The Microfic Meme

Feb 08, 2009 22:55

I saw this microfic meme doing the rounds in some of my fandoms and friends pages so I decided to give it a try. You know, try to write something without my brain turning into jelly.

So The Microfic Meme is really simple :
=>Write 10 different categories of fic, each in 10 words or less about a same fandom.

Rules for those who want to play with ( Read more... )

[character] - arthur pendragon, [fandom] - merlin, [character] - caleb danvers, [pairing] - reid/tyler, [pairing] - draco/harry, [pairing] - nick/victor, [character] - merlin, [character] - reid garwin, [pairing] - caleb/pogue, [fanfic] - challenge, [fanfic] - sentence, [character] - pogue parry, [meme], [fandom] - harry potter, [fandom] - the covenant, [character] - harry potter, [fandom] - push, [character] - tyler simms, [pairing] - arthur/merlin

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Comments 66

rose_walker22 February 8 2009, 22:14:34 UTC
Well you probably know what i'm going to say! Merlin! ^_^ And i was planning on doing it anyway so i will too!
And as they are microfics how about Harry Potter too preferably Harry/Draco centred if you're up for it ^_^!


babydracky February 8 2009, 23:30:31 UTC
Sure! I can and I'll do it ^________^
Merlin & Harry/Draco are good! ♥


rose_walker22 February 8 2009, 23:32:35 UTC
Yay!!!! ^_^


MERLIN babydracky February 9 2009, 00:03:08 UTC
1. Angst:
=> Merlin knows his destiny. Watch Arthur bleeds forever.

2. AU:
=> Arthur scored. Cheerleaders drooled all over him. Merlin sighed, annoyed.

3. Crack!Fic:
=> Arthur is thinking. For hours now. Merlin is scared.

4. Crossover:
=> They found it. At last! The Graal Care bear.

5. First Time:
=> Stained leather gloves. Merlin wants to feel his warrior Prince.

6. Fluff:
=> Blushing. Merlin biggest secret : his undying love for his Lord.

7. Humour:
=> Merlin and Arthur. Duckling following mummy duck. Uther laughs.

8. Hurt/Comfort:
=> He missed Will. He discovered Arthur strengh. A lovingly heart.

9. Smut:
=> A prince shouldn't kneel in front of his servant. Nonsense!

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
=> His hand on her hip. His smile stole by her.


kos_mos607 February 9 2009, 00:10:57 UTC
Covenant. I need to feed my muse lol


babydracky February 9 2009, 00:23:11 UTC
Sure! I'll do it ÖÖ


THE COVENANT babydracky February 9 2009, 19:18:22 UTC
1. Angst:
He could kill you. Too cute for death, he said.

2. AU:
Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Love at first sight.

3. Crack!Fic:
He uses too much. Because they fuck too much.

4. Crossover:
Charmed? Pretty sorceress girls? No one is prettier than Tyler.

5. First Time:
Caleb's far more gentler hands than his devoring kisses.

6. Fluff:
A peck for every mistakes. Endless kisses.

7. Humour:
Broken eggs on the floor. Using for cooking. Bad.
(The boys)

8. Hurt/Comfort:
Caleb's hands too gentle. His warm breath. He gave in.

9. Smut:
Pogue's hands. Caleb's mouth. Reid's cock. Teasers.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
Gloves under a mini skirt. Tyler moaned.


Re: THE COVENANT kos_mos607 February 9 2009, 23:50:09 UTC
Ooooh, I do believe you've giving me some ideas. Hehehehe


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babydracky February 9 2009, 09:46:22 UTC
*Essaie de faire marcher son cerveau*
Si, si... Je suis sûre que j'ai vu le film y'a pas longtemps et que les prénoms doivent me dire quelque chose...

C'est oki ÖÖ


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babydracky February 9 2009, 09:52:24 UTC
Je vois cela.
Le Mouton est redoutable. Et que pense le Mouton de la "fin" de Viktor?
En tout cas, c'est certain que cela va me changer ^^


analineblue February 9 2009, 16:04:47 UTC
MERLIN. I want Merlin too. XDDD Really, really, really badly. <3333


babydracky February 9 2009, 16:08:59 UTC
Okay for another Merlin Round xDxDxD


MERLIN...Too xD babydracky February 10 2009, 09:45:12 UTC
1. Angst:
Flames lick Merlin's feet. Arthur's heart burns to ash.

2. AU:
Demons are born to torment Angels. Not the other way!

3. Crack!Fic:
Arthur tried to run away. The Unicorn troted behind him.

4. Crossover:
"I'm Bond, James Bond!"
"You aren't a knight!" hissed Arthur.

5. First Time:
Barenton Fountain. Merlin's wet lips. Arthur's magic hands.

6. Fluff:
A prat. But his prat. His royal sexy prat.

7. Humour:
Merlin stumbled. He should look above the Prince's nice butt.

8. Hurt/Comfort:
A death cell.
The prisoner holds the Monarchy tight.

9. Smut:
Merlin bloomed, understanding. Arthur wasn't talking about picking any flower.

10. UST (aka Unresolved, or Unrequited, Sexual Tension):
Merlin wished he could polish something else than Arthur's sword.


Re: MERLIN...Too xD analineblue February 10 2009, 14:43:13 UTC
Ahahaha~ I love it. <3 Sorry to make you do the same one twice, too. I hope you didn't mind too much. ^_~ I especially like #9 and #10. XD


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babydracky February 11 2009, 09:36:05 UTC
Ahahahaha XDXDXD
Oui oui c'est possible!^^ C'est assez rapide à faire et ça reste de l'écriture...^^
Tout pour Mon Mouton Moutonneux.♥


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babydracky February 11 2009, 10:03:02 UTC
Allons, allons, les oies flottent!:p
Ben je t'en prie c'est pas grand chose^^


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