I love my Friends

Apr 20, 2009 11:39


Just a little entry to thank two friends of mine because they ARE LOVE!

First, my sweet solanyxe who definitely spent too much time looking for a Merlin ringtone that will work on my phone!♥ (I'm a lost case with all that stuff ( Read more... )

[character] - mordred pendragon, [pictures] - drawing, [fandom] - merlin

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Comments 13

souzoukyuuketsu April 20 2009, 10:28:30 UTC
Yeah, well, maybe I have XDD Anyway, I'm really glad you like it ^^
(Too bad I only can draw on a whim XD)

Yeah. Totally unconscious =D But he doesn't look like BBC Mordred at all...

And yeah ! the ringtone is marvellous ! Well done to your friend ^^


babydracky April 20 2009, 11:41:44 UTC
Like it? I LOVE IT!!!♥
(Hmmm... I suppose I'll have to be inspirating then XD)

Not at all!!! XD
Fortunately for me...
Now I can drool as much as I want ÖÖ

ÖÖ It is, isn't it? ÖÖ



mossylawn April 20 2009, 14:02:18 UTC
Oh my good lord! That is disturbingly accurate to my mental image of your Mordred and souzoukyuukestu is such a great artist that I squeed before I even scrolled down to see it. I love how he looks like Merlin and Arthur's illicit lovechild bears resemblance to Arthur and Merlin


babydracky April 20 2009, 14:18:46 UTC
souzoukyuuketsu is a great artist! I love this Mordred who fits my idea of him and I'm happy to know that you like it too! ;)))
There definitely is some kind of ressemblance, isn't it XD


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babydracky April 21 2009, 11:42:36 UTC
Happy to know that you like it^^

(Oh... He is a terrifying little cute thing :p)


morelindele April 20 2009, 19:20:25 UTC
WAOUH OO Totale classe !!! Alors là pour une fois on est d'accord sur le même type de mâle dis donc OO Super cadeau !!
Souzoukyuuketsu tu déchires !!! OO (regarde amoureusement son Asura)


babydracky April 21 2009, 11:41:19 UTC
Suprenant en effet... il est plutôt super viril, à la mâchoire carrée... XD
Mais bon... Faut dire que souzoukyuuketsu a grave assuré! ÖÖ
*croque dans le Mordred*


solanyxe April 21 2009, 08:37:18 UTC
*sends hugs*
You're welcome! I'm so happy it worked in the end!

And that Mordred... vely pletty. :) (I'll start to believe that Merlin did use magic to change himself into a woman at some point, because as you mentioned - daddy's nose and mummy's lips. ;))


babydracky April 21 2009, 11:39:22 UTC
Well... No I'm just have that stupid smile on my face anytime my phone is ringing xD
And I don't want to answer it! :p

I'm happy to know that you like Mordred^^
(And well... I suppose Merlin have to have done something here XD)


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