Chuck/Nate Ficathon @ chuck_nate

Jul 30, 2008 23:13

Title: Spot Pretty Boy on Chuck Bass' Couch
Author: babydracky
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Serena is asking for Nate's help to have her little brother back.
Warnings: Thanks to my wonderful beta freeing_pan for her precious help.
Disclaimer: Written for bozothemoose for the ficathon @ chuck_nate who wanted a Chuck/Nate. Hope you'll like it^^

Spot_Pretty_Boy_on_Chuck_Bass_Couch )

[comm] - nate_chuck, [fandom] - gossip girl, [prompts], [pairing] - chuck/nate

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Comments 14

charlie_jae July 31 2008, 00:45:32 UTC
--keels over--

Oh that image of those three alone is hot.


babydracky July 31 2008, 10:13:09 UTC
Thank you for you comment^^
I'm glad you like it^^
It was supposed to be a Chuck/Nate, but well... What can I do if Eric wanted to have his piece of pretty boy :p part of the fun!^^


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babydracky August 3 2008, 18:12:37 UTC
Merci beaucoup mon petit mouton moutonneux!!!^^
J'ai essayé de faire au mieux, mais il est vrai qu'encore une fois je m'y suis prise au dernier moment -_- Et en plus en anglais ça n'est pas vraiment évident... Mais bon, heureusement que je suis parvenue à trouver une idée XD Même si en effet elle a dû surprendre tout le monde vu que le texte commence par Eric xD

Pitite couquine!!!
C'est vrai que la scène où Eric et Chuck regardent Nate dormir ensemble est... comment dire... Intéressante XD Le pauvre, il ne peut même pas dormir en paix sans risquer de se faire mater^^

J'aime bien ta "métaphore" ^____________^

Merci beaucoup ToT Je suis contente que tu aies aimé!!!


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babydracky August 15 2008, 08:34:57 UTC
Que puis-je répondre à cela alors que je n'ai plus que quelques heures pour écrire un autre texte tout autant en anglais que celui-ci? xD
Je suis une calamité de lapin blanc xD


pippii July 31 2008, 12:18:31 UTC
Awww sweetie I just love this.
(And I have been watching 3 episodes of Gossip Sirls on tv, so I know what you are writing about)
I could easily become a Nate/Eric-shipper;)

I just have to ask you one question; Did you change your writing style on purpose or did you get this one beta`d????
Don`t get me wrong, sweetie, I love this a lot, it is just driffrent from your normal way of writing.

♥big hugs♥


babydracky August 3 2008, 18:16:54 UTC
Thank you so much Kastanje Honey!!!! ^_______^
I'm so happy you like it^^
(Oh, really? I didn't you wtached the show... Even if I knew you would because... Well... Isn't our little Chace a hot boy? :p)
Really? A Nate/Eric shipper? XD *poke*

Well... You are right I did change my writing for that one oo It is amazing you saw it! I'm flattered, really oo Because I never thought a lot of people would see it! ^_^
Still I did have a beta who did a great work and who changed a few things and who "changed" two or three paragraphes ^_^



pippii August 3 2008, 18:48:39 UTC
I missed you the past few days:(

I have just watched episode 6 on tv;)
*feels proud*
Chace is a hot boy^^ but I am not sure yet how I feel about Nate;)

You are a nasty little girl getting me into all of these new ships you know!!

YAY GO ME for seeing your new style. I like it a lot, but your old writing style made me feel all "yay a new Caro-fic" something warm and safe to see again.
Well I just stop now before I make you sick;)

♥Big hugs♥


babydracky August 3 2008, 19:47:39 UTC
ToT I wasn't around lately ToT
Missed you too!!! And tomorrow I'm off on "vacations". I'm going to Serbia to celebrate my wedding in a monastery.

Well... I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan of Nate -_____________-

Herm... What can I say for my defence? ÖÖ
I love to share with my friends ÖÖ

Well... Actually I did change my writing because, as always, I was late xDxD Si I tried to make shorter sentences and paragraphes... *herm* *should be ashamed to admit it*



bozothemoose August 2 2008, 01:51:47 UTC
Crap on crackers. Chuck? And Nate? And Eric? Together?

System overload, dude. I might be able to write a coherent review later.

In the meantime, I'll have to work on getting my mind back in the gutter and raising it from there.



babydracky August 3 2008, 18:19:22 UTC
Thank you so much!!! I'm so happy you like it! I was so affraid you'd think there is too much Eric in that text. I'm so relieved! T^T
(Isn't Eric cute?xD)
I'm so glad I could write something you like especially for my first "Nate/Chuck"


bozothemoose August 3 2008, 18:52:21 UTC
There can never be too much Eric. :D


lunafille August 5 2008, 05:12:56 UTC
Oooh! Interesting threesome idea! I like it! ;-) And I really enjoyed this fic, too! Mmm... that vision of pretty Nate on the couch is a gorgeous one! This was great! Thanks for sharing the yummy! :D


babydracky August 14 2008, 17:02:16 UTC
Sorry for not replying you sooner but I was on vacation.
Thank you so much for your nice comment^^ I'm so happy you like my text. I wasn't really sure where I was going with it... But well... You can see it as a threesome (it rather is, isn't it? xD) or a future Chuck/Nate xD
Well... I have to admit that the vision of a Nate sleeping on Chuck's couch in the show did have its impact on me when I watched the episodes ;p;p;p
Once more thank you so much for your nice comment^^


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