ADVENT CALENDAR 2010 - Dec 16th to 22nd -

Dec 27, 2011 19:09

Okay, guys, I know I'm really behind with all the Christmas Ficlets I promise you, but you do me, I always do what I promised.

So, here I am to do some catch up!^^
Not for this year Advent Calendar though but for last year's.
Hope you won't mind! And sorry for the ones who waited so long!

Once again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, all of you♥♥♥

For Ckll2010, ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [character] - john henri watson, [character] - zeke tyler, [fandom] - rps, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [fandom] - sherlock holmes, [actors] - colin morgan, [character] - merlin, [fandom] - the faculty, [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - sherlock holmes, [actors] - bradley james, [character] - casey connor, [pairing] - sherlock/watson, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [pairing] - bradley/colin, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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Comments 13

phantomreviewer December 27 2011, 19:40:21 UTC
Heartbreakingly sweet, thank you! :-)


babydracky December 28 2011, 09:45:00 UTC
You're more than welcome hon♥
I'm glad you liked it and I'm so sorry for being so behind!


analineblue December 27 2011, 21:49:59 UTC
*wibbles* Aww, so adorable. Hand-holding~! ♥ Thank you~! <3

(And the others are wonderful, too! :D)

*hugs* I'm glad my card arrived, too! :D


babydracky December 28 2011, 09:44:17 UTC
Thank you so much hon♥
I'm so very happy to know that you liked your drabble and that you enjoyed others too♥
I'm so very sorry though for being so late -_-
Pretty pretty kitty card \^O^/


miya_morana December 27 2011, 22:58:14 UTC
<3 <3 <3


babydracky December 28 2011, 09:43:09 UTC
I'm glad you liked your drabble, hon♥
Sorry for being so late!


miya_morana December 28 2011, 14:59:51 UTC
Pas de soucis honey. :)


babydracky December 28 2011, 16:08:24 UTC


ckll December 28 2011, 07:01:45 UTC
Honey, this is so so beautiful like a poem. I felt what Merlin was feeling there.
Thank you so much ♥


babydracky December 28 2011, 09:42:02 UTC
Awwwwwwwww!! Thank you chérie!
I'm so very happy to know that you enjoyed that drabble. I'm so very sorry for being so late but I did really enjoyed write those drabbles! So many Arthur/Merlin♥

By the way I'm doing some massive ctach up for the show... And then I'll do the same with SPN^^


ckll December 28 2011, 12:01:08 UTC


gabi_fics December 28 2011, 08:58:47 UTC
haha Thank you xxx

Casey's certainly a lucky boy tonight. I can just imagine how wide those eyes went as he realised what Zeke meant :D


babydracky December 28 2011, 09:40:19 UTC
You're more than welcome, hon♥
I'm sorry for being so late though -_-
Hmmm... I just can picture what would happen then!:p


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