MERLIN - Arthur/Merlin/Adult!Mordred - They don't know better (PG) @ ot3_100

Jul 30, 2009 20:23

Fandom: MERLIN
Claim: Arthur/Merlin/Mordred
Prompt + Number: Hug (Promp #2)
Title: They don’t know better
Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue. Sorry ToT
Words : 107
Summary: Arthur and Mordred know only about war and fight, Merlin knows better.

They don't know better

They are arguing again. They don’t know better.
The king isn’t really disposed to hear critics from any other lips than his lover’s, lips he can punish later, that will surrender to his, that always smile at him lovingly and compassionately.
The druid boy, as the king still refers to him, isn’t disposed to speak truthfully through bitter lips, lips that wish to share vows of loyalty, lips that always spit poisonous words instead.
Merlin sighs. He comes closer to them, a hand in sunny golden hair, the other in liquid black ink; he reunites the two men, his men, in a tight embrace.
A perfect trinity.

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [comm] - ot3_100, [fandom] - arthurian legend, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [prompts], [pairing] - arthur/merlin/mordred, [character] - merlin, [character] - mordred pendragon

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