RPS Challenge #3 @ bradleycolin

Jun 29, 2009 16:43

Title: Le choc des cultures
Author: babydracky
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin, Colin Morgan nor Bradley James. (Sad but true) This story was wriiten only for entertainment purposes.
Beta: Sorry no Beta.
Words: 727
Summary: Colin has a lot of cute French fans, Bra
Author's Notes (A/N): written for bradleycolin's RPS challenge #3 ( Read more... )

[fandom] - rps, [fandom] - merlin, [actors] - bradley james, [fanfic] - oneshot, [actors] - colin morgan, [comm] - bradleycolin, [pairing] - bradley/colin, [fanfic] - challenge

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Comments 20

wiccaqueen June 29 2009, 20:12:51 UTC
I loved it sweetie! ♥
Bradley being jealous of a fourteen year old girl, priceless! XD
And the french kissing lesson in the end was simply perfect :-)

*kisses you in a french fashion ;-)*


babydracky June 29 2009, 20:22:35 UTC
Thank you so much, hon!♥
I'm just so happy to know that you liked it!

yupe. Poor Bradley being jealous of a cute little girl xD
ÖÖ Isn't it? I'm pretty sure the boys would enjoy to learn French that way ÖÖ

*Kisses you back - Three times xD*


aznara July 2 2009, 09:50:31 UTC
Oh, that was great. I love the fact you wrote with Bradley's voice, and it was so funny and cute at the same time. Possessive!Bradley is the best. XP

Couldn’t she have said so? No! French people wouldn’t have the decency to learn to talk English properly; they were enjoying mistreating English language and Bradley’s poor heart.
Oh yes, we do! I laughed so hard on that one... ^^ I really, really liked the way you wrote Bradley. He's great. And Colin sounds just right too, shy and polite.

I loved it! Thanks! ;)


babydracky July 2 2009, 10:14:06 UTC
Thank you, hon!♥
I'm really happy to know that you liked my story!^^ And wasn't Jealous!Possessive!Bradley the cuttest thing ever? xD I just can imagine him pouting xD

Well... We kind of really torturing their pretty language but some of us are really trying not to xDxD He is mean! XD

I'm so glady you liked my Bradley (Hey! Sounds good MY Bradley ÖÖ) ♥


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