2009 - ADVENT CALENDAR - December 4th for pippii

Dec 04, 2010 15:11

NOW!I don't know if you remember but last year I was intending to do an ADVENT CALENDAR, all the spots had been filled and then I began to work in a new place and had to drop everything at Dec 4th because I had too much to do ( Read more... )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [youtube], [seasons] - christmas, [fandom] - the covenant, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - tyler simms, [character] - reid garwin, [fanfic] - gifts

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Comments 2

pippii December 5 2010, 08:52:54 UTC
This is soo sweet, thank you so much Sweetie♥
Reid is so lucky that his BabyBoy is so sweet and forgiving.
♥love you sweetie♥


babydracky December 5 2010, 23:27:25 UTC
I'm so happy to know that you liked your drabble!♥
I felt really bad about not writing your story last year^^
It's always a pleasure for me to write you stories!♥


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