Easter Baskets, Little Bunnies?

Mar 09, 2012 20:59

And because I'm doing something for Easter @ smallearth, I'll do something in my journal too.

♥ Fill this form :

Favorite Fandoms:
Favorite Male Characters:
Favorite Female Characters:
Favorite Pairings:
Favorite Disney Movies:(Up to three for each ( Read more... )

[prompts], [seasons] - easter, [- to be done -]

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Comments 20

camille_miko March 9 2012, 20:05:36 UTC
Favorite Fandoms : Harry Potter, Merlin BBC, Sherlock BBC
Favorite Male Characters : Draco, Sherlock, Théodore Nott
Favorite Female Characters : Morgana, Astoria Greengrass, Mrs Hudson
Favorite Pairings : Harry/Draco, Merlin/Arthur, Sherlock/John
Favorite Disney Movies : Aladdin, Roi Lion, Merlin l'Enchanteur


babydracky April 7 2012, 17:13:28 UTC


... )


heera_ookami March 9 2012, 20:18:52 UTC
*lit en diagonale, pas assez en forme pour lire de l'anglais*

*tilt sur "cross-over" et "Disney" *

... Voleuse ! XDDD (mais je serais idiote de ne pas en profiter XD)

Favorite Fandoms: Smallville, X-men, The Convenant
Favorite Male Characters: Bart Allen, St John Allerdyce, Reid Garwin
Favorite Female Characters: ... none XD
Favorite Pairings: OliverBart, BobbyJohn, ReidTyler
Favorite Disney Movies: Pocahontas, Aladdin, Hercules
(Up to three for each)


babydracky March 13 2012, 10:21:56 UTC
Vol avoué à moitié pardonné? ;p


heera_ookami March 13 2012, 14:17:34 UTC
Entièrement pardonné puisque c'est toi !


babydracky March 13 2012, 16:28:14 UTC
*lâche son plus bel hénissement*


bellacatbee March 9 2012, 20:29:09 UTC
Favorite Fandoms: Supernatural, Thor
Favorite Male Characters: Loki, Castiel, Adam
Favorite Female Characters: Sif, Amora, Anna
Favorite Pairings: Thor/Loki, Adam/Michael, Dean/Castiel
Favorite Disney Movies: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, Lady and the Tramp.


babydracky April 11 2012, 09:03:51 UTC

Happy Easter!

... )


prisca1960 March 9 2012, 20:33:36 UTC
Favorite Fandoms: The Faculty - Jeremiah - Supernatural
Favorite Male Characters: Zeke Tyler - Mr. Smith - Sam Winchester
Favorite Female Characters: Stokely Mitchell - Mr. Smith's daughter Rose - Starbuck (from Battlestar Galactica)
Favorite Pairings: Casey & Zeke (as friends, as lovers, as ???) - Mr Smith & Kurdy (just as friends) - Sam & Dean (as brothers)
Favorite Disney Movies: The jungle book - The beauty and the beast - Arielle


babydracky April 11 2012, 09:10:34 UTC

Happy Easter hon!

... )


amaranthine_7 March 9 2012, 21:39:17 UTC
Favourite fandoms: Arthurian legends, Harry Potter, Kings
Favourite male characters: Mordred, Harry, David
Favourite female characters: Morgause, Luna, the Queen (I can't remember her name right now : S)
Favourite pairings: None
Favourite Disney movies: Wall-E, Sword in the stone, Tangled (I wanted to cite Anastasia but it's not a Disney even if it's my all time favourite cartoon. If it can still counts, you can ignore Tangled)


babydracky March 13 2012, 10:22:39 UTC
Sure Anastasia is ok! ;)
It is one of my very favorite too♥


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