Merlin Ficlet for toestastegood for Halloween

Nov 17, 2009 21:49

Fandom: MERLIN
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Prompt: Halloween
Title: Sir Lancelot Du Lac
Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue. Sorry ToT
Words: 444
Summary: Future!Fic. Arthur and Merlin meet again at a Halloween party.

Sir_Lancelot_Du_Lac )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [seasons] - halloween, [fanfic] - trick or treat, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - merlin, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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Comments 22

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babydracky November 17 2009, 21:09:51 UTC
Aren't they?
But, yeah, now everything will be perfect! ;);)
Thanks for reading and commenting^^


heera_ookami November 17 2009, 21:30:54 UTC

Arthuuuuuuuuuuur >o


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:25:23 UTC
Contente que tu aies aimé. Oui, je sais... Pauvre petit Arthur qui ne voulait plus être Arthur ToT


heera_ookami November 18 2009, 12:33:43 UTC
Ouiiiiiiii mais il a SON Merlin ! A lui et rien qu'à lui et qui le suivrait en enfer et tout ça et c'est beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *brame*


babydracky November 18 2009, 12:39:05 UTC
Oui, il a son Merlin tout à lui, un Merlin qui a attendu des siècles et des siècles pour qu'il le voit enfin T^T


mrs_leary November 18 2009, 01:14:37 UTC
Oh, this is lovely, my dear! How beautifully you evoke the confusion and the hope and the love at this turning point for Arthur... I'm sure Merlin will make this life a far happier one for him. ♥


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:27:10 UTC
Awww! Thank you so much for reading and commenting hon.
I'm happy you like this little ficlet.
Yeah. I do not love Lancelot but I know Arthur does. Arthur really thought that Lancelot was a great knight and I suppose, him having Guenivere's affection, Arthur wished he could have been Lancelot and not a king.
But, yeah, Merlin will take care of him^^ He will!
Love you!


mrs_leary November 19 2009, 11:40:21 UTC
I really liked it a lot! And I love what you say about Arthur loving and envying Lancelot. It is very big-hearted of you to let your Arthur love Lancelot! I am sure he did, you are right. But I love you even more for your generosity. ♥♥♥


babydracky November 19 2009, 14:46:45 UTC
Awww. Thank you so much, ma petite puce.
I am trying my best to be fair with Arthur. Lancelot was his bestfriend in a lot of myths and he did forgave him his treason in a way.
So, Arthur being so generous, I had to try my best because of my love for him ;)


ladyreapermc November 18 2009, 01:43:24 UTC
aw... so sweet!


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:27:47 UTC
I'm happy you like it, hon!
Thanks for reading and commenting^^


euraylie November 18 2009, 04:44:56 UTC
Oh this is so bittersweet!


babydracky November 18 2009, 08:24:44 UTC
Thank you, hon.
Thanks for reading and commenting^^


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