Challenge 6 - This Is Me!

Mar 13, 2022 17:01

Your task, shall you accept the challenge, is to let us know who you are through creative works.

1. Picspam

Let's start with my babies. Sasha & Hope.
After losing my dad I found myself in a empty house and I decided to adopt a cat. But I'm always very ensecure and I keep telling myself 'tomorrow'. Then one day a friend send me a picture of Sasha, a cat abandoned in a garden, throw in it like garbage. I looked at her and I felt in love. Now it's been three years that we live together and even if she's a complicated cat, aggressive and not very cuddling, Sasha became very important to me and in the years she changed a lot and all her little changes made me very proud. Hope is with us from January. My uncle found her in the street, she was alone, little and scared. For a while his neighbor decided to keep her, but her daughter is allergic and she wanted Hope to live on the stairs of their bulding. What, righ? No way! She came home with me a couple of days later. I have to say that it's not easy. Sasha is jealous and she has no patient with Hope. Hope is little, she wanna play, but Sasha not that much. Sasha screams at her most of the time, but in the end they didn't kill each other... yet!!! For me Hope was a challenge. I never thought about having two cats. But she's funny and cuddling and it's a pleasure to have her around. Sasha is the white one and Hope the black one!

1. Wallpaper

Over the years I had a lot of obsessions and let me tell you, I change obsessions pretty quickly!!! At the moment my last obsession is The Vampire Diaries. I watched the show when it aired for the first two seasons and then I dropped it. I decided to start over a couple of weeks ago because I needed something new, fresh and I love vampires so much... and so here I am, with my crush on Damon Salvatore back stronger than before!

(Click for full-size.)

1. Icon

My favorite character of all time is, and will always be, Dean Winchester from Supernatural.

4. Sigtag

Four of my favorites:

1&2. Amsterdam & Venice, my favorite cities.

3. Stephen Amell, one of my favorite human. Here we are at the Heroes&Villains FanFest in London.

4. Scrapbook. My latest passion, I love play with papers, stickers, words... It's relaxing! This is a page that I did yesterday.

place || venezia, tv || supernatural, pg || dean winchester, pg || damon salvatore, tv || the vampire diaries, grafica || wallpaper, challenge || superhero land, grafica || random, grafica || icone, place || amsterdam, grafica || picspam, rp || stephen amell

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