
Sep 22, 2008 00:28

Okay... I haven't watch the new Gossip Girl episodes...
Still I have a question...
Look at those two pictures and tell me...

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[fandom] - gossip girl

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Comments 19

svgurl September 21 2008, 22:54:37 UTC
I don't watch this show but in the second picture, it does look like they put her in thongs because she would be taller than him otherwise. :)


babydracky September 22 2008, 08:19:32 UTC
So Nate is a midget XDXDXD
But a cute midget XD
The show isn't really great but it is not bad and there are a few characters that I rather like^^


para_nightwish September 21 2008, 23:41:11 UTC
Ou alors elle avait juste mal aux pieds.


babydracky September 22 2008, 08:21:23 UTC
Ouais mais comme on est de mauvaises langues on va dire que c'est parce qu'il est rikiki XD


para_nightwish September 22 2008, 08:24:25 UTC
Je connais pas alors...
Mais ça me fait penser à SMG qui devait monter sur une caisse pour certaines scènes à côté de Blucas :P


babydracky September 22 2008, 08:28:04 UTC
SMG? Je connais pas... Mais j'imagine que s'il ya déjà 15cm d'écart entre deux acteurs ça peut poser problème^^
Maintenant je ne pense pas que Chace Crawford soit si petit que ça... Mais que pour la scène ça faisait mieux qu'elle ne soit pas à la même hauteur que lui XD


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babydracky September 22 2008, 08:21:59 UTC
Je savais que tu dirais ça^^
Mais elle aurait pu faire l'effort d'en porter des jaunes XD


pippii September 22 2008, 07:59:11 UTC
Maybe Nate is really a midget and they don`t want her to be taller;)
Tv only showed like the 6 first episodes here, so I´m cut of from it:(
Everytime I take a liking to a show they cancel it^^ Like "Traveler" and "Supernatural"


babydracky September 22 2008, 08:17:02 UTC
Well... He could be !;p
Really? But why are they stopping show like that ;_________;
That really is not nice è_é


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babydracky September 22 2008, 09:37:47 UTC
Well... I think it is because it is hotter to have a man taller than you ÖÖ


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