Title: Dawn the Vaypiyre Slaier
Fandom: BtVS
Character: Dawn
Rating: PG
Summary: Bad!fic as written by Dawn Summers. For a
whedonland challenge.
Warning: Intentional bad spelling, poor grammar and general cracky ideas.
Spoilers: To season 5
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. No profit made, no infringement intended.
1nce a pon a time their was a slaier named Dawn... )
Comments 6
(here via the Herald)
I wasn't really sure how old Dawn was, I wanted to have her younger than season 5, but then I ended up referencing season 6, so umhm, I think I kind of failed on the age thing. Basically I just wanted her young enough to have terrible spelling ;).
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