Multi-Fandom Femslash PostSecret

Aug 15, 2009 19:01


Femslash PostSecret
I'm a member of the awesome comm whedonland and one of our reccent challenges was to create PostSecrets from the point of view of the character. I made all of my PostSecrets femslash, because, well, I ship femslash like nobody's business. Once the challenge had finished, I started thinking it might be awesome to do a Multi-Fandom Femslash version.

Rules: Must be from the point of view of a fictional character. It can either be romantic/shipped or a LGBT identified character. For instance, you could have a secret from Olivia Benson (L&O: SVU) about being the only lesbian in her police squad. FTM & MTF are both fine, as is bisexuality. No het, slash, incest, rpfs or underage please. Both cannon and noncannon are great. Crossovers are more than fine.

Either images or text are fine. Max size for images: 450x450. Max word count: 100. Please don't repost PostSecrets from Whedonland, but if you would like me to add them to examples, I would be glad to.

Posting will be open for one week, until midnight Aug 22th NZ time   Friday the 4th 12.01am GMT//Saturday 12.01pm NZ//8.01pm Eastern//7.01pm Central. Comments will be screened, and when all the secrets are posted they will be anonymous. Any comments on this idea are welcome, and will be unscreened.

Poll Femslash PostSecret Edit: You can enter multiple entries from various fandoms. The choice of voting for the entries won, so please comment here (it will be screened) if you don't want yours voted on, and I'll create a separate post for them. Also, the selection of banners for prizes won, so I'll be making banners for the winners (as well as the participants if you like).

event: femslash postsecret

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