Icons: 24 B5/Crusade icons

Sep 24, 2008 00:00

Hellooo! :) Am posting a bit early, I hope that's okay.

I come with icons (24 of them), they're both from Crusade as well as B5.
The files are either .png or .jpg. Will be posting some screencaps later on. :)

24 icons )

galen, susan ivanova, max eilerson, g'kar, contributor: deiann, jeffrey sinclair, michael garibaldi, matthew gideon, dureena nafeel, delenn, icons

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Comments 14

natoth September 23 2008, 19:17:54 UTC
These are great! *grabs narn pron and eyes Dureena's ones, too*


deiann September 23 2008, 19:28:08 UTC
So glad you like!! :D I have special love for G'Kars bare chest.. *droolage* ;P


natoth September 23 2008, 19:33:29 UTC
Well, G'Kar has not only chest, but eyes... er, smile, uh... many other things *drools*
And, oh, Max...MAX!!!


deiann September 23 2008, 20:05:24 UTC
Indeed that is true, but I have special love for his bare chest.. ;) *g* I would've love to have seen more of the Narn physiology in the series! :D

Max is... well, Max. *lol* He makes me laugh. ;)


scifiman September 23 2008, 20:09:30 UTC
Very cool !!


deiann September 24 2008, 08:26:07 UTC
Thank you kindly!! :D


thebunnybag September 23 2008, 20:57:52 UTC
Okay, I love the Crusade ones muchly. I'm probably going to yoink most of them 'cause they're awesome and there aren't enough Crusade icons out there. I'd say Galen and Dureena were my favorite characters, and Galen giving the thumbs-up is on my dorm too right now XD


deiann September 24 2008, 08:35:44 UTC
Aawh, you are too kind! :D And Galen and Dureena are my favs too! *g* I like all the main characters in Crusade in varying degrees, but Galen and Dureena have a special spot in my heart. ;)
I haven't actively searched for Crusade icons, but if there isn't enough of them out there.. oh noes!! :/ I should make more sometime. :)


thebunnybag September 24 2008, 17:16:26 UTC
Dorm too wtf? I meant to say "dorm door" and have no idea why it came out wrong...egads, I need sleep. I blame it on my cold of doom.
Same! The main characters are great but those two are just awesome. I think I was predisposed to thinking of Galen as awesome because I read the techno-mage trilogy before watching any B5, so I already knew his backstory and seeing him in person made it even better. And seeing Alwyn, too ^_^


deiann September 24 2008, 20:13:10 UTC
Galen as a character is brilliant already and when you add Peter Woodward to the mix.. Wowieeh!! :D I am repeatedly blown away by his performance, and as I was capping the Crusade eps I really noticed how his face goes through dozens of subtle changes during a scene. Sometimes when capping a scene, when you look at the pictures afterwards, an actors face doesn't necessarily change much from screencap to screencap. But with Peter Woodward.. I was amazed at how the subtle changes in his face, e.g. a slight lift of the brow or a certain twinkle in his eye, gave a great many screencaps from that scene a different expression! I could've ogled at his face and the screencaps for hours! *G*

Hmmm, and this got kinda long. Uh, sowwy? ;) Galen and Peter Woodward get me a little excited sometimes. ;) *giggles*


priestesspadfoo September 30 2008, 02:22:35 UTC
Snagged #23, thanks!


deiann September 30 2008, 08:27:37 UTC
You're welcome! So glad you liked!! :D


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