Title: Ice Cream
Pairing: Roy/Ed
Rating: PG-13/R
Beta: None
Sitting there, messily eating an ice cream cone, one could easily mistake the now sixteen year-old state alchemist for a child. Chocolate goop covered most of his face and a few rainbow sprinkles rested on the tip of his nose.
Roy Mustang watched silently from across the table, knowing that the mental images and thoughts flashing through his head were just plain wrong, but he didn’t care enough to try and change them. Taking a bite of his own Sunday, the colonel nearly chocked on the sweet cream as his young love switched the cone from one hand to the other and began to clean the sticky mess on his flesh hand with his mouth.
Taking each digit separately, the boy sucked and licked the remains of his sweet treat from his fingers and finished by lapping at the palm of his hand. He honestly didn’t realize what the site was doing to the older man across from him, and it was that naive innocence that caused Roy to quietly groan in desire.
The sound took the blonde’s concentration away from his desert and he looked up, narrowed gold eyes meeting blue ones, irritated at having his snack interrupted.
“What do ya want, old man?” the boy snapped, voice carrying that harsh tone of disobedience the colonel had learned to love over the years.
Grinning wickedly, he answers, “You.”
His eyes widen and his grip loosens, causing him to drop his cone, as the meaning to that word sinks in.
The shock on Edwards face is priceless, but it’s the look that follows that catches the man’s attention.
Fullmetal had just realized that he had dropped his ice cream and a look of dismay had appeared across his pretty young face. Any thoughts about Mustang’s one word answer left his mind as he stares down at the brown mess that was once his beloved treat.
Roy could swear he saw the boy’s lower lip quiver at his misfortune, and it is that childish act that the man finally responds to.
In a few fast, steady moves, the colonel is at the other side of the table with the young blonde propped indigently over his left shoulder. He quickly leaves the small ice cream stall they had visited after dinner, not giving Fullmetal a chance to complain or demand another cone.
Smiling at the immature temper tantrum, he delivers a solid smack to his lover’s bottom and he continues on his way home.
“You are sooooo calling me Daddy tonight.”
Catching onto the game, Edwards struggles end, and he responds to the demand with a meek, “Yes… Daddy.”
Roy Mustang smiles, knowing that the mental images and thoughts flashing through his head were just plain wrong. But, as long as he had a lover that was willing to play along, he didn’t care enough to try and change them.