Don't look at my icon, I do not feel lonely or depressed xD
It's just that I like it! Isn't Kuzco just an awesome movie? It makes me laugh so much.
Here I am for an another meme.
I do have a little free time!;)
Ask your flist to give you a pairing for each "FIRST SOMETHING".
You have to write, at least, one ficlet for each FIRST or more if you want to!
1/ First Meeting - Pour
heera_okamiTyler n'était pas encore vraiment habitué à sa nouvelle existence. Il avait fait tout son possible pour être accepté dans une grande université et réussir sa vie. Et il était en bonne voie. Toutefois, malgré ses bonnes notes et sa motivation, il n'avait qu'une seule hâte, que ses études se terminent enfin et qu'il reprenne le cours de sa vie entre ses mains.
Chacun des frères d'Ipswich avait suivi sa voie, chacun sur des routes différentes. Ils étaient en contact régulièrement, cela allait de soi, mais Tyler ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser à ses amis et rien ni personne ne parvenait à combler ce vide.
La soirée était agréable et Tyler ne pouvait nier que ses nouvelles connaissances, ses amis de fac, ne soient des personnes intéressantes et sympathiques. Ils s'entendaient très bien et passaient de bons moments ensemble. Au moins n'était-il pas seul.
Toutefois, alors que la soirée se prolongeait et que tous s'amusaient, Tyler ne pouvait s'empêcher de soupirer de temps à autre. Ils étaient tous là pour célébrer leurs réussites lors du premier semestre. Ils étaient tous là pour se détendre, récompense bien méritée après plusieurs nuits de sommeil quasi-inexistant.
Tout aurait été parfait si celui qu'il attendait depuis plus de trois longues heures maintenant était venu. Reid lui avait promis qu'il serait là ce soir. Cela l'avait grandement ennuyé de savoir que Tyler ne rentrerait pas à la maison tout de suite après ses examens et qu'il souhaitait célébrer ses notes de premier de session avec ses camarades. Ce à quoi Tyler lui avait honnêtement répondu qu'il souhaitait qu'il soit une part de sa vie étudiante et que tous ces nouveaux amis n'en pouvaient plus d'entendre parler de Reid et avaient insisté pour le rencontrer.
Bien sûr, c'était tout à fait le genre de soirée que Reid aurait cherché à fuir à tout prix et il l'avait fait. Tyler ne pouvait pas vraiment trouver le cœur à lui en vouloir. C’est juste qu’il avait cru qu’il le reverrait dès ce soir et il était un peu déçu. Il avait pensé retrouver son oreiller préféré ce soir.
"Et toi, Tyler?" lui demanda Sabrina, sa partenaire en laboratoire.
"Moi quoi?" lui répondit-il bêtement.
"Tu ne nous écoutais pas, n’est-ce pas? Encore à rêver de ton Reid?" le taquina-t-elle.
Tyler eu la grâce de rougir.
"Justement" reprit Stéphanie, sa meilleure amie "on voulait savoir comment vous vous étiez rencontrés tous les deux. Et n'oublie pas de nous donner tous les petits détails croustillants!"
Tyler les regarda un bon moment, les sourcils froncés. C'était une question qu'on ne lui avait jamais posée. Personne ne lui avait jamais demandé cela auparavant car toutes les personnes qu'il avait côtoyées jusqu'alors avaient toujours su que les quatre fils d'Ipswich avaient grandi ensemble depuis le berceau.
Tyler réfléchit un moment avant de répondre franchement.
"Je ne sais pas"
"Cachotier!" le taquinèrent ses amis.
Pourtant, il n'avait fait que dire la pure vérité. Il lui était tout simplement impossible de savoir quand et comment Reid et lui s'étaient rencontrés. Ils avaient toujours été ensemble et étaient une part entière de l'autre. Il en avait toujours été ainsi et en serait encore de même demain.
Tyler ne parvenait pas même à se remémorer ce qu'était son tout premier souvenir de Reid. Tout ce qu'il savait c'est que dans tous ses souvenirs une petite tête blonde avait sa place.
Alors qu'il regardait une énième fois en direction de la porte d'entrée du pub par pure habitude à présent, son souffle se coupa quand il croisa le regard amusé de ladite tête blonde.
Quand ce dernier glissa des mains gantées dans de larges poches et qu'un petit sourire en coin éclaira son visage, Tyler sut que cet instant lui serait à jamais l'un des plus précieux.
Il venait de comprendre que quel que soit le lieu, quel que soit le moment, il succomberait toujours à Reid.
Ils ne faisaient qu'un et ce depuis toujours.
2/ First Kiss
3/ First Time - For
rose_walker22 The king is dead, long live the king!
The king is dead, long live the king!
The king is dead, long live the king!
Arthur couldn't listen to his people ovation anymore. He wished he could make them be quiet. The burden of being king was already too heavy without feeling the pain, the lost of his father.
He wished he could be all alone to mourn not the king but his father.
"Arthur" whispered his manservant.
He didn't answer. He didn’t want to talk. Not to anyone.
But Merlin, the idiot, didn't seem to understand the meaning of his silence. He was still here, in his chambers, making his bed, warming the room.
"Arthur, you could do with some sleep, tomorrow will be a long day" Merlin added, gently, far too gently.
Arthur didn't need his gentleness.
A prince doesn't need his manservant's kind and comforting words. A king doesn't need anyone's pity.
Arthur wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, he knew it. For the first time in his life he understood that he was now an orphan, that he was all alone. No mother, no sister, no father anymore. Alone.
And though he had to stand and be strong for his people, how would he be able to?
"Arthur" Merlin called him again, his voice full of worry and gentleness.
"Leave me alone" he grumbled, his face was tense, closed.
"Yes. I'll. When you get to bed" Merlin answered, as stubborn as ever.
"Do you know who you are taking to, Merlin? Haven't you guessed it yet?" he nearly growled.
Merlin frowned and looked into his eyes.
Then, he sighed.
"Arthur" he whispered "You'll always be Arthur whatever happens"
Arthur didn't have any force left in him anymore. How could he fight when the loss was so painful, when the whole in his heart seems to be bleeding? How could he fight ever again?
Arthur let Merlin take him to the big and cold bed, put him in it like a little and scared child.
"Leave me alone" he whispered again through tears he wished he could control. Damn them! He was King of Camelot now, he wasn't allowed to cry.
"It is okay to cry, Arthur. He is your father" whispered Merlin lovingly.
Damn him for being so understanding, so friendly, so faithful, and so warm when Arthur was so lost and so cold. Damn him for being here, for looking at him, for caring when everybody else couldn’t stand to watch him in the eyes. Damn him for being here when Arthur was fetching, was craving for some comfort.
"Leave me alone" he whispered again when Merlin's gentle hands began to stroke softly his hair, holding on him tight. Or was Arthur the one keeping Merlin so close?
"I'm here" Merlin whispered in his ear and Arthur swallowed another cry.
"Don't" Arthur tried to say but fond that no word anymore could pass his trembling lips, lips he locked to Merlin's where he found at last something that would keep in straight.
"Ok" Merlin hushed him "anything you want, Arthur, anything"
Arthur couldn’t lie to himself anymore; he couldn't refuse Merlin's gentleness, care and love tonight because he needed them. He needed all of Merlin's being as he had always.
He wished their first night together wouldn't be tonight, not when his pain is so grand that he thought he could not wake up in the morning, He wishes he could be gentle, passionate and strong. He wished he wouldn't hold on Merlin as if his life depended on it. He wished it would be give and take and not that selfish need to have Merlin all to himself.
He wished... He just wished Merlin would stay with him forever because he knew that it was what Merlin wanted too. They would always be just Arthur and Merlin.
4/ First Argument
5/ First Fetish - For
pippii Bobby can't move. For the very first time in his life he doesn't feel anything. Certainly not the cold his body is actually providing.
"You're a so damn cold bastard, Drake" snarls his once called best friend.
If Bobby could smiled at this moment he would have.
He definitely doesn't mind listening to John complaining. Really. It is so far better than having him trying to roast him alive.
He is starting to feel the warmth the pyrokinesist is sending through his burning hands. So much better to have him using his mad flames to break his ice this way, his skill hands traveling through his frozen body.
Bobby has always had a thing for John's hands. He has always like to watch them play with that Zippo, open-close, open-close, open-close, a tic that would drive everybody mad, everybody but him. He likes how John's hands can be gentle when manipulating flames, how they're skill enough to draw wonderful figures in red.
Bobby has often dreamed what those burning hands would feel on his skin, what patterns they would draw.
A shame he couldn't feel it properly right now.
"You're freezing all over again, golden boy!" growled his once called enemy.
"I can't control it!" and Bobby is actually laughing.
"If you weren't you, I would burn you to the core and feel really insulted Popsicle" John is now maliciously smirking.
"Sorry" whispers Bobby.
"No, you're not!" sighs John working all over again Bobby's frozen feet.
Bobby smiled at him, warm through the ice his body has turned into.
"Though, next time you turn into an iceberg when I try to surprise attack and fuck you, I'll finish myself alone and let you watch what you're missing, got it?"
Okay! Let's see what pairings you'll give me to write about!
You know me, everything is okay!♥