((vague quasi-spoilers under cut))The problem with being safety conscious to the point of paranoia; broken; crazy; and used to living in buildings with lots of locks, seals, and blood tests is that when you're dumped into a fairy wood where you're expected to live in a little unsecured cabin that's in a compound that thinks "a tall wooden fence and
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She noticed the very well-armed blonde kid when he showed up. She noticed which cabin he ended up in. She hasn't noticed him coming out of his cabin since then, much less talk to anyone, and by now, she's decided maybe she should check on him. If nothing else, someone should make sure he's still alive in there.
When she gets close enough to hear him talking - obviously to someone, but not to anyone she can hear - she pauses, and just listens until he goes quiet. Chances he's talking on his comm and she just can't hear the replies seem slim. But so are the chances that he's dangerous in a way she can't handle, so she steps forward and knocks on his door anyway.
JJ would know what to do. Dealing with the families, with this kind of trauma - that's her job. It's not like Emily doesn't know how to use the kid gloves, but most of her experience is in interviews, gathering information to build a profile, or trying to nudge someone into a certain emotional reaction. This isn't any of that, it's not fair in this situation to try and profile or manipulate him, even for his own good, and she doesn't know him well enough to approach him the way she would Morgan, or Hotch. (A part of her can't help building a profile with the information she has anyway, somewhere in the corner of her mind - she ignores it as best she can.)
"Oh," she says finally, "okay." Another awkward pause, frowning a little without looking away from Shaun's face. "So what'd she just say?"
"Uh... just that getting everyone sick in a place that's not really easily defendable isn't the best plan. But it's pretty much the only way I can think of to rule out a KA infection without some high tech blood tests that we don't have."
She's just letting the talking to a dead sister thing go. Maybe it hurts his credibility on the zombie front, but it's not like he's the only one here who sounds like a lunatic when their lives really are that crazy. She's had more than enough proof that there really is magic in some people's worlds - no reason there can't be zombies in another. Though now that she's thinking of impossible things...
"We could always ask one of the fairies."
He's glad, though, that she's not bringing up the dead sister thing, or how it makes him sound more crazy than credible when it comes to zombies.
"To be honest, until someone goes into amplification, without blood tests, there's not much I can think of to do, other than be careful about blood and injuries, and not wandering around alone in the dark if you can help it," he admits.
At least you're admitting you don't have a clue what you're doing.
Though she's not sure it gets more insane than making deals with fairies for information about the possibility of zombies... At least they both sound crazy here.
"If there's anyone who's not careful about wandering around in the dark by now, I don't think telling them there might be zombies is going to help. But I'll keep an eye out. And I'll make sure my team does too." It can't hurt, even if the kid is delusional after all...
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