ADVENT CALENDAR - December 8th for pippii

Dec 13, 2010 00:49


My dear Kastanje Honey!
I'm so sorry for being so late for posting your ficlet.
I hope you won't mind me ;o;
I'm a bad BabyD!

For pippii
December 8th

Character(s)/Pairing: Reid/Tyler
Fandom: The Covenant
Title: I Want You To Want Me
Prompt by phantomreviewer
Song: Want You To Want Me by Letters to Cleo

Summary: Reid and Tyler have always been together. ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [youtube], [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - the covenant, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - tyler simms, [character] - reid garwin, [comm] - adventchallenge, [fanfic] - gifts

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Comments 2

pippii December 13 2010, 06:30:31 UTC
Awwww Sweetie this is adorable♥
I actually whimpered when I read it...poor Baby-Bob, but he got Reid at last.
Great fic sweetie.
♥love you


babydracky December 13 2010, 11:22:25 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwww!! Thank you so much my Kastanje Honey♥♥♥
I'm so happy to know that you liked that ficlet!^^¨Poor Baby Boy being all afraid that Reid would never see how much they are meant to be together!
But our Reid is not that stupid, is he? He would never let anyone else have his Ty'^^


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