Title: A Little Bit Stupid, a Little Bit Brave
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Emily/Ashley
Summary: After Hotch tells Ashley off in S6E10 Emily goes to talk to her.
Spoilers: S6E10 " What Happens at Home..."
Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds. No profit made, no infringement intended.
a little bit stupid, a little bit brave )
Comments 4
It fits concerning the characters, and I like how you portray the relationship or the kind of bond Emily and Ashley have, and I also love how this:
"Sometimes doing the stupid thing is also a little bit brave," Emily replies thoughtfully, her eyebrow raised and her voice kind.
is mirrored in the decisions Emily makes later in the season. The actions she takes that might just be not the wisest, but certainly show her bravery.
So thank you for all of this. I really appreciate it. Even just for the reason that you show that Seaver is a character with depths who deserves a chance to prove herself, and maybe even become an integral part of the team.
I agree with autumn_morning..Too many people dislikes Seaver..She's not actually THAT bad really..
Thanks for writing this..I don't usually read something that's out of my OTP..:)
Emily is always so protective of other women. It's nice that you used this for your fic.
Hope to read more of this pairing soon.
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