Best Of! Part 1- From CXVI To CLI

Sep 13, 2008 02:43

Me name s Jennifer Arianna Xantha Artemis Lesedi Mélanie Roux but my friends say Jenna to me. My parents gave me lotsa names, because my mother was half italian and half greek, and my father half egyptian and half french and they wanted me to be international.
"Ahh. I see you dont belong in a specific house. You need to be in all of the houses, but lets see. Not Slytherin or Gryffindor. Its Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. HUFFLCLAW!!" It screams. Both tables errupt in applause. 'Wow, I got two houses. So do I have 1 half for half of the year and 1 for the other?' "Can I just have Hufflepuff. Sorry Ravenclaw," I apoligize to the groans
Hi, my name is Lydia D’esdemona Hypnotica Malice Tragedia Nightshade Aesthetica Maleficent Belladonna Deathblood Wentz and I have waist long raven hair with dark blue streaks and orange tips and green eyes that remind people of depressing swamps.

She herself was different kind of athelete. She was a singer, she sang everything and loved it, she sounded pretty as well. She was also a unicorn rider, she was a maiden, she was kind to nature and the animals loved her. She thought of her self like princess in a muggle disney movie.
Draco stared into the eyes of his love. Yes love, the Slytherin prince had found his princess, his queen in Conswella Ashara Crystal Maiyuri Giamatti.
Your names.Is Kyle LaRaine Jackson.You loathe the LaRaine part.Your sixteen.And boy are you fierce!.Your about 5'3 to 5'4 ish.So your pretty short.You have blond hair and blue green eyes.[Look at the Profiles of everyone to see what you look like!]
But you are gorgeous not lie.You are very attractive.And have the nicest hottest bod ever.So you got the guys following you in the hallways!.You live in Las Vegas!.Oh la la!.Your mother Samantha Jackson.Owns a club there.Called Jewels.And your always partying there!.You know of course your a wizard.Witch thing.The parents dropped the bomb when you were about 11.Your Dad.Johnny Sweeney Jackson does a lot of business all around.So hes barely ever home.Who wants him there.Hes a drunk and very abusive.And a hoe.

Lexie had flaming red hair and baby blue eyes were 5 ft and 5 in.
Severus took her by the hand making her slither along with him. ((Not like on her stomach more like slightly on her knees well if she has legs...So yeah please understand))
I know ginny died on the first battle and now he take it seriously and past his love on me.” Sandy putting her chins on her two arms.
I have medium breast, but I’m not what he is looking for!

a/n Soooooooooooooooooooo I decided to start a Sirius/OC story!!!!!!!! yayza!!!!!!! enjoy! oh, and I chose Farida as her name because it means ‘unique’. And we ALL know you have to be a one of a kind to make Sirius go googoogaga!!!!!!!
Ok, just a little about Farida: she is sarcastic, loud, half-blood (her dad was a pureblood, her mum was a muggle-born) and yeah. She usually hangs out with guys, she is a tomboy, a pranker, goes to the Victoria’s Magic School (how original I know) with her best friend, Jason. she goes to muggle primary too because her mum wanted her to know about muggles as well, and Jason is a muggleborn, so he always went there until they got their letters that they could study magic. Oh, and because her parents are aurors, they wanted her to be able to protect herself so knows martial arts (her parents teach it as a part-time job) as well as magic coz she isn’t prejudiced. Oh, and they’re in year 6, as in 16 years old.
oh and no offence to ppl when I write stuff like “OH MY GOD” and “Christ sakes” and stuff.
A/N: By the Way Hermione's father is died in the final battle in my fic. Don't complain about the short chapter, I have other stuff to do.
I do not own any books unfortunately so that is why my gramma is so bad nooooooooooooo! WHY oh WHY oh WHY must I be so stupid anyway review or I’ll cry just review once I don’t care if u say mean things or just talk so weird that I can’t understand u just review.
A/N: Okay, so heres the deal. I’m, like, FAILING ENGLISH. So for a bit of extra credit I’ve decided to write this stori about draco and hermione falling in love (u kno its hawt wink). My bff Steph read the first chapter (altho ive already got every chapter planned out so I kno how it will end… I wont give it away tho) and she said it was pratilly the same thing as fanfic so I put it on here. So read my stori - it will make u laugh and cry. It shows the power of lust the heartbreak of infidelaty and the power of love.
I admit to everyone, but people 'liked' so I wrote more and more to it. I'm sorry I don't really write for other people
1st Harry Potter fanfic. Go easy on me.i must warn u that i didn't read the books, just watched the movies. I also dont get some parts that much. I understand that draco, after order of phoenix, did nothing bad or worked 4 voldemort or anything.--- the people who died so far r: sirius, cedric, parents of harry (DUH) nd all dat jazzz. ok on wid the story
mylla: Encouraging people to read your story: you're doing it wrong.
A/N I am Crazy and BELLA is not evil she was tormented and Abused by the Evill people like the Muraders. Sorry about the misspellings.
Disclaimer Unfortunatly i do not live in Scotland so i can not be JKR so you know i don't own it just the plot (WEll some what i do not own that in chapters) so i am her to take the Cretid.
Author's note: If you want background info on Minerva Potter review this story and ask the author to post her background. This story has a beauty and the beast twist to it too. Rated R for sexuality, violence and cursing. Those individuals with weak constitutions do not read this story.
this is goingt o be really bad cuz my beta isnt workind for me right now so please no FLAMSE!
They flew for 6 hours (A/N: Don’t know if it takes so long, and I don’t know the time difference between London and Utah but just go with it please.)
A/N: now before you ask Yes Petuna is actually pregnant with more than one child and yes only one has magic signal. I can't decided witch child is magical those so I put it up to my readers. Also I have spell checked this with the spell cheack that is on.
one: I do not own Harry potter. I do not own any fics this fics crossover to. this is my way of honing fics I lick and think are very good.
Six: all my work will be spell checked but my gramer will be very bad.

" well it has been that way since valtomort...
As they were driving Harry rememberd that he didnt even know the girls name. When he turned to ask her name he notest that she was asleep raped in a very worm looking blanket.
He began to push off of her she tried to push him away but her arms were lock to her side. He had his pants unbutton and he gentiles expose.
“Tom how could you she looks down at her sodomized dress
I felt kind of comfortable and weird around him and then I saw him looking at my boobs threw my shirt because it was wet. It was a hiwte shirt and I had a bra from Victor’s Secret on! I crossed my arms but it just smooshed them together!
Dumbdore coughed. I think he was elect!
karma_kalisutah: Dumbledore's a Puritan?
Harry is taken to the department of mystaries at a young age where he is treated as a ginnypig.
cheryl_bites : It worked!
A story about the only person that Lard Voldemort ever loved, his niece.
Fanart from Serenity_Winner
And Mi-Mi has on a fashionable 2 two piece equiped with a long white sleeved jacket typed bathroom.
"Oh by the way, dearest. My name is Voldimort and you shall there for adress me as nothing else.”
Professor Dumbleodre and Professor McGonagla dropped their voice.
The unforgettable curses don’t work on us.
“Those are two of my best mates. Lishius Malfoy and Savarus Snape.”
sunlightdances: Want to show your children the lighter side of the Great War? Why not buy: small and humorous plastic Death Eater(tm) figurines! With their cunningly-disguised first names, nobody can sue us! your young witches and wizards learn about the protagonists in our Dark History, and get a fun toy too! See their Light-Up Dark Marks(tm)! Curse them with one shout - 'Harry Potter!' HOURS OF FUN! Up to 30 days' magic included.
The shreaking Shake creaked as the sun rose, shining threw the window.
He didn’t understand, he thought that everyone would have public hair with the age of thirteen or fourteen? Why did they not have any public hair? Were they too young?
"Bo-Harry while we are in America I wasn't you to be on your beast behavior." Patuna said.
Her usably pale skin seemed ghostly white and her eyes were open with a look of pure terrier across her face.
"Yes!" I cried in victor.
There nodding heads and russel of people going up tot hier dormatris.
As he thrusted his finger inside of her. Draco grabbed the condemn in his back pocket.He knew never to go to a party without Condemns in the back of his pockets.
"no your stupid fuck,like this,Curiceo!!!'you screamed as the spell went flying from your finger and hit him.

Every decade his circumference approaches, the period of time in which he is able to detect if his mate is in the generation that comes of age.
valis22: This year his circumference is quite expanded, due to his unchecked consumption of pi. Of course, if he is successful in his search, he will have to sine the paperwork for the ceremony, and his mate will have to cosine. (I might be off on a tangent here, but I have a feeling he'll be eager to accept the first mate who walks within a fifty-foot radius of his presence. It's been awhile.) He will be consumed with his cosecant, flushed and rising, awaiting his perfect partner...
And wait until you hear the frequency and amplitude of their consummation of the marriage!
Harry potter was leaning over the computer into the dark when his play thing Colin Cheevy came in wearing a silk black thong with a capital H on it. Colin was carrying a tray of grilled baby heads on it. Harry leaned over and licked Colin and picked up a ear of a baby head.
"Thanks babe." Said Harry
Snape glared at me and I looked at him. He had a wierd cloac on and in his pocket was…………………………………………………………………………………… a picture of GIUNNY!
“EWW!’ iscreamd. ‘U FUCKING PERV!”
“what!’ SNAPE SCREAMED. ‘Its not like it illegal orsomething!’
‘IT IS!’ I roped and runned way. I runned trough the hals and suddenlu I hit some1. It was…………………………………………………………………. DARCO!
Everyone is dead, execpt Hermione, who is presumed so. She bumps into Draco, ends up in Voldemorts cluches, falls in love. I'm bad at summaries.Its depressing story line, but I write it as a comedy.First chaps r angsty, but it changes into love after.
The Marauders mourn the death of OneEyed Willy, the finger person.
The Dark Lord," He still could not bring himself to call Voldemort by name. "Found out that I had betrayed him. He had sought to punish me. When I was held captive before he was destroyed by Potter, he turned me into a hermaphrodite." Feeling nauseated, angry and disgusted Snape was trying not to burst into tears at having to admit to such a humiliating punishment. Worse yet, there was no way to reverse the condition.
Voldemort had sentenced him to spend the rest of his life as a she-male freak!
Harry he thought he had never called him Harry it rolled off his tongue like how Lucius had but that was a different life time, just a fake love that sexually confused but so damn sexy man had given him until a young blonde girl came. Sigh, Harry clutched his famous robes.
Another Harry PotterDBZ crossover. But what's this? Harry and Goku are twins?
God smiled as he took another sip of his tequila. His plan was falling into place. Harry had taken the bait and it would only be a matter of time until he met Draco. Hopefully, this would make up for the rift between him and his sister.
It is a fact that I don't like anything about me, my hair could be straighter, my face could be shorter. I could be skinner. My legs are too long. My throat is recovering.
merusa: I'm a little on the short side. /b/ scares me. Regina Spektor is my fave. Are you listening to me? I don't think you're listening to me. Pay attention. DENY MY FLAWS AND LOVE ME, DAMNIT!
“You fucked Hermione and she was MINE!” Snape kicked Dumbledore in his balolos.
Dumbledore screamed, “My fragile balolos!” He fell to the floor grasping his groin.
They all go outside.when they arrive outside voldermort pulls out his wand and points it at the airharry automatically assumes bloddy hell its the dark mark but instead voldermort cast the ranboarius spell casting a huge rainbow into the air and said thats my new mark.
anthimaeria: All right, who slipped the Ecstasy into Voldie's absinthe?
ppyajunebug: And then he went to New York and led the gay pride parade!
"Wait. Were you and Draco. together?" Neville asked, wide-eyed.
"Never mind that," said Snape dismissively. His hand moved back to Neville's package. Neville moaned.
The door burst open again, and this time Draco had a knife. He rushed toward Neville, preparing to stab him.
"Expelliarmus!" Snape yelled, pointing his wand at Draco. "You stupid boy! Neville is my new plaything, get out of my life!"
Snape rushed towards Draco with his knife and stabbed him in the stomach three times. Draco grunted and fell to the ground, dead and bleeding. Snape gasped, looking at his bloody hands.
"What have I done!?" he exclaimed, slashing his throat with the knife in despair. Neville groaned and creamed his pants.
The bell rang and the first years entered Snape's classroom.
< lj user="outofthisplace">: St. Mungo's Incurable Insanity Ward was filled the next morning, and all first year classes were cancelled.
Harry bended over the railing a little to see what the bucket hit. It was a person. And that person was cover in goo from head to sholder.And that person was a man. That man looked up at Harry and than Harry could see that man’s face perfectly. Harry gasped loud. The man covered in Goo was SNAPE!!
Harry Potter, careening through the corridors, bouncing off every surface like a butterfly without it’s sight, needed to get somewhere. His pants were burning like the fire of a thousand suns, but his soul ached more. HIS PARENTS WERE DEAD!...and no one liked him very much. His green eyes flashed darkly with memories of his past and his man parts ached with the tightness of his pantaloons.
“My parents!” he cried, bursting through the doors of the Great Hall with the manosity of a Centaur and Minotaur kickboxing.
Dewey, who is ten, is eleven and goes to school with Malcolm. He’s in Slytherin. Malcolm spends the summer with Dennis Creevey and the Krelboynes, touring the United States. It ends with an all expense paid trip to London. Draco Malfoy spends the summer as Malcolm. He’s at home the entire time. He also goes through puberty. (So does Malcolm, but this is Draco’s second time.)
nemesister: Because Draco, who is twenty, is thirteen, except when he is Malcom. This might be a really interesting Lynchian fic.
“What is NPD? And what the hell is SPD? And why are people talking about it?”
“NPD, stands for Norwegian Pure-blooded Disease, a disease that only exists in Norway. Originally there was one older and milder disease. It was put on Swedish muggles, so they would be wiped out. The thing that happens is that it attacks a muggle, and they go insane. At the age of eleven they explode.”
schattenmond: The funniest things about that is probably that both NPD and SPD are political parties :P
He dries his hair magically and puts on some of the colon that his mom says she loves. "This will throw her over the edge." he says.
nimbus1944: It gives her intestinal fortitude.
Next thing Sirius knew was he was on the floor with Harry’s great enthusiasm. They had tea and spent hours talking.
timydamonkey: Unbeknown to him, Harry's murderous intentions were creeping up behind him to tap him on the shoulder.
“I was horny because of Dumbledore’s manipulations,” answered Harry.
ginnys new robes were so glittering that people stared at her everywhere she walked because they were so beautiful and expensive and glittering. the boys on the train told her that they were the pretties robes they have ever seen and ginny started blushing a little bit and then a boy called harry potter came on the train and saw her robes and fell in love with her because he always liked it when girls wore pretty robes so he asked her to marry him but im too young she said
its ok he said. we can get married without telling anyone and we can get married in the room of requierwment
wieimmer: ... and then they got a pony and they lived in a castle and they played magic games and had fun and she was a princess too and it was fun because she had pretty glittering robes that were pretty and glittering and it was fun because it was in a castle and she had a pony and she likes milk, and hey a nickel!
and she thinks she might also like ron Weasley a bit more than harry potter and she is very popular and can get any boy she likes of course becaue she is gorjus and has pretty sparkling robes and lots of friends that are now dead.
Severus was the head of the house. Harry thought about wolves and Lucius, Draco, and he, Harry, were his females, his bitches. He could picture them as wolves. Lucius snapping at any of them for getting close to Severus or trying to take his place as head bitch. Harry remembered the look Severus gave when he had said he was Lucius’s. Who was the head bitch?
What the hell did you put in me?” he demanded
“Pussy juice.”
Harry paled, “No.”
“Yes.” Voldemort said stepping forward and pulled Harry’s boxers off.
“And the rest is history!” says Lily. Then, she looks down at the reopened snake womb. Snape changes the subject by rubbing Lily’s belly.
Harry took off his shoes than pulled down his pants witch left him in socks and underwear. He had a nice but since quiditch and his legs were toned. He was scared of the spanking but was glad that he still had his underwear on.
"Underwear to harry," James said while looking at harry backside.
"dumbledore!! dumbledore!! please dont rape me!! im an emo!!" weeped harry as dumbledore pulled him into a hug
"i am truly sorry harry i love you okay?? okay lets go get some sherbet lemons"
Harry, everyone hit me as a child! Even your father!” Snape sniveled into Harry’s chest.
Harry carcassed Snape’s back in tender care, soothing in a voice meant only for Draco, “That’s alright. I know you were abused, and yet I did nothing. Will you forgive me, Snape? For not being there for you?”
r05km: The alarm clock went off and Harry awoke with a start and a resolve to never watch Dr Phil before bed again.
Harry of the Potter clan kissed Prince Severus.
The crowd cheered.
The young prince sighed internally. Though it was nice to have his father proud of him, he did not want to be married. It was bad enough he was a prince, but to be a prince and a husband…now even more would be expected of him. He would have to have sex, get pregnant, lay an egg…and worst of all, he would have to pretend to be in love.
anguis_1: Uh-oh! Sounds like the Royal Giver of “The Talk” has been pocketing the money and neglecting his charge. (I mean, really! No one expects you to pretend to be in love anymore.)
“then do it bitch” draco challenged
“sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit” tsayin chanted walking away.
On the ground in a small crater lay malfoy with a mouthful of stone.
Now Leo i know that i can't kill you or hurt you too badly but the Dark Lord has given me permission to punish you so i have decided to spank you" Snape said with a perverted smile.
" You sick freak" Leo said not liking the postion at all.
"That's what i am told"Snape said transfiguring a nearby book into a paddle.
Quickly Ron unzipped his fly and pulled his hard weeping cock from is confines of his pants unknowingly right in front of Hermione’s face, his hand going a mile a minute, his musky sent of Ron’s cum surrounded Hermione making her shuffle to the top of the bed away from a guy she considered a brother’s cock.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy,
If you hadn’t noticed already, Hermione has a bump in her stomach. She is indeed pregnant. She will have some morning sickness, but don’t worry. This is not a real baby; it is just a magic baby. You will be in labor, and Ginny will help you. Her mother has trained her to give childbirth. I will take two weeks until you look like a nine-month pregnant mother of twins. Because we took random names from a hat to see who will be the pregnant one in your house, you will see that there is a new room in your house right next to Keeber’s room. Your house will magically change while your children are getting older, so you will not need to buy any furniture, but you will need to go shopping for other things such as food and cloth. Keeber will grow to be eleven, as I told you before, and he will grow every two weeks. The babies will grow to be eleven also, and grow every week and a half. Have fun, and don’t forget, you cannot use magic.
Professor Dumbledore
yellowbread: The whole premise of just taking someone's baby, speeding up its growth, and then turning it back into a four-year-old when they're finished is just disturbing. Seriously. What do they do with the kid afterwards, just take it back to Africa and say, "Here you go, you can have your child back now, we don't want to have to feed and raise it"?
spoofmaster: Don't forget the fact that the kid is most likely black, and his appearance is going to change to match the white kids who are raising him in the simulation. The bit about him understanding...just how much of that are you going to get a four-year-old to understand?
And how is it simulated parenting when it's a real child?
Flitwick took advantage of her indecision and kissed her passionately on the mouth, hugging her tightly with his arms and legs.
figuring_fish: *bursts out laughing* Anybody else get a mental picture of Flitwick clinging to Hermione like a koala hugging a tree?

Right now I was wearing a tan mini skirt with a light blue polo (it didn't quite cover my stomach, but oh well.) My shoes were white, wedges with silk ribbon that rapped around my ankles. I looked HOT! Cherry on the other hand looked amazing! Her black tube top with a pale yellow shrug over it made her look like the models that we some day would be. On her firm ass were a pair of stright legged black pants that exactally matched the black tube top. And her shoes were pale yellow flats with a white flowers above her big toe.
pica_scribit: So it takes money to look that cheap? I guess that explains this Paris Hilton chic.
But this was the year when everything changed. They had always been pretty, but this year they were stunning.
Belle now reached 5”7; she had long, glossy, silver blonde hair; ice blue eyes; creamy, flawless skin; and a slim figure yet not lanky.
Honey was the shortest at 5”3; She was thin but still curvy; short, curly, coffee brown hair hung around her face; chocolate brown eyes; a very lightly tanned skin.
Lily reached 5”5; she had milky white skin; freckles gracing her shoulders, cheek, and nose; long, curly, ruby red hair; brilliant emerald eyes; and a perfect hourglass figure.
It was 4 days later when Hermione was on the train too Hogwarts. She was wearing a purple Aeropostale dress that was low cut with a push up bra (A/N: not that she needed it wink) with a Buirberry printed jacket and Docl and Gabbana stilettos. She had her hair up in a messy bun with sparkly hair clips and she had Chanel logo earrings in her ears with real diamonds. She also wore a solid gold chain that her mom had got her for Xmas and carried a Louis Vutton hang bag and matching luggage bags.
As usual she was going for fresh faced glamour so she kept it simple, with Maybelline dream moose foundation, a swipe of Loreal Telescopic Mascara, Maybelline wet shine diamonds lipgloss in Rhinestones, and a little bit of Napoloen Pardis eyeshadow in coral spice with a sweeping of pink Maybeline dream Matte Moose. Hermione’s hair was pushed back with a pale pink headband from Girl Props.
Lily was the leader at about 5’5’’ with curves in the right places, her athletic body made all the guys drool. Not to mention her auburn hair that went just past her shoulder ending pin-point straight and her sparkling emerald eyes. She was one of the most popular people at school. All the boys wanted her and all the girl wanted to be her. But none of the boys could have her, because in Hogwarts it was a well known fact that Lily Evens belonged to James Potter, even if she didn’t think so.
Clare McBride, was the tease and Lily’s best friend. She was short standing only at 5 feet tall but she was hot. She had shoulder length brown hair with natural red highlights that curled into lose ringlets at the ends. She had hazel eyes that you could drown in and her body was to die for. She even made the frumpy Hogwarts Uniform look hot. Yet again every one wanted her even the girls, she was a huge flirt and went through boys like she changed clothes. But she belonged to Sirius Black even if she didn’t like it.
Ryan, the gorgeous virgin, she was beautiful standing 5’ 3’’ with waist length blonde hair she was the third that made there trio so hot. She had a great body sparkling blue eyes and not to mention a smile that could light up a room.
I have longish shaggy curly blonde hair. Crystal clear, icy blue eyes and long black eyelashes that curl at the end; huh, never noticed that before, course I don’t spend loads of time in front of mirrors. Back to describing myself... (A/N: He may seem conceited right now, but don’t worry. He isn’t). Nice facial structure, well defined cheek bones shadows tend to pool underneath them in low lighting, but otherwise they’re just regular cheek bones. Nice nose, not to big not to small, a dude nose and kinda pointy at the end. My nostrils aren’t too good looking but hey, nobody’s perfect. Anyway, I’m about 6 foot 2 inches tall, muscular but not ripped, I suppose the word I’m looking for is physically fit. I got a six pack and nice arms, tanned by the sun and my natural skin tone. My lips (odd I notice them now) are pretty nice looking… thin-ish, but not so thin you can barely see them! Lower one’s about a half inch wide in the middle and upper about a fourth inch in the middle. See? Normal guy lips. My jaw’s a little to square and angular. My ears are the weirdest ears around, they’re like elf ears! I mean for real, they come to little points, a birth-defect. And my most stunning feature? I don’t think I have one. Girls say I have the prettiest smile they’ve ever seen. But I don’t think so. If I HAD to pick, I’d pick my eyes. After all, eyes are the windows to the soul.
purplefog: Omg... it's like the in-front-of-the-mirror monologue of a 12 year old girl.
Little did they know in France at an almost indentical country club 'the girls' sat toasting their success. Their leader was possibly the most beautiful girl they would ever see. She had perfect ringlet curls of ebony with sindswept bangs that just drew everyone's eyes to her gorgeous silvery white eyes her gorgeously chiseled and tanned body reminded everyone of her impecible Italian and French breeding. Her second in command was a bauty queen with stick straight white blonde hair and glassy green eyes that suited her wonderfully petite body. The other two had beautiful wavy auburn hair and luminous hazel eyes on their semi tan in shape bodies.
I have long an-inch-below-my-waist-red ( it goes black& white too but ill get to that later) following silky hair( i guess so thats what im told so bear with me). I have jade/emarld, blue, red, black, white eyes(jade=sad, dark emarld=reg, blue=incredalbly happy, red=really pissed, black=so pissed off that well you dont wanna know, white= tranformation hair too then goes back to red[hair] and emarld[eyes]( talk bout it later).I have rosy red lips, creamy but pale complextion. So basically i look like lily evans, but longer hair. I have nice curves and a very big butt not to big bust( like a 38c or a 42d either way its big like huge), unlike most white yes white girls i actully have an ass. Am i lying most white girls dont have asses thats why they wear tight very tight pants most of the time. I guess i get it from my mexi hertirage i have i dont know. I wear headbands like almost everyday. I also have a belly,nose ring. Ears peirced 3 times in each ear and top ear on the right, im thinking bout getting a gauge i dont know yet. I also have a tat. Its right above the underwire line, its a black rose that says in curvise yes curvise 'Can you turn MY black roses red' with a tear right beside it. Like I said earlier I do have a mexican hertige thats why my hair is so long and I have a butt.
"Yes," a girl with long brown hair and honey colored eyes with flecks of gold in them. She has on a short sleeve beige[sleeves and under bust] and tan[rest] blouse with a brown belt that tied in a big bow in the back it has hot pink, orange, and lime big polka-a-dots all over it. She has on a pait of long, dark, blue jeans that cover her hot pink ballet flats. She has pink eyeshadow on and her hair's down and curled around her face more than Ashely's and her bangs swoop down and behind her right ear. She has a hot pink sphere for earrings and a sphere[3d circle yall] necklace. It goes litte[in back] to big[center] like pearls.
That day, Sabrina didn't go to lunch either. She was way too busy applying makeup and picking suitable outfits that looked good and Gothy. She first got dressed in a tight black tank top with the words "I'm one fucked up elf." on the front and continued onto the back saying ".if you have a problem with that, I'll normal you a knife in the head!" She laughed at the shirt since she herself created it, then put on some baggy black pants and her big, heavy boots. She continued by spending two hours doing her makeup. Victoria always had a saying "If you spend less than two hours doing your makeup, you just aren't trying." Next, she put on her accessories, which included three big ball chain necklaces, a necklace with a metal bird skull on it and several other small metal bones, two spiked chocker necklaces, matching spiked bracelets, several rings, chains hanging in various places, she had Madam Pomfrey pierce her ears as much as physically possible and now had on one ear a chain weaving in and out of the piercings from top to bottom and on the other a bunch of small loop earrings and a large dragon fang on the bottom, and to top the cake, she had Victoria come over and give her a tattoo of a rather fierce looking Hello Kitty (*she looked like she had rabies! AHHH!*).
“Good that’s better,” I said with a smile. “Rate me,” I commanded as I spun around so she could see my outfit: Pink Abercrombie T-Shirt, with an Abercrombie Dark Denim Mini Skirt, and pink flip-flops.
“10,” she stated. “Now rate me.” I looked her up and down. Her beautiful blonde hair was down in light waves. Her eye make up brought out her amazing blue eyes. Her usually pale skin was lightly tan, from our summer vacation in Cabo San Lucas. She was beautiful, that was for sure. Her outfit consisted of her usual style: dark purple Ralph Lauren polo, a khaki skirt, and purple flip flops.
“9.” I hated her khaki skirts, it’s the reason she always gets a 9.
twenty minutes latter rose ended up with fifteen tee-shirts five with Wittie sayings such as, “ this universe isn't big enough for both of scram!”. five solid tee-shirts, and five with designs, such as the one that had a gold rose on it. five pares of leather pants six halters, twenty tank tops, four turtle necks, twelve long sleeves, ten backless shirts, seventeen skirts, twelve blouses, and seven hoodies and twenty pairs of jeans. the next thing they got was to Roses embarrassment under garments. fifty bras and panties, and four pairs of night wear. next she got five pairs of shoes, three boots, two pairs of sneakers.
“are we done yet?” Rose asked . Klara looked at her in horror before answering . “of course not, we steal got accessories to get.” she said matter of fact. twenty more minutes latter Rose was done and had ended up with twenty five necklace's, four watches, twenty five pairs of earing's, twenty different belly rings and twenty different nose rings, and a few hand bags and wallets. she also had twelve rings and
almost thirty different bracelets..
“Yo bitches wake the fig up; we have some MAJOR shopping to do!” They sat up quickly and squealed excitedly. The jumped out of bed and they all put on their matching Burberry outfits: Natalie wearing a trouser suit with black accessories. Lauren Redmond wore a two piece set skirt and black accessories. Lauren mc Quaid wore Burberry ¾’s and a cream top with red accessories. Sophie wore a Burberry top with a black pencil skirt and red accessories. Megan wore a Burberry waistcoat and cream trousers with matching Burberry shoes and red accessories. Where as, Bella, looked the most stunning of all: she wore a black strapless Burberry Dress with a thick black belt around the waist, showing off her curves and black stilettos complete with a shiny black prada headband and a long thin black Prada coat. The girls stared long and hard as she placed gently her black tinted Chanel sunglasses on and grabbed her black Chanel bag: “Lets Rock this Bitch!” The six stunning cold, pure blooded females walked out of their dormitories ready to take the shops by storm.
Sophie had a bright sapphire blue jewel situated in her shiny silver belly bar whilst Megan had orange, Lauren mc quaid had hot pink, Natalie had red and the other Lauren had black. Bella however once again had to be different and had silver and green snake winding its way round the shiny black metallic belly bar with bright red luminous eyes of crystal. Her clit piercing was of a green arrow with a snake’s head on the end of the arrow in black but this time with green eyes. The tattoo she had done was large and flowed in red, green and black ink in gothic style writing across her tanned skin it was in Latin it said : atrum decor quod procer of totus obscurum meaning ‘the dark beauty and princess of all darkness’. Next to the text was a small sword covered in red which looked like blood.
Last of all, literally saving the best for last was Bella. She looked the best of the bunch…of course.
Her hair was big and curly filled with gold streaks and she wore a golden diamante tiara on her head because she was ….the queen bee. Her make up was big and enticing her gold eyes sparkled as she looked up through her big, long black eyelashes complete with gold jewels on her eyelids. Her skinned tanned and sun kissed her big red glossy lips pouting beautifully. On her feet she wore 4 and half inch gold heals form dune that were beautifully jewelled in real diamonds. She wore a long drop diamond necklace that cascaded down the valley between her cleavages just above her belly button bar.
spoofmaster: Multiple cleavages! YES! I just looked it up in my dictionary, and that actually refers to the space between the breasts. So..."between her cleavages" must mean that she has a third boob in the middle, over which the necklace is draped.
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