The Microfic Meme

Feb 11, 2009 11:05

=> rose_walker22 asked for MERLIN and HARRY POTTER (Harry/Draco)
HARRY POTTER (Draco/Harry)

=> kos_mos607 asked for THE COVENANT

=> le_mouton asked for PUSH (Nick/Victor)
PUSH (Nick/Victor)

=> analineblue asked for MERLIN

=> le_mouton asked for TRAVELER (Tyler/Will)
TRAVELER (Tyler/Will)

=> Comment here and give me a fandom (Or a Pairing) you want me to write ( Read more... )

[character] - richard cypher, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - caleb danvers, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [pairing] - emmett/rosalie, [pairing] - jacob/rosalie, [character] - merlin, [pairing] - tyler/will, [actors] - jensen ackles, [character] - reid garwin, [character] - rosalie hale, [pairing] - caleb/pogue, [fanfic] - sentence, [fanfic] - challenge, [fanfic] - gifts, [actors] - jared padalecki, [pairing] - blaise/draco, [character] - nick gant, [character] - pogue parry, [fandom] - harry potter, [character] - harry potter, [fandom] - push, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [fandom] - legend of the seeker, [pairing] - jared/jensen, [fandom] - rps, [character] - victor budarin, [character] - draco malfoy, [character] - emmett cullen, [pairing] - draco/harry, [pairing] - nick/victor, [character] - jacob black, [character] - tyler fog, [fandom] - twilight, [pairing] - bart/oliver, [character] - will turner, [fandom] - the covenant, [character] - blaise zabini, [fandom] - traveler, [fandom] - smallville, [character] - tyler simms, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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TWILIGHT (Emmett/Rosalie) babydracky March 6 2009, 22:57:36 UTC
1. Angst:
=> Rosalie's blood on her dress. Worst than his own death.

2. AU:
=> The Hunter didn't find a scared doe behind the bush.

3. Crack!Fic:
=> Carlisle sighs. They broke their bed. Again.

4. Crossover:
=> Lestat? Hot? He barely killed a few wolves!

5. First Time:
=> No sweet whispers. No gentle hands. Bare skins. Blood. Teeth.

6. Fluff:
=> Only when Emmett is holding her hand does Rosalie smile.

7. Humour:
=> Rosalie smiled at him. Hungry. Emmett miss another swing.

8. Hurt/Comfort:
=> His big hand on her sterile belly. No tears.

9. Smut:
=> He ressurected her wet lips around his manhood.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
=> He is dying. Too slowly. She needs blood, his potency.


Re: TWILIGHT (Emmett/Rosalie) goldbandlily March 7 2009, 16:51:09 UTC

Ben c'était cro bien !!!


Re: TWILIGHT (Emmett/Rosalie) babydracky March 24 2009, 15:02:01 UTC
Merci!!! ^________^
Je suis vraiment contente que ça t'ait plu!
Mes premiers essais dans le fandom de Twilight^^


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