The Microfic Meme

Feb 11, 2009 11:05

=> rose_walker22 asked for MERLIN and HARRY POTTER (Harry/Draco)
HARRY POTTER (Draco/Harry)

=> kos_mos607 asked for THE COVENANT

=> le_mouton asked for PUSH (Nick/Victor)
PUSH (Nick/Victor)

=> analineblue asked for MERLIN

=> le_mouton asked for TRAVELER (Tyler/Will)
TRAVELER (Tyler/Will)

=> Comment here and give me a fandom (Or a Pairing) you want me to write ( Read more... )

[character] - richard cypher, [character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - caleb danvers, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [pairing] - emmett/rosalie, [pairing] - jacob/rosalie, [character] - merlin, [pairing] - tyler/will, [actors] - jensen ackles, [character] - reid garwin, [character] - rosalie hale, [pairing] - caleb/pogue, [fanfic] - sentence, [fanfic] - challenge, [fanfic] - gifts, [actors] - jared padalecki, [pairing] - blaise/draco, [character] - nick gant, [character] - pogue parry, [fandom] - harry potter, [character] - harry potter, [fandom] - push, [character] - oliver queen/green arrow, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [fandom] - legend of the seeker, [pairing] - jared/jensen, [fandom] - rps, [character] - victor budarin, [character] - draco malfoy, [character] - emmett cullen, [pairing] - draco/harry, [pairing] - nick/victor, [character] - jacob black, [character] - tyler fog, [fandom] - twilight, [pairing] - bart/oliver, [character] - will turner, [fandom] - the covenant, [character] - blaise zabini, [fandom] - traveler, [fandom] - smallville, [character] - tyler simms, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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Comments 44

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babydracky February 11 2009, 10:40:56 UTC
Ouip pour me permettre d'y voir clair et poster celles déjà écrites^^


TRAVELER (Tyler/Will) babydracky February 13 2009, 14:37:53 UTC
1. Angst:
=> He knew his body by heart. Nothing about him.

2. AU:
=> The president's son isn't uncomfortable around that small bodyguard!

3. Crack!Fic:
=> If he is a frog, Will is his Princess!

4. Crossover:
=> Damn this thirst. He won't bite Tyler's pretty neck.

5. First Time:
=> They don't remember. But it has to be right.

6. Fluff:
=> No father. No lover. But they have each other.

7. Humour:
=> She slaped him when he tried what Will learnt him.

8. Hurt/Comfort:
=> No words. Just them sharing a cigarette.

9. Smut:
=> Will does know how to immobilize a big guy.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
=> Tyler wishes Will would handle him like that gun.


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heera_ookami February 11 2009, 10:52:39 UTC
C'est si gentiment demandé...

Superman - OliverBart ! *couine*


babydracky February 11 2009, 10:55:13 UTC
Avec grand plaisir bien sûr!


heera_ookami February 11 2009, 11:00:24 UTC


babydracky February 11 2009, 11:55:26 UTC


goldbandlily February 11 2009, 11:32:16 UTC
Ooooh, si c'est pour te faire plaisir. :D

Twilight - Rosalie/Emmet


babydracky February 11 2009, 11:55:06 UTC
Vous me faites toujours plaisir!!
Oooooooooooh!! Quelle bonne idée!!! ;))
Ca me tente vraiment bien ce pairing! Et j'ai encore jamais écrit sur Twilight!


goldbandlily February 11 2009, 18:14:29 UTC
J'espère que cette première fois te plaira~! ^_~ Je n'ai encore jamais rien lu sur Twilight en plus. :p


babydracky February 11 2009, 19:44:06 UTC
Cool! ;)
Ce sera notre première fois ÖÖ


pippii February 11 2009, 17:19:00 UTC
I must have missed this:(
I see my fave paring is taken, so I´ll try something new....J2 ;)
♥big hugs♥


babydracky February 11 2009, 19:43:38 UTC
Oh... You definitely did ;_;
I was thinking but where is my Kastanje Honey?! ToT
So... J2!
Sure! Anything for my Kastanje Honey!!^O^


pippii February 12 2009, 10:05:22 UTC
Stupid Pippii upsetting her sweet BabyD....
I reaaally look forward to this;)


RPS (Jared/Jensen) babydracky March 7 2009, 00:00:40 UTC
1. Angst:
=> When Jared saw Jensen's ghost, he knew.

2. AU:
=> Jensen hoped idealistic thoughts forbade him to buy that slave.

3. Crack!Fic:
=> Jared wanted Jensen to kiss him goodnight. Not his doggies.

4. Crossover:
=> Jared isn't Sammy. But Buffy won't bite Jensen's sensitive neck.

5. First Time:
=> They fought for chocolate. They fought for topping. He lost.

6. Fluff:
=> Jensen learnt to be on tiptoe to kiss his lover.

7. Humour:
=> Pet the big dogs, then have your way with teir master.

8. Hurt/Comfort:
=> A freckle, a kiss to dry those tears.

9. Smut:
=> Surprinzingly, Jensen suggested the Impala's quaterdeck.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
=> Nobody understands. He's hot for his brother co-star. Sick.


chosenfire28 February 11 2009, 17:26:47 UTC
Oh I would love Legend of the Seeker, Richard centered, maybe some slash pairings (his not brother, the main evil guy) *hugs* and btw I have downloaded Merlin and will be starting it soon :D


babydracky February 11 2009, 19:42:20 UTC
Legend of the Seeker?
Nice! I've never even thought about writing about it! But I think I'll like it!♥
And I suppose I could do some slash!:p

Oh! Really? :))))
I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it! A LOT ÖÖ
Let me know!^^


LEGEND OF THE SEEKER (Richard) babydracky March 7 2009, 14:43:23 UTC
1. Angst:
=> He wished he could forget those paternal poisonous lips.

2. AU:
=> He isn't a knight but a lawyer fighting for thruth.

3. Crack!Fic:
=> Richard kissed awake the Open Eyes Sleeping Wizard.

4. Crossover:
=> "The sword of Thruth?" King Arthur smirked holding Excalibur tight.

5. First Time:
=> Cold winter. Chase warm and solid arms all over him.

6. Fluff:
=> Richard felt stupid when he offered a flower to Chase.

7. Humour:
=> Zedd learnt him to think "brain", not only "sword".

8. Hurt/Comfort:
=> His brother's arms have always been his golden cage.

9. Smut:
=> His ennemy shouldn't love the wicked caress of his sword.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
=> White cold fingers drawing magical runes on his hot skin.


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