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Comments 13

svgurl December 5 2008, 21:02:41 UTC
Aww, that was adorable! I like the JL boys hanging out. And yay for Clois!

“I’m pretty sure she would get her hands in his pants before he even think about putting his on her hips” Mocked AC.

LOL Oh, Clark's a gentleman so Lois may have to do a bit of pushing. I'm sure she doesn't mind. ;D

And Ollie being all flirty but Dinah putting him in his place ... priceless!

Wonderful job!


babydracky December 5 2008, 23:29:58 UTC
I really like the JL hanging out together! They are just so much fun^^
I'm pretty sure Clark wouldn't dare something "too much" with Lois! ;))) And I'm pretty sure Lois wouldn't mind to do a bit of pushing! ;)))
Yeah! Poor Ollie xDxD Dinah definitely doesn't like to share!:p
Thanks a lot for the nice comment!


pippii December 5 2008, 22:12:12 UTC
This was sweet and funny.
Poor AC left behind like that;)
And I really like Chloe and Jimmy..


babydracky December 5 2008, 23:31:01 UTC
Thank you so much for your nice comment^^
And yes I feel sad for poor Nemo left behind!;p
Chloe and Jimmy are cute together!^^


bloodyrosered December 5 2008, 22:22:48 UTC
That was exactly in the song spirit :D I love that song! Good job honey!


babydracky December 5 2008, 23:31:50 UTC
Thanks so much for your nice comment^^
It was hard to find an idea with the song but well I rather like how it turned! XD
And the song is great!!!^^


bloodyrosered December 5 2008, 23:34:04 UTC
That's why I love Enrique Iglesias songs they are filled with emotion and sense.


babydracky December 11 2008, 11:53:54 UTC
That's true!
And his voice is really awesome^^


quiet__tiger December 6 2008, 03:35:21 UTC
Aww, that was cute! I adore them all hanging out together, and Oliver getting the girls until Dinah pulled him to herself. And poor AC! He'll find someone!

And this line: “I’m pretty sure she would get her hands in his pants before he even think about putting his on her hips” is seriously made of win.

And yeah, that's kind of a tough song to fit to the boys, but it works. Cute story!! Thanks!


babydracky December 6 2008, 19:55:04 UTC
Thank you so much for your nice comment! I'm so happy you like it TOT
The guys hanging out together is just the best thing ever! People should write more about them ;________;
And I wish I could read more Dinah/Ollie fics and yeah Clark is just too cute when he is with Lois! ;)
And sure AC will find a little mermaid to console him!:p


tentaino_konton December 6 2008, 18:21:38 UTC
Je voulais faire quelque chose comme un "advent calendar" mais j'ai trop des devoirs XD La prochaine semaine j'ai des examens et tout ça...

Tu es si sympa! ♥


babydracky December 6 2008, 20:01:18 UTC
Je comprends complètement. Ce n'est pas évident du tout de tenir le rythme d'un drabble par jour!^^ Mais j'essaie de faire au mieux!
J'espère que tes examens se passeront bien! *câlins*
Et j'ai hâte de te relire!


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