Chlollie Fanfic: Say The Wordsies, Part 1

Apr 28, 2013 02:08

Hello, my Chlollie peeps!

Been a while, but I'm back with another offering from the Funsies ‘Verse.  It shouldn’t be more than 2 or 3 chapters long, so not too much waiting (fingers crossed).  I just figured it was about time Chloe told Oliver how she really feels about him.  Poor man's waited long enough.  ;-)

Hope you like it! :-)

Title:              Say The Wordsies
Author:          BabyDee1
Pairing:          Chlollie
Series:             The Funsies Series
Rating:           PG
Warnings:     None
Timeline:      Post Season 9; follows Over the Linesies in the Funsies Series
Disclaimer:   All characters belong to the CW & DC comics. 
Summary:     When Chloe’s thinks she’s lost Oliver for good, she finally admits the truth.
Feedback:      …makes us write more.  Trufax. :)

Other stories in the series:

Just For Funsies
Love For Realsies
Pillow Talksies
Over The Linesies
(…and futurefic sequel Taking Turnsies)

Say The Wordsies
Part 1

“How much longer?” Chloe asked.

“Five minutes tops,” Oliver replied through his headpiece.

“Just keep a steady hand,” she said curtly.  “And remember that schematics indicated to cut the red wire instead of the blue.”

“No offence, Watchtower, but I was doing this before you earned your first Girl Scout merit badge, so any and all mollycoddling is completely unnecessary,” was his swift reply.

Chloe scowled, a little put out by the amusement in his voice.  “I don’t much care for your tone, Arrow,” she shot back.  “And I still maintain that you should have left this part of the mission to Impulse or Boy Scout.  At least they can make a hasty exit to a non-populated area if things get hairy.”

“Your lack of faith in my bomb disposal abilities wounds me,” he said mournfully.  “But I hope I can earn your esteemed favour once I’ve proved you wrong.”

“And is that before or after you’ve blown yourself into a million unrecognisable pieces?” she said with mock sweetness.

“People, people, please!” Bart cut in.  “This is an open network.  Must we all be subjected to your squabbling?”

“We’re not squabbling!” Chloe and Oliver said simultaneously.

“Aren’t you?” Dinah asked dryly, joining the conversation.  “Actually, forget squabbling.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were dating.  You sound like an old married couple!”

“Don’t they just,” Clark said dryly.

“But they’re not,” Bart said quickly.  “The only person Chloe would even consider dating or marrying around here is me. Right, Chlo?”

Chloe sighed.  “Can we just concentrate on getting all these devices disarmed, please?” she said irritably.  “The sooner this necklace of death around the globe is gone, the better.”

“Nearly there,” Victor replied.

“I’m pretty much done with all the underwater devices,” A.C chimed in.  “Heading back to base now.”

“Nice work, Aquaman,” Chloe said.  The blinking red lights on her monitor indicating the submerged explosives turned steady and blue one by one, and she heaved a sigh of relief.

It was business as usual in the hero world; although this time the crazy megalomaniac who had encircled the globe with bombs at equal distances to form a ‘necklace of death’ had proven quite a challenge, even for the Justice League.  Members of the team (and Clark) had been designated to specific areas and dispatched to deal with the devices, but as the only non-super powered member of the group, Chloe had been reticent about Oliver’s participation, and had told him as much when they were in private.

“I really think you should stand this one down, Ollie,” she advised.

“You’re just saying that because you have a vested interest in my body,” he joked.

“Okay, so we’re together,” she admitted.  “But that doesn’t detract from the fact that you’re the only non-powered member of the league and therefore you’re the most vulnerable.”

“Don’t you think it’ll look silly if you bench me and send all the others out into the field?” he pointed out.

“Well…yes, but-”

“I rest my case.”

“But they’ll understand!”

“They might, if they knew we were an item,” he responded.  “But even then, you’d be accused of favouritism.”

Chloe turned away and nibbled anxiously on a corner of her thumbnail.  She heard him sigh behind her and then his hands rested on her shoulders and carefully kneaded her tense flesh.

“I told you before, Chloe: I’m only keeping us a secret because that’s the way you want it,” he said gently.  “Anytime you’re ready to go public, I’ll be right there to hold your hand.”

“Assuming Clark hasn’t ratted us out first,” she mumbled under her breath.

Oliver grinned.  “He won’t; not unless he wants to reveal how he discovered we were an item in the first place.”

Chloe’s cheeks reddened as the memory of Clark’s shocked face on discovering her and Oliver naked in the Watchtower couch flashed into her mind.

“I can take care of myself,” he added, kissing her on the forehead.  “How would you feel if I tried to stop you from fieldwork?”

She made a wry face as she considered his words.  She had to admit, she’d be pretty miffed if he insisted on wrapping her in cotton wool simply because they were dating.

“Okay, you have my blessing to go on this mission,” she finally declared.  “But you have to let me know the second you need help.  Deal?”

“Deal,” he replied.  “But for the record, I won’t need any help, so you can stop worrying.”


But it was easier said than done.  However hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the feeling of foreboding that had settled over her.

In the six months that they’d been officially dating, she’d had it easy because things had been relatively quiet on the hero front.  The last time she remembered feeling so scared for his safety had been when she’d seen him kidnapped by Checkmate.  He’d escaped unharmed, but nearly losing him had been the worst feeling she’d ever experienced…and now that awful feeling had returned.

The door opened behind her, and she turned to see a very satisfied Arthur Curry striding into the room.

“First one back.  Good job, AC,” she said, then: “Pick up the pace, guys,” into the communicator.

Everyone heeded the command, making significant progress with their designated areas.  Victor was next to return, followed by Bart.  An hour later, all the lights on the grid turned steady and blue - save one.  And when every other member of the Justice League returned to base except Oliver, it was obvious that his device was the only one outstanding.

“If you need any help with that thing, Arrow, all you have to do is say,” she remarked.

Oliver chuckled.  “Watchtower, you can help me with my exploding device anytime.”

“Do we all have to hear that?” Clark said, sounding distinctly annoyed.

“What’s your problem Boy Scout?” Oliver challenged.  “Can’t handle a little-”

Suddenly he went silent.  Then moments later: “Oh, Jesus.”

“Ollie?” she called urgently, completely forgetting to use his code name.  “Ollie, what is it?”

“I’ve accidentally accelerated the timer.”

“Oh, God,” she said hollowly.  “Alright, um…just-just cut the red wire and get the hell out of there.”

“Can’t do that,” he said quickly. “This one’s different from all the others; its booby trapped.”


“It’s rigged with two red and two blue wires,” he explained in a hurry.  “Any of them could be armed, and with only one chance in four...”

It wasn’t looking good, she thought grimly.

“Then forget it,” she warned.  “Leave it.  Don’t touch any of it; just…get out of there.  I’ll get one of the speedy boys on it.”

“No time,” he replied.  “It’s set to blow in ten seconds.”


“Oliver, get out!” she pleaded, her panic rising.  “You have enough time; you can still get clear-”

“It’s in a populated area, Chloe.  Best I can do is absorb as much as of the blast that I can.”

“Don’t you dare!” she screamed.

“Chloe, I-”

A distant, rumbling boom shook the earth, and she felt the vibrations of the explosion underfoot.  Her earpiece crackled, and the transmission was suddenly replaced by static.

“Oh, no…”  Her legs crumpled, no longer able to support her, and she sank to her knees as the reality of the last few seconds began to sink in.

Oliver was gone.


Part 2

fic:say the wordsies, chlollie, chloe, saythewordsies, series:funsiesseries, smallville, rated:pg13, oliver, fanfic

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