you can channel them well enough to have them write it. :D ( ... )


babyluw October 18 2011, 11:22:46 UTC
Oh my, thank you. The only thing I've seen of those is Renaissance and Paprika - which I LOVED, omg, like inception on acid.
I've been hearing about Ghost in the Shell, so now when you're reccing it I guess I'll have to see it! xD And Akira too, I think I read the two first books years ago IDK why I stopped, but yes, definetly. The others I've never heard of so really, thanks! :D

If you do see Redline tell me what you thought about it :) I DL it at some amazing quality, took fucking 7GB in space but I REGRET NOTHING xD There's something with those completely hand drawn movies...


eve_n_furter October 21 2011, 15:40:38 UTC
Hi, fellow Scandinavian here. Hope you don't mind my intrusion. :) Would you like to discuss fandom in Scandinavian or do you have Scandinavian fanworks to share? Perhaps you'd consider joining us over at scandafandom?

We are many Scandinavians here on LJ, but we almost all post and comment in English. I'm contacting you to try to gather us in a strong and lively Scandinavian speaking milieu, where we can get beta readers for fanfics in our mother tongue, squee over Scandinavian events, fanworks and cons (not just stare in envy at our American friends' posts from AWA...) and so on. You can talk about all kinds of fandom related topics at scandafandom, as long as you post in a Scandinavian language. See you there?

(How I found you: I searched for Scandinavian journals with recent updates. I then had a look at your profile and journal, saw that you were active in fandom and thought that you would possibly be open for an invitation. I hope I wasn't totally amiss. :)


babyluw October 21 2011, 21:33:10 UTC
Sorry, but I have to plans on starting to write or do any fanwork in Swedish.. I'm actually better at English and way more comfortable with it (havn't opened a Swedish book in years and years). Never the less, I don't mind joining your com since I do work on Con's from time to time :)


eve_n_furter October 21 2011, 21:45:32 UTC
It would be great if you could post about Cons coming up (Swedish or otherwise), or make reports from Cons you're attending. Those are always interesting to read, and I know we have more active Con-goers on scandafandom.

And don't worry about posting fanfics in Swedish, all kinds of contributions are appreciated, even lurking. ;D


babyluw October 21 2011, 22:46:54 UTC
Haha, sweet. I'm really good at lurking, so I'll probably start with that at least xD And then maybe work my way up


buggzi615 January 27 2014, 08:19:22 UTC
Oh jeez, this was lovely. I LUH IT BOO. I love the way you depicted them, bad asses with a fluffy side. And friggin Justin Bieber, excellent bonding source. The spoon scene was intense, that was gold. This fic was awesome, you're awesome.


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