On the midway, tucked between two tents - or rather, rearing up between them - there is a building that looks like a wooden palace. It's almost four stories tall and exploding with color. Across the front run depictions of heroes of the Wood, fae and humans, fighting monsters and mostly winning. Statues, perfect in likeness to the things they
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She turns to the attendant - and freezes.
White eyes. Safe as houses.
"Motherfuck," Murphy snarls, and jumps into the nearest ride car.
Well. He might be here for awhile- might as well make the most of it. He shoves his hands in his pockets and starts walking down the hall with an aimless sort of gait. "Okay, boys. I get it. This is everything I could've been. Problem is? I like me. So all of this? Not really that scary. Especially not you." He points at one random reflection- this one depicting him in the vessel of a man who looks like a seasoned warrior and dressed in archaic armor. "...I mean, really? The Gladiator thing is so 2003, pal. Get with the times." In response, the reflection beats its fist again the mirror, soundlessly ( ... )
White Eyes croons a little laugh. "Drank the nectar of the Storm, did it?"
The apprehension he felt seconds before melts away and he just smirks and strolls forward. "Sucks, don't it? I mean, here you had a friggin' archangel, practically gift-wrapped and down on his knees before you... Metaphorically speaking, 'cause I don't grovel well, but whatever." He turns on his heels and clasps his hands behind his back, fingers closing around the pendant. "And now you're just a gender-challenged freak of nature who is getting none of this."
He doesn't care that White Eyes might actually kill him for that- and could. He feels powerful in a way he hasn't in awhile and even if it's not on his own, nothing can touch him right now.
White Eyes passes a hand over one of the mirrors, showing the image of a shell-shocked, ill-looking Murphy, pregnant and talking to Harry who stands in the doorway to the room holding a dark-haired girl. "Are its friends likewise untouchable?"
Murphy shudders, pales, and collapses as White Eyes hums Rock-a-bye Baby.
"Coward," he spits. "You wanna play a game of My Handler Can Beat Up Your Handler? Fine." He holds up the necklace. "All I have to do is say the word. I don't think you want that."
The mirrors around them go blank, except for the one behind Gabriel. In it, Murphy stirs, hanging on to Harry's shirt and still looking a half-step shy of unconsciousness.
"It would bow to the Princess so willingly?" There's an angry, almost fearful hiss in the white-eyed woman's voice. "Swear fealty to a new master with so little thought?"
He's so close to panicking- it's Lucifer all over again and he's been avoiding the point of that confrontation since the day he got here. He doesn't want to do this (and yet he does...), but if it keeps White Eyes and Kitsune away from the people he gives a damn about, if it means he has an edge he didn't have before.
Then it means that he took the next step. He would've died before he ever had to actually deal with the consequences of his actions. There's no war here, he doesn't have to stand against anyone he doesn't want to- just these lowlifes.
"Go ahead," he says, snapping up the pendant so that it's not swinging. "Make my day."
"They would destroy this place and everything in it."
He glances at the mirror and then back to Gabriel, his meaning clear. "Would it risk that?"
Behind Gabriel, in the mirror, Harry is shifting off the bag to scoop his crying daughter back into his arms. Murphy watches him, groggy and pained, and shifts around to try and get up.
"It is its world. It must leave it."
Not this time.
He gives White Eyes a dark look out of the corner of his eye. He understands the rules of this sort of game, but he also knows that he who holds the strings can change the rules as he sees fit with the right incentive.
Using all the force he can muster, he lunges at White Eyes and tries to shouldercheck him into the nearest mirror.
Kali was right. Archangels do understand violence better than most things.
The space between Gabriel and White Eyes stretches abruptly from a couple feet to several yards. Go on, Gabriel. Try attacking again. You're not getting any closer.
Those are the first two thoughts on Gabriel's mind before he- like an idiot- also tries to step further. He glowers at the cat, because she's clearly to blame here.
"The adults are having a conversation. D'you mind?" Yeah... A conversation. With fists. And possible gruesome death.
That's how archangels have conversations, goddammit.
She tries to settle her fur, sitting slowly like she hasn't a care in the world - though her tail is still twitching violently. She ignores Gabriel and fixes her attention on White Eyes, drawling like she's bored by the whole thing, "It has no business here at all - except that of my lady. Let him alone, and I can go back to ignoring your existence. We'll both be happier that way."
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